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Category: Tablature

Tablature by Daddy-O Grande For Sale Now!

Daddy-O Grande, guitarist for Los Straitjackets, has tablature for sale on his website:

"High Quality sheet music with Guitar Tablature available now as a PDF download. I transcribed and wrote this tablature myself, so I can absolutely guarantee it's accuracy. This is EXACTLY the way I play these songs on my solo records, as well as with Los Straitjackets.

Each song comes as a separate piece of printable sheet music, with it's own cover graphic, a small anecdote about each song and many playing tips."

Check it out now!

Dick Dale featured in August 2011 Guitar Player Magazine

Dick Dale is featured in the August 2011 issue of Guitar Player magazine! In the "Ten Things You Gotta Do to Play Like ... Dick Dale" feature, Guitar Player gives a career overview and then dives right into analyzing Dick's playing and sound, including tablature! From the article:

Dick Dale wants you to know how to capture some of the mojo of the Father of Loud and the King of the Surf Guitar... Dick Dale!

Check it out, it should be on news stands shortly!

Calhoun Surf Tab by Daddy-O Grande

Damian Fanelli (Mr. Neutron) is doing a great job as the editor of the online version of Guitar World magazine. Now, here's the first column by Daddy-O Grande of Los Straitjackets. Daddy-O explains the history of his classic song Calhoun Surf, and it even includes tablature. Daddy-O did the tabs himself, so you know it's correct!

Squad Car - Eddie & The Showmen

Here is some tab for Squad Car that I did a looong time ago. Thor from Monsters from Mars provided some help. Enjoy. Comments and corrections welcome.

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Teleport - Pollo Del Mar

©1984 Pollo Del Mar from “The Ocean Is Not for Cowards”

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The Pyramids "Midnight Run"

 Midnight Run 
“The Pyramids”
Tabbed by: waimeabay

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Tab: The Breeze and I - Bitch Boys

“The Breeze and I”
The Bitch Boys

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Dick Dale's Surf Rebel

Surf Rebel
“Dick Dale”

Tabbed by: Waimea Bay

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Latin'ia Guitar Tab


“The Sentinals”


Tabbed by: Waimea Bay

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Munsters Theme Tab

I'm not sure how accurate this is, I got it from "", but it sure is fun to play.

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