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I was wondering if there’s been any update with this documentary and it’s release date to DVD and so forth? I was a contributor and I’ve not seen or heard anything since August. Did anyone else receive their DVD? Thanks

Peace to you, not on you

Diggey here's some updates from John Blair

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

How did you not see the updates from John?


Jeff, I think the updates here actually are "easy to miss", especially when there are new topics everyday and threads move away from the start page within a day or so. Also, there has been no update concerning Tom's passing on the Indiegogo page for the film (where you can actually still pledge support money for the film). I guess it is rather difficult to take over the various platforms connected with the project, but I guess Diggey is not the only one wondering what has happened...

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

Jeff- please don’t take this the wrong way but what update? Last I heard he had passed away and that the project was going to continue. I’ve not seen any update since then. I did see that thread as it was added on too but I’ve not gotten any update via email or anything since August.

I don’t see anything that tells me really anything. That’s why I was following up here. I know it sucks that he passed and I think it’s great it will continue. Just was asking the status.

Peace to you, not on you

Last edited: Mar 06, 2022 17:39:47

The update is in the other thread.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Thank you Noel.


Brian has locked the other "Sound of The Surf" thread because it was causing undue confusion over the status of the film. I'll make future updates to this thread now.

I'm aware that the Indiegogo campaign is still up and alive. Tom Duncan (RIP) was the admin for that site. I DO NOT HAVE ACCESS....yet.

Still no movement forward, but I'm hoping that will change within the next few days. I need to work out who will have admin control for the SoTS Facebook page as well, and of course the film's website.

All I can say, and continue to repeat, is that I want to finish the film that Tom started so all of you can finally see it, wrap up the Indiegogo campaign, post status updates to Facebook, and to the film's website. Simple and straight forward, eh? Call me Sisyphus for the time being and please be patient awhile longer. I'm looking uphill at the moment.

John, just knowing that you are at the helm inspires great confidence! We've waited this long, we can wait a bit longer. We are behind you 100 percent!


Not much to update at this point, but I wanted to say something. It's taken a couple of months to reach the point where I should have a much clearer idea of where Tom left off and exactly what needs to be done to finish "Sound of The Surf." Frankly, I'm a little exhausted without going into all the details of what's been going on behind the scenes.

Regardless, I AM making progress, although much slower than I would like at this stage. I'm hoping to make better progress very, very soon. Again, I ask for everyone's patience. I'm still very hopeful that I'll be able to pull this off AND hopeful that I'll have more positive news in a couple of weeks.

Good luck with all this John


You have my sympathies, John. I can only imagine the obstacles in the way. Just the project itself would be enough but there's the matter of the man's estate also. Holy Moly. Smile

Work continues on trying to complete "Sound of The Surf." A little progress has been made, but a major effort is forthcoming in July that will, hopefully, get the film within striking distance of the finish line. I hope to have some major news by this time next month.

In the meantime, from director Tom Duncan's vast archive of photos and videos that he gathered over the last 15 years during the production of the film, here's Kathy Marshall ("Queen of The Surf Guitar") waiting backstage to perform at the Retail Clerk's Hall in Buena Park, ca. 1963/64. Waiting is always the hardest part (h/t to Tom Petty).


Thanks for update John


Just a word about the Indiegogo campaign that Tom Duncan managed last year to generate completion funds for "Sound of The Surf." The campaign has been closed because of the circumstances. I'm hoping that everyone who invested in the film has seen the news, posts, and messages about the film's status. Toward that end, I just posted another update to the Indiegogo campaign page here:

Thank you John


Hey John, I'm right up the coast if there's anything I can do to help. I've spent 20+ years in audio/video software, I know tons of folks, and while I don't currently have an editing rig, I'm willing to pitch in however I can.

It's been an eventful last few weeks for "Sound of The Surf." Background work continues with attorneys working on legal concerns. However, the movie, itself, has undergone some minor polishing to prepare a very good rough cut for submission to film festivals. If I had waited until the movie was completely finished, I would have missed a number of important festival deadlines. I didn't want to wait until 2023 because the movie will be available long before then, and most festivals have rules about no public screening or commercial availability before festival entry. So, now was the time for this. In most cases, accepted films are announced sometime in September through November, with festival events/screenings between this fall and next winter.

New background music cues are being recorded this week. I fully expect "Sound of The Surf" to be DVD ready in the September-October time frame. Most importantly, I've had Tom Duncan's vision for this film in mind every step of the way since his passing last year, so I hope he'd be proud of where we are and where we WILL BE in a few weeks.

very good news John.
I believe the surf music community is looking forward to watch and hear
this gem later this year.
Stay safe and healthy John!

Great news, John!
Sunscreen Film Festival West in Hermosa Beach seems like a possible good fit:

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