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That last episode didn't disappoint at all. Excellent gore. I was surprised with the Rick and Shane resolution, especially after Lori seemed to be mind-fucking Rick into taking Shane out, and Shane seemed more than capable of single-handedly taking out those couple dozen or so walkers that trapped him in the school bus. So is the Shane situation diffused, or has he gone too far off the deep end?

morphball wrote:

you caught the "these have no bites" deal, I'm
definitely thinking the series is introducing alternate
methods of infection. It's airborne and contagious,

Yeah, somethings up. Those two corpses confused me. They were dead apparently after being scratched, yet still intact(not eaten), but have'nt returned from the dead. Incubation period? Also, after Beth collapsed following her close encounter with her zombie mom, and her subsequent mystery illness, airborne transmission seemed like a possibility. ??? The little bits of information do keep the show engaging. Only 3 more episodes of 2nd season, but they've mentioned a 3rd season.

Twisted Evil > Angel

norcalhodad wrote:

That last episode didn't disappoint at all. Excellent
gore. I was surprised with the Rick and Shane
resolution, especially after Lori seemed to be
mind-fucking Rick into taking Shane out, and Shane
seemed more than capable of single-handedly taking out
those couple dozen or so walkers that trapped him in
the school bus. So is the Shane situation diffused, or
has he gone too far off the deep end?

morphball wrote:

you caught the "these have no bites" deal, I'm
definitely thinking the series is introducing
methods of infection. It's airborne and contagious,

Yeah, somethings up. Those two corpses confused me.
They were dead apparently after being scratched, yet
still intact(not eaten), but have'nt returned from the
dead. Incubation period? Also, after Beth collapsed
following her close encounter with her zombie mom, and
her subsequent mystery illness, airborne transmission
seemed like a possibility. ??? The little bits of
information do keep the show engaging. Only 3 more
episodes of 2nd season, but they've mentioned a 3rd

No Shane and Mike killed the two zombie cops before they went
through the gates at the school with knives. I think the two cops
were scratched by the other zombies that were boarded up inside the school . They also mentioned they had been scratched after they had
them layed out and looked at them for a moment .

The girl was just freaked out after being attacked by her zombie mom and killed with the pick axe right in front of her face was enough to put her into the state of shock.

It's a good show it could go in any direction even with an airborne
zombie pathogen . I'm surprised that the animals feeding off the corpses
don't contract the illness and attack other living things . Or the blood
spatter doesn't get into the eyes , mouths and wounds of those fighting them doesn't affect them ....
Then again it's only a TV show ......or is it ?

Johnny Rocket
The Monterreys !

bangbang wrote:

No Shane and Mike killed the two zombie cops before
they went
through the gates at the school with knives. I think
the two cops
were scratched by the other zombies that were boarded
up inside the school . They also mentioned they had
been scratched after they had
them layed out and looked at them for a moment .

The girl was just freaked out after being attacked by
her zombie mom and killed with the pick axe right in
front of her face was enough to put her into the state
of shock.

It's a good show it could go in any direction even with
an airborne
zombie pathogen . I'm surprised that the animals
feeding off the corpses
don't contract the illness and attack other living
things . Or the blood
spatter doesn't get into the eyes , mouths and wounds
of those fighting them doesn't affect them ....
Then again it's only a TV show ......or is it ?

Cool, thanks for clarifying about both the zombie cops and Beth. I was hoping that Beth would contract the virus and they'd have to put her down in the next episode. Ironically killing her right after she'd come to terms with living immediately following her failed suicide attempt. A sick twist of fate. So, no airborne transmission until there's more info?

One walker related necrological question I'd have would be that if they have no organ function, only brain function, then wouldn't the blood just pool to the lowest part of the body, as there is no heart function to to keep it pumping throughout the body. Which would make for some pretty sick blood bursting kills.

Twisted Evil > Angel

norcalhodad wrote:

One walker related necrological question I'd have would
be that if they have no organ function, only brain
function, then wouldn't the blood just pool to the
lowest part of the body, as there is no heart function
to to keep it pumping throughout the body. Which would
make for some pretty sick blood bursting kills.

I think it's called "livity"- depending on the position of the body after death, it would indeed pool wherever gravity takes it, causing a bruised-like appearance. I think it would eventually coagulate though.


I'm just glad to know that I'm not the only one that wondered about how easy it is to stab them in the skull with a knife.... I watched "Talking Dead" the show that discusses the series, and Kevin Smith brought it up. In any case, I'm of the opinion that anyone can shoot a 'Walker' in the head, but it takes a true bad ass to stab one in the brain with a knife.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Sonichris wrote:

I'm just glad to know that I'm not the only one that
wondered about how easy it is to stab them in the skull
with a knife....

It's something you can test yourself -- a coconut has roughly the same toughness as a human skull.

I might have to add an ice pick to my zombie survival kit for improved cranial penetration... wait, did I just say that out loud?


morphball wrote:

I might have to add an ice pick to my zombie survival
kit for improved cranial penetration... wait, did I
just say that out loud?

Yeah you did .... Zombie Lobotomy !

Johnny Rocket
The Monterreys !

This show is filmed all around where I's cool to be watching and recognize familiar places....then I start thinking, "if only it were real!" Cool

Haha, apparently shopAMC website goofed and leaked a major plot point spoiler in their adverstisemnt for season 2 dvd set. Someone is going to get in trouble...

SPOILER ALERT!!! Click here to see the article and a link to the spoiler:

This show is so amazing. I NEVER watch TV. I dont have cable or satalite or anything. But I am hooked on this show (I bought the season pass on iTunes so I can see it a day after its released on real TV). Really looking forward to seeing what else in in store this season.

Last edited: Mar 02, 2012 13:24:07

Carl finally got his first kill...

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

And he's coping a little attitude too... I hope the punk-ass gets eaten now.


I was kinda hoping the swamp zombie would've gotten him. When Daryl finds out that Carl took and lost his gun in the muck, Carl will wish that zombie had eaten him.

What's with T-Dog getting no lines again? Nothing like getting paid just to stand around...

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

I'm thinking he's going to be like John Connor from "The Terminater" in some future edpisode / series (fast forward 20 years?).

I mean he's already wearing the zombie killin' sheriff hat and throwing rocks at zombies and all!?

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Nice going Mom and Dad. Carl's a full blown sociopath now. Rick's readiness to prep Dale for surgery was pretty hilarious. He needs to step down as the leader.

Twisted Evil > Angel

That was a super intense episode. Why did they have to get rid of Dale?!?!? Why?!? He was one of my favorite characters.

Sh*t has hit the fan at the farm.


Science friction burns my fingers.

Man, that sure was one GUT-WRENCHING episode. Rimshot

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Hey Dale...what's the matter? Upset stomach? Rimshot

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Last edited: Mar 06, 2012 14:54:50

You know...Dale was the voice of reason. I guess he was DEAD wrong. Rimshot

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Hey Dale, what's eatin' ya? Rimshot

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

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