This year's mp3 compilation is now completed, and what a collection! Just like in prior years I have placed a copy on for easier access. You can stream or download the entire collection here: 2013 MP3 Collection on
This year's collection is dedicated to our friend George "Kenposurf" Boccanfuso. We love you George!
Hey it's about time we have another contest isn't it?
Here we have an official bit of Penetrator's loot, an S3 t-shirt, in the XL babydoll size & style. This shirt has shrank a little bit, and is probably equivalent to a ladies small size. It has never been worn and is in like new condition. Did I mention it is small? And cut for the ladies? Good luck!
Click here to enter! Open to SG101 members only.
Hey band members! If you have something you'd like to give away as an SG101 contest, please contact Brian. Thanks!
Crazy Aces are pre-releasing their single "Temple Of Cool" with all proceeds to benefit Second Harvest Food Bank here in Nashville, Tennessee in an effort to help others this holiday season. This offer will be available until January 1st 2014 and we will post pictures or video of the food purchased with your donations before we deliver them after the new year. It's our wish that the money from this pre-release be used to purchase as much food as possible, rather than going towards any administrative costs for the charity.
Please note that Crazy Aces will not be taking ANY of the money for our own administrative or recording costs other than postage of physical CD's, if that is your request. We encourage you to choose email delivery of an mp3 file so that as much of your donation as possible goes to the charity. Please specify in your note if you would like a physical burned CD copy (Continental US only) or mp3 via email. We're keeping this grass roots so please don't expect any fancy artwork on CD's.
Minimum donation is $5.00 and can be paid here. Or email us at to arrange other payment methods, cash or check.
Thanks for your help and Happy Holidays!
Bob Shade of Hallmark Guitars was kind enough to send me three Hallmark guitars for distribution here on the west coast. I have a Custom 60 Gospel in white with white pickup covers. I also have a black Gospel with white pickup covers, (stunning) and finally a Hallmark II in 3 tone sunburst. If you have any interest these beauties, contact me. I can also send detail pictures on request.
Rickorama Music
The Reigning Monarchs have released their X-Mas single Nutskanker Sweet on Bandcamp and available everywhere in a few days but only as a download. It’s our take on Tychovski's ballet combining the Sugar Plum Fairy w The March of The Nuckcraker to create a swanky skanky Cristmas classic! Let the world know its here!
This Christmas Hurley, Hobie Surfboards, Fender Musical Instruments along with Bob Berryhill of the Surfaris come together to raise money for Waves For Water bringing clean water to countries and disaster areas in need! Check out the auction for a one of kind Fender "Hobie" Jaguar with matching Hobie "replica" surfboard.
BANNED from the BEACH will be performing at Limon Grill in the Simi Valley Towne Center. Saturday Nite Dec 21st from 7-10pm on the heated patio. Cmon Down Have Some Christmas Cheer, Great Surf Tunes Performed by Rob Woolsey, Billy Scanlan, Peter Kesselman and me, Michael Nisito. Great Location - We Can Play as Loud as You Can Stand hehehehe... Great Food, Great Times. Merry Christmas to All and To All A Good Wave.
Cheers and See You There...
Looking for stocking or iPod stuffers?
Pavlov's Woody fourth CD, Abstract Adventures, is now available from CD-Baby.
Interested DJ's please send me a private message.