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Stories with tag: "deadlies"

Win The Deadlies Go To Nashville CD

Album Cover

Well lookee here! James from The Deadlies has graciously donated a brand new copy of the new CD The Deadlies Go to Nashville for one lucky SG101'er! So what are you waiting for? Head on over to the contest page to enter!

The Fifth KFJC Battle of the Surfin' Bands Sat May 14

KFJC Surf Battle

On May 14, KFJC presents The Fifth KFJC Battle of the Surf Bands. In keeping with the tradition of the legendary Surf Battles of the early 60s, bands are given 15 minutes to present their best material and show, making for a fast paced and exciting 4 hour event. The biggest change this year is a move from the beloved Hotel Utah in SF, to The British Bankers Club in Menlo Park. The BBC is a big, full service restaurant and will easily hold the expected crowd, and will allow minors. Menlo Park is also much closer to KFJC's home.

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