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I tried AMC site and they just have a lot of ads and no way to watch even last season's shows. I have contented myself instead with watching Turkish pirated episodes of FTWD. Gettin' my zom fix. Dead

Squink Out!

Well that wasn't easy to watch...

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Yeah. I called the first execution but sure didn't the 2nd coming. And Rick's head has got to be post-toasties. Grim.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Does anyone think it was too much? I'm debating continuing with the show.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

It was a bit over the top. But I think they wanted to reset the show and have the group be underdogs again.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

My main thought at the end of this episode was ........How are they going to get out of this one.

Brian wrote:

It was a bit over the top. But I think they wanted to reset the show and have the group be underdogs again.

Well mission accomplished! They will be licking their new overlord's boots for many episodes to come. Unless Carol comes back and wastes the entire nest of baddies.


Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

I'm not sure what peoples' problem with this episode are. I have a few friends that really hated it. It's a zombie show, so extremely gory violence is a given. And the reason that his current crop of tv shows blow away anything prime time was ever able to do is partially due to the fact that the protagonists aren't safe. I could never get very invested in shows like the A Team or Macguyber or whatever, because I knew that o matter what, the protagonist would survive. There was never any real danger. Shows like walking dead and game of thrones do away with that limitation, and it makes a better, more realistic show, imo. It was harsh seeing the most innocent protagonist get, not only mutilated and killed, but also taunted and humiliated... But it certainly got the show back on track, for me. Glenn getting out of that dumpster scene made me think the show was starting to go soft. Lastly, the scene was taken, almost verbatim, out of the comic. To me, it's always best to stick to the source material as closely as possible. So that was a bonus.
However, I'm really bummed about the death of Abraham. He was my favorite character. Kind of like a new and improved version of Daryl.

Guitarist for Black Valley Moon & Down By Law

SamDBL wrote:

However, I'm really bummed about the death of Abraham. He was my favorite character. Kind of like a new and improved version of Daryl.

Yeah... but the writers were setting him up. When he said "I'm ready to tear the world a new as_hole" I knew the end was nigh. His pride precluded preceded his fall.

Got my wordys mixed up. Embarassed

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Last edited: Oct 26, 2016 09:55:59

I haven't seen it yet. The internet already spoiled it for me, so I know whats coming.

My problem with the show is that it's pretty much just one formulaic cliffhanger after another, and that so far the resolution of 90% of their messes is Rick being Rick. It just gets old.

I'll keep watching, but if this season keeps using cheap cliffhanger gimmicks (last season was terrible with them!) I will probably jump off the bandwagon.

josheboy wrote:

I haven't seen it yet. The internet already spoiled it for me, so I know whats coming.

Some people are just the worst

I agree with Josh. They are just making it too painful to watch. I have enjoyed the show despite my wife's protestations for years now but it's too unrelentingly dark and brutal to go on much longer. I felt the same way about Penny Dreadful – liked a lot about it but sometimes it repulsed me.

Squink Out!

JObeast wrote:

I agree with Josh. They are just making it too painful to watch. I have enjoyed the show despite my wife's protestations for years now but it's too unrelentingly dark and brutal to go on much longer. I felt the same way about Penny Dreadful – liked a lot about it but sometimes it repulsed me.

While my wife and I watch every episode, both of us have long felt this way. But think about this. One of the constantly recurring themes of the show is "what is the point in fighting to move forward when there is nothing to look forward to?". I believe it is safe to say that we, as viewers, are willing participants in that same question. Just like the characters, most of us have long realized that there is no happy ending. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing to look forward to is watching these characters we have grown to care for get past one hurdle in preparation for the next. Even more, we have seen countless characters simply give up. Is that the goal for us viewers? Is it to see how long we can hold on before dropping out due to having nothing positive to look forward to?

Is that Mr. Kirkman's intention with both the readers of the comic and viewers of the show? I would love to pick his brain on this subject.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Last edited: Oct 26, 2016 15:04:23

Endless conflict is both realistic in an apocalyptic setting, and necessary to keep a story going. I was a fan of the comics from day one. I even have a letter printed in the 2nd or 3rd issue where I tell Kirkman that this would make a great tv show/movie. I also told him his title was generic, and we argued about the blue hue of the zombies in the orginal Dawn Of The Dead. Lol.
Anyway, yet another great thing about the new breed of television is that most great shows start with a definitive ending in mind. Not meant to go past x number of seasons. As opposed to the old prime time way... keep churning it out until people stop watching... just make it up as you go along if you have to. So, while I see the need for endless, seemingly hopeless fighting for the characters in WD, I do see it as a creative dead end at some point. I hope they have the sense to cut it before it gets too stale. I mean, the whole idea that only total assholes can survive in such a situation doesn't seem entirely realistic. Lawlessness would create chaos, no doubt. But I find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be a community quickly built by like-minded, decent people. As opposed to just a world suddenly full of bandits and psychopaths.
But anyway, I'm not nearly to the end of my rope. Watching Fear The Walking Dead made me realize how boring a zombie show can be. And Walking Dead is a long way from that, at this point.
One thing I miss is zombies being a real danger. In the early episodes, they were so menacing and ever present. Now, they just seem kind of like background noise. It seems like anyone armed with a sharp pencil could take out about 100 of them.

Guitarist for Black Valley Moon & Down By Law

While zombies are great fun for us viewers, they have no real menace compared to living people. I hated the 1st season of TWD because it seemed to me to be mostly people arguing in the face of disaster. The rivalry between Rick and that horrid partner cop frenemy really took it to another level and the show got real interesting in the second season.

The focus on human evil has gotten so intense by now it makes me wonder - are the writers of this high-stakes show with very large audience conducting polls on viewers to see what they want next, which appears to be further descent into madness and villainy?

Maybe the writers are responding to the times, where the news full of ISIS and Boko Haram are so horrific that it's driving people to watch something that makes jihad look cozy by comparison. THe war and chaos are still mostly 'over there' so viewers may be seeking innoculation in ultra-violent fiction.

One of the pleasures of reading and viewing dystopic and 'civilization-regression' (library subcategory heading, look it up) fiction is that it's escapist and somehow comforting. I rarely have nighmares or troubling dreams on account of it, whereas a truly weird story, like the recent film "Under the Skin" featuring Scarlette Johansen as a skin-stealing alien succubus, can make me lose sleep because of all the unanswered questions it poses. Dystopic novels and such are essentially survival narratives that chronicle protagonists becoming-badass, which is about growth and overcoming - an optimistic trajectory.

TWD now in season 7 has to balance optimism with pessimism to keep the tension going. The disruptive strategy of killing off beloved characters is risky because it may have the effect of causing viewers to lose hope for the remaining ones. They have to defeat expectations of sophisticated viewers and push their tolerance.

How have recent ratings for the show been?

Squink Out!

I don't know. I have always been a huge zombie movie fan. Hence, why I had issue one as soon as it came out. I realize that part of the appeal of the zombie theme is the thought of a reset to a simpler life. No bills, no cubicles, living by your wits, etc. Like the wild West. But it is fantasy, of course. As soon as you had to get your leg cut off because a scratch got infected, you'd be begging for civilization, again. And of course, I could never do without air conditioning here in FL. Smile
But, and I am probably in the minority here, I am primarily a fan of zombies in zombie movies. I remember being impressed by the comic in it's character driven story. But I also remember thinking that by the season where they just sat in a house on a farm all day talking that the show creators really got lost in the idea of emphasizing drama over horror in what I consider to be a horror based tv show. I remember watching a "Talking Dead" after one of those episodes, and someone had written in complaining about the lack of zombies (something I heard from quite a few people at that time). And one of the show runners simply replied "This show is about characters", almost smugly. As if people don't realize this. It's still no excuse to have such lengthy 'relationship building' seasons, where we feel like we're watching Gilmore Girls, or ER.
Anyway, I have no problem with pure hopelessness of the situation for the characters. But I do see that they are going to get stuck in a rut, as any show would after about 8 seasons. That's why I have no problem with upping the violence and sense of loss/danger. At least that's something to ward off the inevitable, and keep me engaged. I'm not really thrilled with the prospect of another story of 'seemingly perfect community that's hiding a shady agenda/faulty leader' story line.

Guitarist for Black Valley Moon & Down By Law

JObeast wrote:

How have recent ratings for the show been?

Pretty damned great. This is from Entertainment Weekly.

"The Walking Dead

Posted October 25 2016 — 9:30 AM EDT

The Walking Dead premiere beat the holy hell out of everything else on television.

The ultra-violent seventh season opener of the AMC zombie drama Sunday night delivered 17 million viewers and an incredible 8.4 rating among adults 18–49.

That’s a bigger demo rating than NBC’s Sunday Night Football, let alone any other mortal series on the air. Over the last couple weeks, the closest scripted shows to being competitive were CBS’ The Big Bang Theory and Fox’s Empire, each with a comparatively puny 3.5 rating.

But how did TWD compare to its own legacy of insanely high, record-breaking ratings? Negan and Lucille swung for the fences and just barely fell short of the drama’s all-time high — the season 5 premiere — which still stands as the show’s biggest overnight rating with 17.3 million viewers and an 8.8 rating. AMC expects the season 7 premiere ratings will set a new record once more forms of viewing are added."

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Here's 2 cents from the cheap seats. I've never read the graphic novels so I'm ignorant on how the show could/should go and am pretty much just a generic zombie fan. Very Happy

I will stay until the last zombie dies cuz:

A. I like zombies!

B. The show has real characters that I've grown attached to.

C. It breaks my zombie heart when two (2!) of my favorite characters and arguably one of the show's most beloved heros gets their noggins turned into strawberry pie. I see this as the show letting us know, post-apocalypsely that you really really never know who's next. Could the show function without Rick? Now there's a question. I think he is cast as the ultimate sufferer, the world hoisted upon his shoulders unbidden. He rolls the stone uphill eternal. Sliding in the blood.

D. I love cliffhangers. And these are cliffhangers with zombies!

In conclusion, I always prefer slow zombies to fast zombies. With fast zombies you don't even have a fighting chance. I mean, isn't it bad enough that you have to deal with zombies? Sheese.

Very Happy


Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

Last edited: Oct 27, 2016 09:37:36

My problem with the season opener wasn't that they killed off two main characters, it was the graphic way they did it. We have all known for 6 months someone was going to die, and that they were going to get beaten to death with a bat. Frankly, I didn't need to see Glenn's eye popping out of it's socket, or the huge crater caused by the bat. I didn't need to see a literal mud hole stomped into the ground with the destruction of their heads. Negan's a bad dude - I get it. It was gratuitous violence that was over the top, even for TWD. I know the show likes to push limits, but this might have been too far, at least for me. It would have been just as effective shot another way.
Human on zombie violence = good fun because it's not real. Go crazy with the gore.
Human on Human violence = moves the story along, but I don't need to see the gory details.

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

I agree with Sonic Chris here, gratuity is a turn-off. It seems to indicate a decadent viewership, who are inured to the most atrocious brutality. I don't want to watch it, just as I have not seen Mel Gibson's movie about Jesus Christ's Crucifixion. I don't need it.

Watching FTWD into the end of season 2 now; the violence is toned down and there is a bit of subtlety lacking in TWD. The acts of gratuitous violence, like when the San Diego lads shoot the Mexican farmer in his chicken barn, stand out as moral outrage because the show is not so utterly blood-soaked. I think a little criminal sadism and wanton slaughter goes a long way in a narrative.

Squink Out!

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