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Archive for July, 2018

Unreleased surf album by Lee Hazlewood

Woodchucks - Crusing For Surf Bunnies

Watch out for this new release which is a found tape with unreleased instrumentals by Lee Hazlewood from the early 1960s. In the link above you can have a look at the previously unreleased titles created by Lee himself.
The album will be released as a vinyl album as well as a CD.

The Drip Switch is here! $50 introductory price.

ATTN: Surf Guitarists both rhythm and lead:

As veteran surf guitarists ourselves, Mel and I consider this pedal a must have for anyone using a Fender style reverb tank. Surfy bear kit builders, you can easily wire in a jack to accommodate the pedal as well, if you haven't already.

We will be setting up a demonstration area at the SG101 convention, but if you're not coming and you'd like to pre-order one at the discounted intro price, we've created a page on Mel's Alameda Guitars website with more information and a contact form at the bottom.


You can also find everything you need to make your own right here.

Bob Dalley at the Surf Guitar 101 Convention

Linda and I will be attending the Surf Guitar 101 Convention again this year. It is being held at Alpine Village located in Torrance. We will be there on Saturday the 4th. We will be selling copies of the 3rd edition of Surfiin' Guitars, Surf Raiders CD's and CD's from the 1980's and 1990's. If you have stuff from the Surf Raiders or my book and want autographs, bring it along. There will be some great surf bands at this convention. See you there.

The Chukukos release Deep Latin Surf Attack!


Sharawaji Records is proud to announce the release of Deep Latin Surf Attack! by The Chukukos. The Chukukos play reverberant, instrumental music influenced by psychedelic, surf, punk, garage and cumbia music.

You can buy Deep Latin Surf Attack from on CD and digital download. Vinyl release to follow.

“Sleepwalk? What’s that? There’s no such thing as a slow dance song on The Chukukos’ latest album, Deep Latin Surf Attack! From La Virgen De Las Barricadas all the way to Surfeando en Los 90’s, The Chukukos never let up on the high-speed sonic surf shockwave! This is the sort of surf that wouldn’t be out of place in a high speed car chase!" - Derk - The Surfphony of Derstruction 2000

"Great record!" Hunter King - Storm Surge of Reverb

#chukukos #deeplatinsurfattack #SharawajiRecords #surfmusic #surfpunk

New Surf/Jazz from Paul Robinson

Hi! Paul Robinson of the Hot Licks here! Nice to meet you all!

A) I got a new project of 50s/60s jazz done Ventures-style in honor of Nokie Edwards - called Surf'd Up.
B) Dan Hicks has transported outta here but the Hot Licks and all those great tunes play on. We'll be at the Empress Theatre in Vallejo, CA on August 4th - Folk/Swing lives!
Hopefully see you and yer friends there.

I'll release Surf'd Up soon - Charlie Parker, Thelonius Monk and Wayne Shorter walk into a surf shop... Hey, it could happen.

New release by BAMBOOGIE INJECTIONS - 2018 album "Take It!"

Hi to everyone!

Here is the second full length album by surf-instrumental charmers Bamboogie Injections! Staying loyal to their own making music conception they are happy to present new bunch of versatile stuff. Prepare yourself for pleasant journey through the instroscopic landscapes with tailwind of surf, but be ready for small shift of wind in punk or psychedelic directions. Don't worry, the destination point will always be the same.

Digital album is available on our bandcamp page. Thanks!


Astro Surf a-Go-Go by Urban Surf Kings

Astro-Surf a-Go-Go

Canada's Urban Surf Kings are at it again. Astro Surf a-Go-Go is the band's brand new full length, featuring 13 instro-surf tunes for your listening and dancing pleasure. The album was recorded live off the floor (with minimal overdubs), just like the way surf music should be.

There is something for everyone: traditional surf sounds, sci-fi influenced songs, straight ahead surfers, a rockabilly stomper, plenty of reverb, and more.

This is a co-release from Greece's Surf Cookie Records, and Canada’s Reverb Ranch.




Reverb Nation: Live at the 2017 Surf Guitar 101 Convention

Reverb Nation: Live at the 2017 Surf Guitar 101 Convention
(Entrée ERCD 2001)

Surf instrumental music, as an art form, was established in the early 1960s by bands such as Dick Dale & His Del-Tones, The Chantays, and The Surfaris. That reverbed, guitar-driven instrumental sound blasted out of Southern California over 50 years ago; today, it’s embraced and practiced by hundreds of bands in this country and around the world.

Every summer for the last 10 years, the Surf Guitar 101 Convention has attracted a great many fans to Southern California for a three-day feast of surf music. The event includes dozens of vendors selling CDs, t-shirts, and all sorts of swag related to surf music. The event not only celebrates the music, it also brings together many of those who habit the social networking website, (after which the Convention was named). It’s a time to renew old friendships and make new ones.

The big draw each year, however, are the many surf instrumental bands invited from all over the country AND the world to perform. The 2017 event featured some of the best surf bands from Southern California that included Outerwave, The Volcanics, The Tequila Worms, Par Avion, and The Insect Surfers (originally formed in 1979, this group is recognized as the longest running modern surf instrumental band). The rest of the country was represented by The Mystery Men (from Georgia), The Atomic Mosquitos (from Washington D.C.), The Exotics (from Wisconsin), and The Madeira (from Indiana).

Since this music has become truly universal, the 2017 Surf Guitar 101 Convention also featured The Kilaueas and The El Caminos. These two bands, from Germany and Japan, respectively, prove that surf instrumental music is not only loved and accepted on the other side of the planet, but the reverence that exists for the music’s traditional sound and style transcends language and cultural barriers.

In 2017, the event attracted the attention of three-time Grammy Award winning producer and engineer Mark Linett, who recorded Friday and Saturday night’s shows, and mixed and produced the tracks. Those performances are represented on the new compilation CD from Entrée Records, “Reverb Nation: Live at the 2017 Surf Guitar 101 Convention.”

The worldwide release date for this CD is 7 August. However, copies will be available at a special price for this year's SG101 Convention on 4 August.


We want to personally invite you to listen to our latest release, Summer. What better day than July 4th to drop our latest release. It is a 2 song single:

1) Endless Blue
2) Crusin Home at Sunset

It's here just in time for this perfect California weather. These tunes are made to accompany you on your summer road trips, hopefully to the beach to share a cold one with friends. Visit our Bandcamp page to download our latest release and any of our previous releases. As you will see it is FREE, but any donations are truly appreciated.

Now grab the cooler, jump in the convertible and let the music flow. Here's to a sun filled Independence Day and as always thank you for your continued support. We cannot thank everyone enough for the encouragement that we get. Reverb, set, go!
