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Archive for October, 2013

Classic Surf Top 101 & Surf Revival Top 101 on North Sea Surf Radio


For the first time in history the surf music scene is to compile two ultimate lists in surf music; The Classic Surf Top 101 & The Surf Revival Top 101, the 202 best tracks in instrumental surf music as voted for by the listeners of North Sea Surf Radio and the members of the Surf Guitar 101 forum.

Starting today everybody can submit their 10 personal favourites from the 60´s and their 10 personal favourites from the the Surf Revivals. With all the contributions the team at North Sea Surf Radio will compile the two lists that will be broadcasted on December 27th, presented by DJ Jonpaul (Surf Guitar 101) and DJ Phantom (North Sea Surf Radio).

People can help decide what the best instrumental surf music tracks of all time are by adding their Top 10´s to the Surf Guitar 101 forum in the following threads:

  1. Classic Surf Top 101 
  2. Surf Revival Top 101

Another option to submit votes it to send an email with name, country and the two Top 10 lists to

The deadline for submissions is Friday, 13th December.

The Reigning Monarchs would like you at their record release show!

Hey new friends! The Monarchs are playing a Record Release party and would love to meet some of you guys there. The info is below and here's where you can hear the record!


Dick Dodd needs our help!

Dick Dodd, legendary drummer for the Belairs and Eddie & The Showmen, and then later drummer and singer for The Standells, has just been diagnosed with cancer and needs our help. His attorney has created a support page where you can help him out with his looming medical bills. Please visit the Dick Dodd Support Page and give if you can. Please join SG101 in keeping Dick in our thoughts as he goes through this difficult time. We are pulling for you Dick!

October 31st; 18 hours of non stop Halloween @ North Sea Surf Radio!

Announcing the 2013 SG101 MP3 Compilation!

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2013 MP3 Compilation! Our 9th one! Just like before, this is a way for members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:

  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Saturday, December 21st, 2013.

I have created an Official 2013 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012.

Battle of the Bands - Santa Barbara

The Battle of the Bands always seemed like a cool tradition back in the heyday of surf with a bunch of reverb heads grinding it out to see who was king of the spring.  I haven't seen many battles these days and those that I have rarely included an instrumental band.  Kelp attempted to remedy that situation by entering the Santa Barbara Independent's 2013 Battle of the Bands.  Amazingly we made the first cut from ~50 bands to semifinal list of 12.  After an online voting poll and some judging by local music industry types, a final 6 were chosen to play live in the final contest.  We were plenty surprised (and stoked) to make the finals with a group of more commercial indie and rock acts.  Each audience member got 1 vote and a panel of "industry" judges got 25 votes each.  Each band had just 20 minutes - we had to narrow things down to 5 songs, a bit of trad, a bit of fuzz, some happy melody, some driving reverby darkness.  When it was all said and done, we ended up second in the closest contest they've had in the 5 years of the contest - 75-78.  I admit we were a bit let down at not getting the winner-take-all prizes, which included some a spendy guitar and bass that we could have easily sold - the real prize was 12 free hours at arguably the best studio in SB.  Ah well, the new album will have to wait a bit longer.  In the end, we realized that, while we may not have come out on top, we had a blast and gained a bevy of new fans; nothing to be bummed about!


Garaza - Bambi Molesters Video

Thanks to dp for tipping us off to this nearly 30 minute video of the Bambi Molesters. Check out the forum thread for an English translation graciously provided by Ivan.

Monster Mash 2013! October 27 West Sacramento

This truly will be a graveyard smash for the entire family! Enjoy an afternoon for pure fun. Three bands: the Rockabilly Love Cats, Lava Pups, and Sneaky Tikis. Contests. Prizes. Costumes. Bowling. Beer and drinks. Great food. And fun. Oh, yeah, the price is right: Free admission.

October 27 - Capitol Bowl, 900 West Capitol Boulevard, West Sacramento - 1:00 to 4:00
