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Yep, there's Garrett. He did in fact win a Emmy! It's weird to see these shots on this forum. I worked on the webisode too. Scott Ian was a cool guy. The guy pictured with Scott is Greg the co-owner of KNB FX. He also directed the webisode.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

How does that work, Norm?? What (if anything) did he get? I assume that KNB won it for effects.

You and he BOTH worked on the webisode?!?!?!?!?? Just when I thought y'all couldn't get any cooler!!!!!! Worship [/fanboy]

Is he still working on the show???


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

He was one of the key artists on the show for KNB. All the key artists get their own Emmy, so he's got the statue! He's working on Sam Raimi's OZ right now.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I haven't seen any of season 2, as I decided to wait for its completion in order to watch the thing without interruption. I will be going in with an open mind. It will be no shock if it is a bit of a letdown to me when compared to season 1. First of all, Frank Darabont, the original show runner and, I believe, visionary for the entire television project, was let go shortly into production of this season. Second of all, the budget was cut this season, as well as all writers from last season being let go. This just seems to point to the obvious. There will be fewer zombies and large set pieces, as well as a different tone in writing when compared to season 1.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

shivers13 wrote:

Yep, there's Garrett. He did in fact win a Emmy! It's
weird to see these shots on this forum. I worked on
the webisode too. Scott Ian was a cool guy. The guy
pictured with Scott is Greg the co-owner of KNB FX. He
also directed the webisode.

The webisode is what got me so pumped bout the second season, great work on that, both of you. I will say after season 2, the makeup remains my favorite part of the series. I understand there was even a "zombie coach" that got the actor's movements believable. Really some of the most top notch zombie action I've seen to date, I just hope to see more of it next February!


killbabykill34 wrote:

I haven't seen any of season 2, as I decided to wait
for its completion in order to watch the thing without
interruption. I will be going in with an open mind. It
will be no shock if it is a bit of a letdown to me when
compared to season 1. First of all, Frank Darabont, the
original show runner and, I believe, visionary for the
entire television project, was let go shortly into
production of this season. Second of all, the budget
was cut this season, as well as all writers from last
season being let go. This just seems to point to the
obvious. There will be fewer zombies and large set
pieces, as well as a different tone in writing when
compared to season 1.

If there were budgetary cuts for season 2 then they've still managed to pulled it off pretty good. Your right though. You won't see a lot of the wide, desolate city-scape shots that involve expensive CGI techiques, (Compositing, masking, 3D motion,) requiring a team of well paid computer artists to do, and they do take a page right out of Romero's handbook and keep most of the story at one location, an isolated farmhouse.

Twisted Evil > Angel

Just a reminder to all the Zombie geeks....the new season of Walking Dead begins Sunday, Feb. 12!!!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Still waiting for Netflix to release season 2 so I can get caught up! Argh

Bill S._______

Same here. I'll record the new ones, but I don't want to watch them until I can get caught up on season 2.

remora1 wrote:*

Still waiting for Netflix to release season 2 so I can
get caught up! Argh

I haven't had a chance to watch yet--it's recorded and ready to go!
Some people are starting to chime in...any other reactions?

deepeddy wrote:
No comment on the new episode of Walking Dead? It's nice to see them venture beyond the farm for a change. Rick finally became a badass. I hope the rest of the season is not about them trying to find dumbass Lori while arguing with Herschel about how they should stay put at the farm. Definitely a good mid-season opener, though. I hope they follow through.

morphball wrote:
I liked the Walking Dead premiere too and have the same concerns, but I'm generally optimistic and intend to keep watching. I think the farm situation is about to implode, and not from zombies either... I kind of dig the fact that there is pretty good confirmation that the world is screwed, which may have a lot to do with what the CDC guy told Rick. (Maybe he told him it's viral?)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio


(you should be warned by now, but I'm just making sure)

I've only seen the season 2 premiere and mid-season premiere, so I'm a little out of the loop. (wish they'd stream all of them online instead of just those 2)

Did you catch the guys in the bar mention the housing development??? Foreshadowing the graphic novel.......and IIRC, that's where Shane gets it. Wondering if they're setting that up. So far, I count Otis and Sophia gone from those who make it farther in the novel......Shane is still around. We're missing a couple of other characters that I thought were in by now. (Tyrese and his daughter)

I don't know if they've run into a person dying naturally and then coming back. I think that may be what Rick was told at the CDC, and I'm wondering if that's whats getting set up with the girl in shock.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

I just discovered that there were only 6 episodes in season one--got all excited to watch one on netflix only to discover that I've seen all they'll give me for the moment. dang.

Matt Heaton & the Electric Heaters
Boston's Premier Surf/Noir Combo

I like the show quite a bit - really enjoyed the first season, and was bummed like Matt above Agree when it ended too soon.

I really like season two as it has progressed, and thought that Sundays episode was great! Finally, Rick shows why he's the leader.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

The 2nd half of Season 2 is off to a good start!

Science friction burns my fingers.

Agreed Sonichris and tonybologna. Great episode! All the way down to the closing tune (Regulator by CLUTCH). off to a great start!

I watched it last night for valentine's day with my girl. I grilled up a nice steak (charred on the outside but bloody on the inside), drank some fine red wine (Russian river Valley Pinot Noir) and watched zombies! Don't get no more remantic than that!

So who's still digging it? I am! POSSIBLE SPOILER: If you caught the "these have no bites" deal, I'm definitely thinking the series is introducing alternate methods of infection. It's airborne and contagious, baby.


Oooo, Ooooo, too!!!!! It's getting better by the episode!! That last one alone made up for any previous lack of on-screen Zombie time! Ya just gotta love repeated head stabbings!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Zombie heads are evidently very soft! They're just like rotten, festering melons.


I didn't know that Glenn Danzig made a guest appearance? Wink


Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

morphball wrote:

Zombie heads are evidently very soft! They're just like
rotten, festering melons.

Kinda like the vampires in From Dusk Til Dawn -- bodies so soft you can reach in a snatch his heart out of his chest and show it to him before he dies...

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

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