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Permalink The Official 2006 Member Mp3 Compilation Thread

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^ so, i wonder what Phil's review for that song will look like! Wink
ps: the tune sounds sweet, ferenc...great work!

You say "Suck Up" like it's a bad thing...

Thanks for listening!

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Wow!! JeffLeites is right. I just found a Ventures version of "Comin' Home Baby" which i swear i never heard before, and i was immediatly embarrased and shocked at the similarities. It's a little bit different because i had never heard that song before so it's not note for note but it scared the sh** out of me. I was trying to recall "Scratchy" from memory and just sort of made it up not having Travis Wammacks recording of a song i loved as a kid. I heard "Scratchy" recently and "No Can Tells" doesn't really sound like it but.......and yeah i used the bridge chords to "Penetration" in a different key and not note for note. I guess i'm pulling my song from the "competition" out of sheer embarrasement and i appologize if i offended anyone, especially any songwriter that i may have infringed. I'm now taking that song to the rubbish bin. Dying of shame, i leave now.
The TakeOffs Embarassed
i can just hear you guys now........"yeah they should be called The RipOffs"

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

^ I thought cover tunes (and in your case, unknowingly covered tunes) were okay to submit...

You know what? I just listened to both "Comin' Home Baby" and "Penetration" and my song has similarities....but i didn't rip anyone off.Heck a lot of songs have "similarities" but i'm pulling it anyway so's i can sleep tonight!!! Thanks for the support dp.

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

Whoa! Don't pull your song! I was't accusing you of trying to put one over on us. I just found it interesting how you mixed the melody of both tunes because I noticed that both Penatration and Comin' Home Baby kind of fit together about a year ago, I even mentioned it to PJ a long time ago. BTW, if there is any ripping off going on, it's probably Scratchy being a ripoff of Comin' Home Baby (which was was a Top 40 hit for Mel Tormé in 1962, and recorded by dozens of artists since then). It's easy to think you wrote something that you heard once or twice and then completely forgot about, I came up with really cool tune, only to later find out it was Stevie Ray Vaughan's "Mary had a Little Lamb". Besides, there are only 13 notes Wink So please don't dump it! It's still a good sounding tune!
p.s. I don't think this a competition.

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Just for the record, I don't think its necessary for you to pull the song (even though I already did at your request).

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Another vote for putting it back in!


Yeah, RR. You have our forgiveness. Very Happy


Hey pulling your song is bullsht. There is no rule that says it has to be different from any other song. As a musician I know many people use the same melody form other songs that have been pined by someone else. We hear so much music it is almost impossible to not include something similar somewhere in a song. just ask the beach boys. ** I have heard similarities in almost ever song here with songs from others.Your entry is a Killer entry. I have it on my play list, and it is never going away!
Rant off


yeah just put it back. I think you simply mistook the first comment as critisism, which I don't think it was.

you write stuff, you have all this musical vocabulary in your head somewhere, it creeps in sometimes. no big deal, if it's a cool song, who cares, right?

besides, "can't publish a surf song cause it sounds so much like another surf song".... LMAO pipeline/pentration, anyone? wouldn't like to mis either one...


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Yeah Ron, put the song back in. Hell, if I didn't half-assedly rip off surf tunes, I'd never have an "original" song to my credit.

And besides, where would our friends, the rappers, be without sampling???


Wow.....Thank you all sooooo much for the support. I'm really humbled. Jeff ...i never took your post as an acusation or critisism, in fact i was stoked that someone listened to the darn thing and liked it. I meant "compilation" not "competition" but i was so frikkin rattled at the time i couldn't see straight. Over here we call it too much sea foam on the brain. By popular demand i'll put it back in and i'm not going to the beach for a few days so that should help clear the "foam".You guys are all great and thanks again for the support and encouragement and hey!! i found yet another great Ventures tune out of all this and that's way fact "Comin' Home Baby" sounds a little like "No Can Tells"! Cool
Aloha you guys and PLEASE look me up if you ever come to Kauai.
Your humble rhythm guitarist,

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"


for the record, now that it's back up I could give it a good listen and I just like to add....the main riff also sounds a lot like Joe Cocker's "unchain my heart" ROTFL

seriously, yeah there are "melodies that hint to other stuff." but imho, making surf music isn't just about great ond original melodies MUCHO of it is about playing style, arrangement and sound. and I must say I like your almost delicate sounding playing style on the lead, think you did great with the backing guitar drippy chord picking. And sound is nice too. btw, is it a drumcomputer or live drums? you did well with that. btw Im amazed at how some people can get very decent sounds from that (in fact I allready stole one little drumcomputer trick from your track, even if that's drumcomputer!)

btw - the comp overall is going to be great! props to everyone!


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

WR......I used a drum machine on this track. An Alesis SR-16. I recorded this demo some years ago and it was meant to be just that...a demo....but i'm not afraid to use whatever sounds good, or whatever i have to make music. I'm also a drummer so i can program it pretty good but on this song i just made a simple beat to back up the Mel Torme melody!!! I can see you have some humor too....and thanks for that! Now days i use both man and machine to make drum tracks. I sample my kik snr toms and can paste them wherever i need to to make it sound more like a real drummer although i'm pretty good at drumming with a "click" trak it's just easier to work this way on my demos.When people ask me if i used a drum machine on something i take that as a compliment. I used my (custom) Tele on the lead and my Strat (Hwy.1) on the riddim. I use my palm to kinda muffle the strings a bit on the riddim which i do a lot and i play upside down and left handed and all of it together gives me an original kinda sound i hope. I have a gasp Fender SKX 100r solid state amp with two 12" Jensen "neo's" and i also replaced the 2 spring reverb with a 3 spring tank but now i have the Holy Grail so i don't use the amp reverb too much if at all. I taught myself to play guitar,drums and keyboards and am also a self taught engineer. i finally gave in and got ProTools so i could still work with other artists who demand "state of the art" production. I'm proudly an "old School" analog guy but i gotta work.
Thank you so much for the compliments and support and The TakeOffs will be recording soon WITH A REAL DRUMMER and right now we're writing what we hope will be original songs for that project. Cool

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

WR...If you (or anybody) ever need any help with drums or anything let me know. It's a modern world and amazing links can be made. I've been a musician and producer for at least 30 years and would love to hand down the techniques and stuff that i learned from older guys when i was a kid. I paid attention when doing sessions and learned a lot on my own just by watching and asking questions and i would love to share it with others. Just ask! Cool

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"


well, I'm glad you decided to leave your tune submission up!

and I am really digging the "drumkomputer" "elektrodrum" "drummachine" sub-thead that WR and yourself have developed...

perhaps we can start a discussion re: Komputerdrumtechnik over in the "Recording" area?...I for one am a long-time Komputerdrumutilizer, ever since Kraftwerk's "Autobahn" and the The Eurythmics "1984" I have been working with good old DrRhythm and other drummachines...just call me Herr Komputerdrumprogrammer, I guess...

anyway, any tips, tricks, suggestions or comments on Electrodrumkomputerprogramutilization would be welcome.

Not that real drums are bad...they're great!...but, I accepted the reality of Programmedrummers way back during the last century...just another tool in the toolbox, I always say...

and I am really digging the "drumkomputer" "elektrodrum" "drummachine" sub-thead that WR and yourself have developed...

perhaps we can start a discussion re: Komputerdrumtechnik over in the "Recording" erea?

done Cool

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

New one today.

The Bookhouse Boys: Coming Up (Da Bends)


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

ONLY 5 more days to get your song in!

ONLY 5 more days to get your song in!

ONLY 5 more days to get your song in!

Mine is almost done.


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Thanks for the reminder Chris, I've been meaning to say something about the approaching deadline.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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