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Was anyone else hoping that the baby came out a zombie? Is that sick? That was one heavy episode, man. Carl's really going to have issues now. Ha, like he didn't already! The questions still remains, though...what's in the tea???!!!

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I'm still picking my jaw off the floor after last night's episode.

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(sorry, i am a day late)

I love this show... but damn... woah...


Anybody else still on board with this show? I now catch it via, On Demand, instead of tuning in on Sunday nights, but Easter Sunday seems appropriate to watch the Walking Dead season finale so I may tune in if possible.

With a Season 4 in the works it looks like Dr. Lehos will keep the paychecks rolling in. The spfx dept. has done an awesome job. I'm surprised at how graphic some of the gore is and that it's shown on TV. The zombie kills are really one of the best aspects of the show and always elicit a vocal response from whomever is watching. Like, "OOh", "EEW", "nice!"... Overall the show is really entertaining exploitation apocalypse drama with zombies and it will be interesting when WWZ($120 million budget) is released this summer, if that will be the peak of the zombie bell curve or if the momentum continues build and we get maybe get some Marvel Zombies to the big screen.

Twisted Evil > Angel

I actually stopped watching a couple of episodes ago. It turned the corner for me.

Slightly off topic, but does anyone play DayZ?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I know how you feel. The changing story lines and demise of characters leads to disconnect.

Twisted Evil > Angel

I'm still watching.
I thought the Mid Season break was BS.
I think they did that not to conflict with people
Watching football playoffs.
Whatever the reason, the break sucked.

Now we gotta wait till Oct. for season 4,
Too long??

I'm still in it,
But the Vikings on Sunday night is my new number 1 show.


bigtikidude wrote:

But the Vikings on Sunday night is my new number 1 show.


Brian wrote:

Slightly off topic, but does anyone play DayZ?

The trailer looks cool, never seen it before though. The online gaming experience is entertaining as hell. I do some Black Ops if I want to go zombie hunting which is fun but still no ultimate zombie game yet, that I've played.

Twisted Evil > Angel

Walking Dead fans might get a kick viewing this, "Walking Dead Stars - Then and Now..." photo gallery.
With the exception of Micheal Rooker, whose role in, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, which at the time of it's release was a pretty scary frickin' movie, almost all the actors were unknown to me. Although the guy that plays Darryl always looked kind of familiar and it turns out he was one of the Boondock Saints.

Twisted Evil > Angel

Oh, I thought this thread was about the Rolling Stones.

I found a Walking Dead Original Soundtrack Vol. 1 LP yesterday. I'm so far behind buying everyone's surf music I left it in the store. Does anyone have it or have an opinion about it?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I just started watching this. I'm half way through season 2 and so I won't read this whole thread to avoid spoilers. BUT THIS IS THE GREATEST TV SHOW IN THE WORLD.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I was watching it for a few episodes this season
and just stopped. I have them on the DVR, but lack motivation
to keep up with it.


Aren't Norm and the guitarist from the Ghastlies on the crew of this show, making ghastly masks and props?

Squink Out!

I had high hopes for it but stopped watching mid season 3.

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JObeast wrote:

Aren't Norm and the guitarist from the Ghastlies on the crew of this show, making ghastly masks and props?

It is discussed on the first few pages.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I know garret is, don't remember Norm saying
He was.


Norm said he did some work on one of the webisodes that AMC put out. Not sure if he's worked on the series itself. I keep hoping they'll figure a way to get some Ghastly Ones into the soundtrack. Big Grin

In the first season, the box truck they use was from Ferenc Electric. Always enjoyed that.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

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