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So are you not entertained?! Pretty cool departure from other zombie stories I've seen and read, I gotta say. The nature of the zombie condition (whether spiritual or biological) had to be the CDC guy's last words to Rick. I don't know about you, but the writing manages to stay a step ahead of me this season; I'm really looking forward to where the finale goes. I think the next season they will be back on the road with whomever survives.


Yeah that was really good last night. I think they need some awesome spaghetti-surf songs to play while they're showing Rick walking down a street with his six-shooter blasting some zombies!



I'm thinking that Jenner didn't tell him that everyone comes back no matter how you die. Otherwise he'd have finished Shane off. It was interesting to see Darryl checking Randall out. I'm hoping they keep him around for a few seasons more. Hated to see Dale go. Didn't see the episode so I don't. Know the entire story but really liked him. Yet another character that left earlier than in the books.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Hehe, yeah... "The Good, The Bad, and The Dead". Good point Will. Hmmmm. It had to be something pertaining to the disease though. Notice he didn't seem to react when Shane pointed out those two cops; maybe Rick was just too distraught, or thought it took longer to reanimate. Either way, it set up a pretty sweet headshot. I sort of like Carl again now.


That was a very surprising conclusion last night. Didn't see it coming at all. It was great! The pitchfork kills and the shovel head crusher were awesome. Lori's little talk with Shane really got him worked up. Not a very logical plan on his part.

Any post ear-marked with a spoiler alert I'm not reading. Since this show is adapted from existing materials I'm going to assume that the spoiler pertains to future episodes, not aired episodes. Anyhow, next week should be awesome. People are going to die. Any guesses who? Any major characters? If the body-count over and under was set at 3, I think I'd choose over. (4)

Any comments regarding the science? It seems the virus lays dormant in anyone whose had zombie contact, either airborne or physical/body-fluid, and is then a carrier, but it doesn't afflict until they die. I like that there hasn't been any expository scenes regarding the virus. It gives the viewer a chance to be the forensic sleuth. That scene from the end of season 1 in which the scientist whispered into Ricks ear, I thought that he was telling Rick that Lori was pregnant. He'd drawn blood from everyone so maybe he knew. Right then Rick would've known that it wasn't his kid. Just a guess.

Also, looking ahead to the Fall, I'd have to agree with morphball that the gang should hit the road, but we'll see. With the most dangerous antagonist out of the picture it'll be interesting to see where the writers take us. But, next weeks finale is sure to be filled with some awesome carnage.

Then, this December we get, World War Z(!), but first things first.

Twisted Evil > Angel

Holy hematology, Batman! I didn't think that was when he learned about it! Nice! The way they're going, I would be surprised if they kill off half the cast.

And a big BWAH?! re: World War Z! That's my favorite zombie book ever, and I had no idea it was about to be adapted! (Or is this a second book?) Wow, I'm so out of the loop- is this an unexpected surprise!


Don't get your hopes up. From what I've read they're going to do the usual Hollywood hatchet job. The plot line bears no resemblance to the book.

The Battle of Yonkers on the big screen,though??? I may suck it up and see it anyway.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

I think everyone is a carrier and upon death they are reanimated .
After Shane died the scenes going through his head were hellish ,
who said zombies can't dream ....
Shane was allready on the road to hell it was just a matter of time
before karma caught up to him , but what's coming over the hill is gonna be much worse !
Great episode !

Johnny Rocket
The Monterreys !

Also, Shane snapped Randall's neck, and then he came back as a zombie. Daryl confirmed that there were no bites or scratches on him.

And then what about those two dead cops with no bites or scratches? Jenner did say that some people transform almost immediately while others take hours.

And of course, Shane died of a knife wound and came back. So it could be that they're all carriers and come back as zombies when they die. That's why Rick double-tapped the fat guy in the bar. He was dead, but Rick got him in the head. Rick didn't think to get Shane in the head because he was so distraught over having killed his childhood friend. Then again, Shane did knife several zombies in the head and then slice open his hand with that same knife so he could rub blood on the bus to distract the zombies.

I'm excited about the finale, though I may have to catch it in reruns. Next Sunday night, we're playing at the World Go-Go Championship in Austin. I'm sure I'll get over it...

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

From rockpapercynic:


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Tis true... you'd think they would have handcuffed him to the staircase by now.


I'm Rick. Who are you?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Hey, don't give it all away!
My wife and I are WAY behind on this show, need to catch up.
She's a big Zombie movie fan (how cool is that?)
Last night we watched "Abe Lincoln, Zombie Hunter or Killer or something like that"
Fun stuff
They even got little Teddy Roosevelt in there!

My wife and I are getting through Season 2. How is it that this group in the Southern United States is having a hard time finding firearms? I thought they grew on trees in that part of the world. That's just the first in a list of things that just don't seem to make any sense about this show.

They haven't really done any house clearing that we've seen (or is in the novel). I would have thought they'd have found some on the highway. Seems like one of the first things I'd grab on the way out the door.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Everything would start to run out surprisingly fast once the supply chain breaks down. Not to mention how heavy guns and ammunition are. I kinda have a hard time believing they travel with as much as they do. Imagine things like toilet paper, tooth paste...using it and knowing that you can't buy more and that everyone else that has it is using it too. I am a huge fan of this show (and the comic) but the real way in which is freaks me out doesn't have anything to do with the zombies.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Noel wrote:

I'm Rick. Who are you?

No one take the quiz to find out which character from the show you are?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Oh, I took it a long time ago. I'm Rick too Cool

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

The Original Walking Dead

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

The secret is revealed next season.



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