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Archive for February, 2018

A New Surf Album from Dadinator

G'day Surf Guitar 101 crew - Dadinator here Smile

I've been online collaborating with a bunch of very talented musicians from all around the world on a surf album called "SURF". While we think its a GREAT album, we would be keen to hear any reviews from you folk.

Hope you enjoy it:

The Terrorsurfs release "Surfin' Mutant Trash"

THE TERRORSURFS are back with more sonic mayhem! The “savage suitar driven power surf twang” has now been expanded to a 4-piece with the addition of extra guitarist The Reverend Tonto, he make an unholy racket!! The twang is joyously abundant, power surf with killer riffs, forged with primeval DNA.

And you.. can actually see them at the album launch on Friday 23rd February at the crew in Nuneaton.


The purple splatter vinyl runs at an “audiophile” 45rpm for that full Zombiphonic Hi-Fi sound experience.

From the off, the boys are in pure surf territory with “Terrorsurfer”, the the surf/time continuum is almost ripped apart with mission control sound effects and even a theremin on “Kosmonauty” (watch the far out video) while “Bat Shit Crazy” is exactly that. “(I Wanna Get me Some Hot) Surf Burger” could be just a song about being hungry on a beach, but watch the animated video and make up your own mind! “Murph” moves into psychedelic surf territory, even utilising some backwards guitar, and “Terrorsurf Apocalypse”rounds it all off with an apocalyptic cinematic climax. Phew!!


Please Help Support Fiberglass Jungle and Luxuria Music During the Annual Listener Sponsorship Drive Feb. 24 2-4PM!


Please tune in to Fiberglass Jungle at live at 2PM PST on Saturday, Feb. 24 and help show your support for Surf instrumental radio! I can only participate in the drive one show this year due to prior obligations (the Tikiyaki 10th anniversary show), so it is all the more important that people tune in this Saturday!

I'll have more exclusive premiums than ever before including vinyl, CDs, magazines, books, Tiki mugs, private concerts, and guest-hosting spots!

For quick reference, here's what time it will be in other parts of the world:

Boulder 3PM
Austin, Mexico City, San Jose, Chicago, Saskatoon 4PM
Asbury Park, New York City, Atlanta, Toronto, Montreal 5PM
Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Santiago 7PM
London, Dublin, Glasgow 10PM
Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Livorno, Madrid, Oslo, Stockholm, Zagreb 11PM
Athens, Helsinki, Kyiv 12 Midnight
St. Petersburg 1AM Feb. 25
Bandung 5AM Feb. 25
Perth 6AM Feb. 25
Tokyo 7AM Feb. 25
Sydney, Melbourne 9AM Feb. 25
Wellington 11AM Feb. 25

If you can't tune in live but would still like to donate, send me a PM and we can make it happen!

Sincere thanks in advance for showing your support not just for Surf instrumental radio, but for the global Surf instrumental scene in general!

New Album from Russian band Los Kosmos

Check out this review from Hunter at Storm Surge of Reverb:

Let me suggest that you skip the first track. It's a good song, but it's got a thin garage-surf sound that gets the wrong idea across.

OK now we're going. You've got brass, a lot more low end, and some whammy bar. This is a much better idea of what to expect from Los Kosmos. This is fun modern surf with playful progressive leanings. I get moments of later Los Straitjackets and maybe even early Laika and the Cosmonauts (especially "V Jope Fantik"). Give a listen to "Mega Hit" and see if that little keyboard bit doesn't tickle you.

There's a lot of creativity on this album and it's full of surprises. As one of the first records of 2018, we're off to a great start.



The Surfaris Partner With "Band Together" For Surf Music Education


Parents and Grandparents who love surf music...

What if there was a fun and interactive way you could introduce the kids to other awesome forms of music like SURF MUSIC, rockabilly, baroque, reggae, mariachi, black gospel, folk, hawaiian, and many more styles...?

The Surfaris are pleased to announce their participation in the Band Together online music educational program. This past August, Bob Berryhill and his family band (The Surfaris) gave interviews to BT on how fun it is to learn and to perform surf music together as a family. The Surfaris recently sat down with BT creators Steve Rogers and Renea Hetzer as they shared their vision to introduce surf music to the next generation in a fun, interactive way.

Band Together has just released their first online digital album/program called "Vibrations" which features the music and interviews from The Surfaris. Vibrations does an excellent job interactively showing the kids what "surf music" is, who the major players were, and how to play their own surf music. There are short videos, photos and stories on how to get your kids appreciating and playing surf music. There are also great stories describing all the instruments, equipment needed to play surf music. There is even online surf guitar lessons to get you started!

This program is ideal for homeschooling families or parents/grandparents interested in giving their children extra music education. For more info on Band Together and how to get your kids into this months Vibrations program go to:


Hey Everyone! We're stoked to announce that our full-length debut CD "The Lost Mission" is coming soon from Double Crown Records.
