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Stories with tag: "insanitizers"

New All-instrumental Album, Insanitizers' Insane Knot Tie Soars, Released 2/8/2023


New album of 16 energizing surf adventures "Insane Knot Tie Soars" by Insanitizers.
The melody guitar uses echoes and reverbs without distortion or overdrive.

Some tracks are:

Track 1 Bold Renegade. This song envisions a horse-riding hero wielding sword and whip. Reflecting its title, it starts and ends with triple slashes. During the bridge are guitar whiplashes you may need headphones to hear. Speedy times.

Track 2 Dazzled. Funky surf. Part of the lead is with a growling bass twangy bass.

Track 3 Twang Shake. The entire lead is played on one twangy guitar.

Track 6 The Lost Rescue. New version of our most listened-to recording on streaming platforms.

Track 7 Dance Like a Robot. Up-and-down glissandos.

Track 8 A Day in Tokyo. Inspired by Yazora No Hoshi but different.

Track 9 A Night in Vienna. Sequential complementary polka, march, and surf themes.

Track 10 The Space Force. Three different melody tones follow military percussion.

Track 11 Jaws on Bald Mountain. Across the mountain, tied onto the back of a horse, at midnight, defenseless.

Track 12 Love in Purgatory. Harpsichord lead then echoey guitar.

Track 16 Waterboard. Beyond sanity. Splashy menace alternates with surf theme. Hold your breath...

Insanitizers' "Reverb Rockets" album welcomes you to 2022


Insanitizers' "Reverb Rockets" album welcomes you to 2022 with 14 high-adventure newly recorded instrumentals. Hear an energetic re-recording of our award-winning song "Shootout" and memorable new songs such as "Improper Tango," "Wild Loco Motive," and "Spacewalk." It's at .

Brief comments:
Pristine reverb tones with harmonic distortion effect used only in sections of Fright Night and Doctor Space.

  1. Improper Tango. Gorgeous tone, strong melodies. No one can hear it only once.

  2. Wild Loco Motive. Runaway fast yet on track. Best with headphones.

  3. Fright Night. Genuinely scary. Two bass guitars accompany, one on each channel.

  4. Spacewalk. Impressionistic amalgam of sleepwalk with somewhere over the rainbow.

  5. The Escape. Bluesy surf with emotional improvisations in the middle.

  6. Surfin' the Stars 2. Rocketing adventures.

  7. Yup. Bonafide organ with colossal tone and strong beat. Onions, onions!

  8. Shootout 2. Grows in intensity.

  9. Exotic Planet Charm. Psychedelic surf guitar. Twangy bass guitar lead for last verse. A scifi theme.

  10. Huntington Surf 2. High surf guitar.

  11. Murder in Paradise. Danger twang.

  12. Spacedrunk OOO. Snappy. Like Popcorn.

  13. Galactic Tide 2. Organlike guitar accompaniment and bridge lead insanitizes it.

  14. The Arrival of Doctor Space 2. Another scifi theme...knock knock...Doctor Space Who?

New Space Force CD album by Insanitizers surf guitar band

Insanitizers "Space Force" album has 12 memorable reverb rock instrumental adventures with tuneful melodies and widely varying guitar tones. All organ-like melodies are guitar. You can hear expression and dynamics that organs do not have. No two songs sound similar.

Space Force 2:30 140 BPM
The Arrival of Doctor Space 2:53 150 BPM
Exotic Planet 2:40 92 BPM
Galactic Tide 2:45 180 BPM
Space Carnival 2:28 155 BPM
Ray Gun Ranger 2:47 120 BPM
Spacedrunk 2:48 120 BPM
Weightless Scramble 1:55 190 BPM
Conundrum 1:58 135 BPM
Space Trip 2:33 150 BPM
Victory in Space 2:34 140 BPM
The Challenge 3:07 130 BPM

The CD and MP3s are at
The CD can be ordered at most USA record stores.
Stream on Pandora, Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music,...


Flying Guitars Launches

Just out: Flying Guitars by The Insanitizers. 20 songs, 57 minutes.
Now at CD Baby, and on Spotify and other streamers.

  1. Victory. Melodies about winning.
  2. Beyond Beyond. Blast off and accelerate. This song shreds picks.
  3. Another Shootout. A rock reinterpretation of our double award-winner.
  4. Run. Johnny Smith's said don't, so we replaced what he wrote.
  5. Flying Guitars. A melodious glide.
  6. At the Beach. Surf, then watch, then steam in the sun. Repeat.
  7. A Day in Tokyo. The hustling beat of Japan.
  8. Waterfall. Classic surf energy.
  9. Squid Squad. Stalking relentlessly.
  10. Solving the Puzzle. Mysterious and catchy.
  11. Bounty Hunter. A hint of spaghetti.
  12. Surfarian. Surfy Hungarian. Bridge duet.
  13. Crossings. Rhythm guitar pattern crosses behind tic lead.
  14. Spring Ceremonial. Melodic fingerstyle variation on Pachelbel, accompanied.
  15. Turkish Round. Mozart's speedy melody, our accompaniment.
  16. Parade of the Cowboys. Rodeo trickery.
  17. Danger Frog. Hops with gold chains & gun. Changing beats/measure with steady bpm.
  18. Disappearance. Improvised middle section.
  19. Skinny Surfing. Buddy H. groove ca. 1960.
  20. The Other Spy. The double stop riff sprains fingers.


The Insanitizers - Vancouver (WA) Farmers Market 6/24/17 12:30-2:30PM (Free Show)

Insanitizers rock Vancouver WA Farmers Market 5/13/17 9:30-11:30am

Get the Art and Science of modern surf-rock music with The Insanitizers.

Downtown Vancouver Washington adjacent to Esther Short Park, Saturday May 13, 2017
9:30-11:30am. Free. Suitable for all ages. Trio of guitarists perform while simultaneously controlling percussion.


"Shootout" by The Insanitizers wins First Prize in Dallas Songwriters Association 2016 Competition

"Shootout" just WON FIRST PRIZE in the 2016 Dallas Songwriters Association Contest (Instrumental). The award page cites Insanitizers guitarist Conrad Swartz as the songwriter ("Squid" here on SG101). Here is a link to the awards page:
Along with that web page announcement is a video announcement, on the third in a sequence of video recordings of the contest awards program. "Shootout" is the first song on The Insanitizers' October 2016 album "Guitar Fun" and is followed by 21 more energetic guitar instrumentals. You can hear it at, and the CD album is sold by DWM Music, Deep Eddy Records, CD Baby, etc.

In this contest "Shootout" competed against instrumentals of any genre, so this shows that surf guitar music remains interesting and competitive. In recording the lead Conrad used a Rose Mariposa pickup near the bridge on a strat style guitar.

"Guitar Fun" chosen as "Best Instrumental Rock Album" by The Akademia


"Insanitizers deploy their marvelous talent for the guitar to the interpretation of a modern vibe -- what results is a completely novel experience of a genre you thought you knew and understood. Winner, Best Instrumental Rock Album." -- The Akademia (, July 2016 awards.

"Guitar Fun," with 22 adventure packed diverse surf-rock instrumentals, was just released by The Insanitizers. You can hear the entire CD (free) at without commercials or announcements. The CD is in stock at and .

Here is a track listing, with a few comments.
1. Shootout. Ride in, challenge, battle, ride out. "Best Instrumental Rock Song" June 2015, The Akademia.
2. Dark Eyes Rock. Russian folk song but frantic.
3. Rocket Pack. To orbit, back, and again.
4. Huntington Surf.
5. Murder in Paradise. Murder, Paradise, Repeat.
6. Love in Purgatory. So forbidden, so sad.
7. A Day in Tokyo. Gogo with Togo.
8. A Night in Vienna. Polka, march and twist on world's tallest carousel.
9. Irish Washerwoman. Scrub and jig.
10. Choclo Argentina. Tango, surf, flamenco.
11. Resonance. Massive organ rocks again.
12. Malaguena. Literal recitation.
13. Revel. Celebration groove.
14. A Week in Hawaii. Change of pace, focus on the bass.
15. GooglEyes. Now with silly synthesizers.
16. Robot Dance. Shunting and clanking.
17. Stunt Pilot. Guitar drum duet swoops.
18. MisiGila. 2 drummers, one huge guitar.
19. Croak of Midnight. Two drummers, acoustic guitar, actual frog.
20. Waterboard Surf 2016.
Submersion / Inquisition / Repeat
21. Loose Surfer. Guitar Pun!
22. W-Ray Gun.

Don't take the comments seriously, they're just for fun. So is the music.

Tiki Kon Finale Party featuring The Insanitizers, July 10, 2016, 6-7pm

The Finale Party of the three day Tiki Kon festival in Portland Oregon will feature The Insanitizers surf guitar band. Performance is from 6 to 7pm. It is free, and no ticket or pass is needed (this is a change). The band will perform several songs from their upcoming new 22-song CD "Guitar Fun" including national award winner "Shootout" (Best Instrumental, July 2015, The Akademia).

The band was invited on the spot when the Tiki Kon organizer saw them perform in January. Come and hear why, and how energizing the music of 69 year old guitarists can be.

Venue: The Bamboo Craftsman, 2104 North Willis Blvd, Portland Oregon. This is outdoors.


Best Rock Instrumental Award to Insanitizers for "Shootout"

The June 2015 award for "Best Instrumental Rock Song" was given to the Insanitizers by The Akademia ( for the original song "Shootout."  They wrote, “”Clever instrumental renditions of gunfire decorate this Western-themed creation by the Insanitizers, and it's good enough to be a Sergio Leone soundtrack.” This award spans rock instrumentals of all kinds.

The award certificate page is at:  

You can stream the entire thrilling song from the front page of
