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I was just wondering if anyone on this forum was keeping up with the show and enjoying it. I really liked the pay-off of the mid-season finale. The barn carnage and the little girl finally being found, as well as Farmer Herschel's values being so violently obliterated.
All of it happening simultaneously.

Hoping that they'll leave the farm behind though. Chopping carrots and feeding the horses and all the pregnancy drama isn't all that gripping. Looking forward to February.

Twisted Evil > Angel

The first episode was one of the best pieces of television I have ever seen, and it has all gone downhill since then. It is just campy melodrama now wrapped in a layer of suburban badass wannabeness.

I thought the first episode was blatant plagiarism of 28 Days Later. However, it was a good first episode and I agree that it went downhill fast after that. I haven't watched any of the second season.

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

The first season's finale was an epic disappointment and while the second season started off slow it's definitely gotten better.
I just wish they'd bump Shane off already.

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In the book Shane dies very early. I have read the first large paperback trade (I believe issues 1-48...?) and the show is different enough that I'm not sure what's going to happen each episode. The scene in, I think, later Season 1, where Shane is sighting down his shotgun at Rick in the woods alludes to the part in the comic series (relatively early on) where Shane and Rick are alone in the woods and Shane snaps and tries to kill Rick, saying something to the effect of "Everything was perfect before you showed back up." Rick winds up killing him and that's the last of Shane. The show has taken the character much further.

As far as it being a ripoff of 28 Days Later (love that movie), I'm about to do a bit of research.

According to Wikipedia (I use the word "research" very loosely sometimes) 28 Days Later was released in '02.

Also according to Wikipedia, the Image Comics series started in '03. So it could be that the idea in the comic was ripped off from that movie, or it's possible that the ideas evolved independently. Similar plot devices have existed for far longer.

The soapy, character-driven aspect of these shows is what keeps everyone talking about them and coming back for more. I wanna say this started with Lost, but I'm not a huge TV fan and don't follow very many shows. It just seems to me that a lot of the really popular shows lately have followed a similar formula. I only casually follow WD on AMC and I believe I'm two episodes behind.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Shane's a catalyst for bad shit to happen. The Anti-Hero. He's more evil than the zombies, but he'll save your ass, or kill your ass depending on what he, or the story needs. Without him the tension surrounding the survivors would be sucked out of show.

The 2nd season tested my attention span with the various Lifetime Channel-missing girl/boy got shot/mom is pregnant/who's the daddy?- sub-plots. Definitely not without it's flaws and zombie cliches, but that climax kicked booty. That, and the Well Dwelling Zombie.

Twisted Evil > Angel

I don't watch any TV. At all.

But my girlfriend is making me watch this show, and I have to say I like it a lot. Campy. Overly dramatic. Not very original. But damn it's pretty entertaining so far (I'm on episode 3 of the second season. I'm a couple episodes behind).

To tie it into surf, Garrett of the Ghastly Ones does the make up on that show. Cool

Last edited: Nov 29, 2011 17:44:48

Then I nominate Dr. Lehos for an Emmy. The make-up and effects have looked awesome.

Twisted Evil > Angel

I watch this and love it. Some of the episodes are slow. Since I found out about the comic, I was curious to see how it is compared to the televisions series, but I'm not really into comics.

Garrett started on the first season, but from what I've heard, he's on other projects now. There was an On Demand special last year about the making of the show. I saw Garrett working on the zombie woman with half a body.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Just watched episode 7 of season 2 . I'm glad I watched it before reading
this . I have watched all of 'em and really like the series .
Look's like they might get kicked off the farm after all that went down ....

Johnny Rocket
The Monterreys !

I watched both seasons so far; I enjoyed the first, but the second was difficult for my attention span to get through. (Too much drama.) If it were not for the excellent makeup when they actually did show zombies, I may not have stuck it out this season. It was a satisfying finale though, but I'm on the fence about watching the next season if they continue with the corny drama.

Richard wrote:

Also according to Wikipedia, the Image Comics series
started in '03. So it could be that the idea in the
comic was ripped off from that movie, or it's possible
that the ideas evolved independently. Similar plot
devices have existed for far longer.

When I first saw 28 Days Later, I immediately thought of "Day of the Triffids" myself. But yes, it is a common "Rip Van Winkle" plot device to have a protagonist comatose/blinded/buried/in stasis while the world changes around them, so much so that Matt Groening also parodied that scenario in Futurama, which pretty much parodies every cliche, mostly in the SciFi genre of course (not that I'm dissing Futurama at all, I really love the series).


Futurama is good reason to still watch T.V. I cancelled my cable, so I can't watch the new episodes anymore, but it remains one of my favorite shows.

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

The show kind of hit a plateau during the second season. It's basically a soap opera with zombies. Anybody remember Dark Shadows?

A few weeks ago while visiting in-laws in Kentucky, we took a day off and drove up to Cincinnati for the Horror Hound Weekend. Among others, we saw the people who played Daryl, Merle (also Svenning from Mallrats), Shane, Sophia, and the little girl that Rick blows away in the first episode. Would love to have talked with them, but they all wanted buku dolores for autographs.

I bumped (literally bumped) into Tom Savini. We did get to talk to Brian O'Halloran (Dante from Clerks). Really nice guy. Also talked to James Duval. He played Frank the bunny in Donnie Darko. Also really nice.

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

Awesome weekend! Tom Savini is such a legend.

Matt22 wrote:

Futurama is good reason to still watch T.V. I
cancelled my cable, so I can't watch the new episodes
anymore, but it remains one of my favorite shows.

It's actually smart and funny, kind of a rarity these days. I have the old pre-cancelation seasons on DVD, and will definitely get the new stuff, they're still great. Yep, otherwise, TV is a time-sucking vortex with pretty much no redeeming qualities. I've finally convinced my wife to drop our cable the next time we move (hopefully early next month), so I can't wait to get past the cold-turkey stage and hopefully read more, work on music, etc.


morphball wrote:

It's actually smart and funny, kind of a rarity these
days. I have the old pre-cancelation seasons on DVD,
and will definitely get the new stuff, they're still
great. Yep, otherwise, TV is a time-sucking vortex with
pretty much no redeeming qualities. I've finally
convinced my wife to drop our cable the next time we
move (hopefully early next month), so I can't wait to
get past the cold-turkey stage and hopefully read more,
work on music, etc.

You speak truth, sir! I bit the bullet and got rid of cable because we just didn't watch it. Imagine turning on the TV, having hundreds of channels to choose from, and still saying, "ah, there's NOTHING on!" My students can't believe that I actually DON'T have cable! I still watch my DVD's of Futurama. I could watch "Hell is Other Robots" over and over again because it's THAT great!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Matt22 wrote:

Imagine turning on the TV, having hundreds of channels to choose from,
and still saying, "ah, there's NOTHING on!"

Yes, it happens here also. Suicide

I enjoy zombies series and films and this one is just OK. It is a pity because it could be so so much better... I agree with Jake. The first episode of the first season was great but then it went down. I have only watch the first episode of the second season and I am starting to fear the worst - another great opportunity to make a great serie thrown away.
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I really liked the 1st season. Haven't caught any of the 2nd season yet, because like Matt22, I canceled cable as well Cheers

It's streaming on Netflix now (1st season only). This thread is a bit of a disappointment though to hear so many negative reviews of the 2nd season.

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I've been an avid watcher since the first episode and I have to say that I still really love it. Normally I'm not a fan of over-dramatic material either, but somehow in the context of a post-apocalyptic world overtaken by zombies, it doesn't bother me. Sure, pregnancy laden with paternal questions is common afternoon soap opera fodder, but when it occurs on a farm in the middle of nowhere in a world with no infrastructure ruled by the undead , it definitely becomes more interesting. For me, one of the real strengths of the show has been it's ability to make the viewers become interested in and actually care about the characters. I recall watching an episode this season thinking, "When was the last time an actual zombie made an appearance on the show?" I was amazed when I realized that it didn't even matter.

Incidentally, here's a few cool visuals that folks might fight interesting:

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Scott Ian's dream finally comes play a zombie

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Dr. Lehos in action

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Haha ! Awesome pics !

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

The Torso Mom Zombie was excellent. Her backstory is featured in some webisodes, which is also where Scott Ian's zombie character makes an appearance.

One of my favorite scenes was from either the first or second episode of season 2 when the large herd of walkers moves down the highway and everyone scrambles for safety. Very scary and intense!

Twisted Evil > Angel

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