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Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:36:54


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:31:45

Walk Don't Run and Penetration bass lines. Finally found some guys to play to learn some more songs.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

i'm moving on to the bass line for 'checkpoint echo'....i've got the lead and i think i have the rhythm.

will, did you ever figure out the bass line to 'checkpoint echo'? i am stuck.

Believe it or not, I'm working on The Ventures first version of Walk, Don't Run, and several others to be able to play along with pickup groups at next year's East Coast Ventures Fan Jam. I'm also relearning Pipeline (out goes Dick Dale's & Stevie Ray Vaughan's version) and a couple of other things to play there. This is much harder than doing it alone as the precision, timing and pace are relentless. Plus, I'm working on Bob Bogle's bass solo from their live version of Wipeout. That's fast on a bass. What fun! Whew!

If there were any surf musicians around here, I'd like to be doing something with them too. Hint!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Oct 31, 2011 15:26:39 instructor figured it out!!!! lol Give me a couple of days and I'll jot down what I have. What part are you having problems with??

Noel: It's taken me a year's worth of Craigslist and City Paper ads to find people, and I'm in the DC metro area. Still not sure it'll turn out to be anything.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Last edited: Oct 31, 2011 16:42:11

most of it, will.....:sigh:....the lead was so much easier. bass player i am not.

Sounded really hard to me, until I started working on it. Actually a fairly simple line.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Will and Mom: did you guys get the chord sequence straightened out on "Checkpoint Echo" ?

At least so much of what The Ventures recorded is 1'st Wave surf.

Staredge wrote:

Noel: It's taken me a year's worth of Craigslist and
City Paper ads to find people, and I'm in the DC metro
area. Still not sure it'll turn out to be anything.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

dp......i think i have the chords right, but i'm not quite sure. the opening Bm chord on the second fret sounds to me like it is barred across the F# and only played on the lower 4 strings (E A D G) it's an interesting tune.


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:31:15

I'm not sure I disagree with most of that. Couple places I think I hear a little differently, but I could be wrong.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:30:51

thanks number9, i'll give this a go this AM. i was having a hard time picking out the bass line. it probably doesn't help that i've listened to it so many times figuring out the lead, so now it's all i hear.

I'll take a look at it and let you know. The only one that I know of for sure is the riff that starts on #7. I think the first note is actually an open A rather than the B. Continues through the whole series until #23. I think the rest of the song starts on the B, but I'm away from my rig right now.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

number9, your tab has made it way easier for me to hear the bass line. i'm kind of breaking the tune down and learning it in pieces. i may have found one place where i think the bass line is a little different but i want to get through all of it and make sure it's just not me. thanks again.

I was transcribing chords for "Checkpoint Echo" by building up from the bass tab...thanks Number 9!


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 07:29:53

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