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334 days ago

dp: dude
315 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
270 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
254 days ago

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205 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
127 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
120 days ago

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106 days ago

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86 days ago

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37 days ago

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Christian Targa & Surf Aliens (São Paulo, Brasil)

Alvino and the Dwells (San Diego California, USA)

Biography (For above link)

" Surf rockers Alvino & the Dwells have their roots in San Diego's teen post-punk and mod scenes, with occasional Manual Scan members David Fleminger (aka David Flack) and Tony Suarez (aka Al Flack), both of whom previously played with the Answers. Drummer Didier Suarez came from bands like Sub Society, Furious IV, and Enigma Piercing.
A self-titled album released in 2015 was recorded live at Rarefied Recording and engineered by David Feldman, Roy Silverstein, and Joel DeWitt. "

The Stone Robots (Austin-Texas, USA)


The Ventures, Dick Dale, Laika & The Cosmonauts, Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, The Shadows, Eddie & The Showmen

The Space Sanchos (Los Angeles-California, USA)

Biography (Form Facebook Page)

Formed in 2014, The Space Sanchos is an instrumental latin surf rock band from Los Angeles California. Composed by Cesar Solorzano on lead guitar, Jerry Vasquez on drums, Rene Montes on guitar rhythm guitar and Luis Torrealva on bass. Together they mix original material with classic surf and cumbia instrumentals in their own fun and unique way that will have you dancing or playing air guitar all night! Or both!!!

Z & the Tiki Twisters (Argelès-Gazost, France)

Wood Surfers (Londrina, Brazil)

Biography (Form Facebook Page)

Wood Surfers is a trio of instrumental surf music from Londrina-Pr, which blends from the traditional riffs of this style-diffused by big names like Dick Dale, Ventures, Link Wray in the decades 60, 70-with more current and fast footprint, taking advantage of the rhythms of the ska, Jazz, swings Latinos and rock bases in their composition. For many, this mixture generated the new experimental surf.

The El Caminos ( Kobe,Japan)

Last edited: Mar 25, 2019 07:14:47

Reverb All-Stars (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Biography (Form Facebook Page)

The largest surf music band, founded in the second edition of the first mining championship of Surfing (2002), the reverb All Stars was created with the proposal of jam session, uniting members of the main bands with influence "Surf" in the capital of Minas Gerais, carries in the Name a prank with the meetings, tributes and charitable events of old-school rock guard of the type Live Aid and Princess Trust. Already known for the tradition of opening the festival that originated the band and also the annual Festa do Belorizontino absent, since 2017 the group began to count also with a version in the capital of São Paulo

Les Dynamites (Jerusalem, Israel)

Last edited: Mar 12, 2019 07:49:12

The Ding Dong Devils (Los Angeles-California, USA)

Biography (From Facebook Page)

The Ding Dong Devils create a wild hybrid musical cocktail by taking a base of Tiki, exotica and Polynesian pop, then mixing it with dashes of fuzzy 60’s garage rock, amped-up rockabilly, tremolo-laden surf, and even the greasy bump and grind music that was used to accompany burlesque performers. As a festive garnish, they add eccentric stereo arrangements of 50s and 60s hi-fi records, featuring instruments such as steel and baritone guitar, xylophone and ukelele.

The fez-wearing band counts Link Wray, Martin Denny, the Cramps, the Sonics, Elvis, the B-52s, Sol Hoopii, Esquivel, Joe Meek, Jerry Lee Lewis, Don Knotts soundtrack composer Vic Mizzy, and the Las Vegas Grind and Frolic Diner LPs among their inspirations. Their original repertoire, written and sung variously by all four members—two female, two male—is split between instrumentals and vocals. The vocal numbers (laden with tongue-in-cheek humor and satire) often tell stories set within the worlds of Tiki culture, Polynesian Pop and dark jungle adventure, but with very strange twists and turns along the way.

The Los Angeles-based band consists of Brent Walker (Caltiki) on guitar, steel guitar and mandolin; Julia Devine (Nepheria) on electric and upright bass; Rosann Simeroth (Puka von Pele) on drums and percussion; Edwin Letcher (Rama Lama) on guitar, ukulele and xylophone, and all four on vocals. Some other bands the members have played in include Del Noah and the Mt. Ararat Finks, Moist and Meaty, King Dapper Combo, the Omlits, the Pivot Foots, Cheeseburger, the Hillbilly Varmints, the Henpeckers, the Fleagles, the Controllers, Lovingkindness, the Thirsty Brats, Bangers & Mash, and the Rotters.

Last edited: Mar 12, 2019 09:10:13

Earthman, Go Home! (Örebro, Sweden)

(From Home Page)

Yesterday's sounds of tomorrow today!
Imagine that three Scandinavian cosmonauts went to a beach in California to play a little cozy instrumental music but met a punk band on the plane and never became the happy-go-lucky people they once were. This cosmonautical instrumental surf punk band is Earthman, Go Home!

On the previous page,
It's El Zeb, not Zep


^Thanks bigtikidude - those upside down b's get me everytime Laughing

The Mariners (Tennessee, USA)

Blackball Bandits (Orange County- California, USA)

Biography (From Facebook Page)

The Blackball Bandits come from the big desert where they have spent years causing chaos. These five bandits are now unleashed upon the unsuspecting world to spread the sound of their energic Surf music !

Bad Riders (San Salvo Beach, Italy)

The Evanstones (Seattle-Washington, USA)

Last edited: Mar 25, 2019 09:50:59

The Greasy Gills (Sonora-California, USA)

Last edited: Jul 27, 2019 15:15:05

The Boss Novas (Red Deer, Alberta, Canada)


The Ventures, Laika and The Cosmonauts, Slacktone, The Bambi Molesters, The Space Cossacks, The Studebakers, The Fathoms, Aqualads, The Langhorns, The Challangers, The Surfaris, The Pyramids, The Astronauts, The Ray Beats, The Madeira, Dick Dale and the Del Tones, Bevel Emboss, The Treble Spankers, The Trashmen, The Trashwomen, Link Wray, The Vistas, Shadowy Men From a Shadowy Planet, The Merman, The Huntington Cads, The Tiki Men, Jon and The Night Riders, The Blue Hawaiians, The Phanotom Four, Pollo Del Mar, Los Tormentos, The Space Rangers, Dirty Fuse, The Surfites, Aqua Velvets, The Surf Coasters, The Halibuts, Lost Tiki Phantoms, The Omega Men, The Cocktail Preachers, The Apemen, The Tormentos

Bikini Beach Band (Hackney, London UK)

Humanga Danga (Ghent, Belgium)

Biography (From Facebook Page) Translated from Dutch

Nothing is what it seems. So also with Humanga Danga. At first sight: four tidy men from Ghent who play ' Tarantino-surf '. But oh woe, don't let you catch it and listen to it again!

Dick Dale meets Morricone.
The ventures are doing it on its Balkans.
John Barry heupwiegt on Bossa and merengue.
And behold, Messer Chups flatter themselves willingly down into thousand-and-one-night cushions.

Humanga Danga takes you on an exotic surfari. Vintage ' 60s grooves, twangy reverbsounds and ethnic melodies form the soundtrack.

With their rumble-in-the-jungle drums, wavy guitar lines and quirky tracks, these four heerschappen a well and irresistible attack on your ears and legs!

Do not oppose it. Not moving is impossible.

Humanga Danga played at North Sea Surf Festival (Melkweg, Amsterdam), Hot rod Rod & Custom Show (Chimay), Clinker (Ghent) and Zaradi Tebe (Ghent). A first EP that was enthusiastically received was recently released.

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