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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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Oh, good. I have a 1.5A switching power supply that should be good to run parallel boards.
bjoish wrote:

JObeast wrote:

What is the current consumption of the existing FET Reverb? I forget.

The current consumption is about 500mA. But I recommend a 1A power supply, just to be sure.

Squink Out!

another build of the fet reverb
thanks to Bjorn for a great product and customer service ;)




Los Venturas
The Spektrums
The Tritones (RIP)

Thanks Michael Smile

Your build looks really good!

Love the minimalist style to this one! ~Very~ well executed.

Schots wrote:

another build of the fet reverb
thanks to Bjorn for a great product and customer service ;)




El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Onslow_Beach wrote:

Love the minimalist style to this one! ~Very~ well executed.

Agree, very nice job. I like the robust approach to the cabling.
Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Very nice build, esp. love the Tiki touch.

So Bjørn, are you going to be able to build an FET brownface Tremolo? The only options i see out there cost $535 from Ted Weber, or 3 times that much from Victoria.

Squink Out!

Hi JOBeast Smile

Yes I am working on it.
My approach is to not just build something that sounds similar, I am trying to keep the original principle and replace the tubes with jfets. Just as I did with the FET Reverb.
I have simulated this circuit and ordered prototype boards.
I am afraid it will take some time to get it right...

There are lots of other interesting tremolo diy projects out there, have you seen this one:

YEs, David Rolo's pedal seems really good, but I like your approach to nail a true clone of the original, not just a sonic clone.
Listening to old recordings and new, I find the sound of the brownface Fender tremolo to be really uniquely compelling. I bought a MusicMan Sixty-Five 112 because of its unique tremolo, which is similar, but no cigar. The MM circuit sounds best on overdriven sounds, like with the input volume 7-10. Definitely not surf territory on this amp. More like Jimi's.

Squink Out!

Quick question for those that have built this project using the sticker that Bjorn sells. where did you find a metal enclosure to fit it? Bought everything to build this a ways back and hoping to actually get the ball rolling.

Please read back into this thread. there are many ready-made enclosures users have adapted, such as the used 18" toolbox I did. Use your imagination to find one that suits you.
Hangin8bits wrote:

Quick question for those that have built this project using the sticker that Bjorn sells. where did you find a metal enclosure to fit it? Bought everything to build this a ways back and hoping to actually get the ball rolling.

Squink Out!

For me , it was cheaper and faster to make one out of a Drywall rail as you can see in this link. Credit to Ariel for this great solution.

Last edited: Oct 21, 2015 10:25:29

So you are asking about a chassis, not enclosure. Lightweight, perforated and angled aluminum is a good solution. My own need for chassis was obviated by mounting the board directly to the inside of the toolbox lid. The toolbox's steel makes for a sturdy mounting surface and the whole enclosure shields it very well electronically and acoustically. The tank rests on the floor lined with cork insulation.

Mark2Bra wrote:

For me , it was cheaper and faster to make one out of a Drywall rail as you can see in this link. Credit to Ariel for this great solution.

Squink Out!

Mark2Bra wrote:

For me , it was cheaper and faster to make one out of a Drywall rail as you can see in this link. Credit to Ariel for this great solution.

Yes, thats a very nice solution Smile

For inspriration, you can use this link:
Thanks to fuzzkaiser for gathering all the pictures!

After a long time with personal issues and a divorce that has leave me alone with two small boys all the time I took up the Surfy Bear reverb build again.

I got the vector file with the logo from Björn and i desiged those front and back panels. I have built a 12V power supply that I'm going to place in the chassi and I also are going to make a second board with two relays so I can choose with a toggle switch on the backside if the footswitch should work as a "tru pypass" or the standard "reverb mute". I will use a relay on the original "reverb mute" mode instead of sending the signal out on the floor to the foot switch wich can make create noise. I also have used shilded cable to all pots and in and output jack to prevent noise and hum.

Here comes some picturers of my build.


Last edited: Nov 19, 2015 15:48:49

Looks great! I love mine!

The Kahuna Kings

Some progress, now have I finish the Power supply card and I put in another 7812 to the 12V feed for the relays. I Think that the voltage to the relays will be unstabilized with out the LM7812 around 16-17V so I put in another one for the relays to be on the safe side. I Think it's better to separate the the relay circut from the audio circut to prevent switching noise from the relays.

It looks like this now, not so much more to do

I start soldering tomorrow...

I'm constantly walking the street looking for discarded things I could salvage for use as an enclosure.

My chassis may be this off of a metal door-closing mechanism from work they were throwing away. The wires can pass through the gaps.


Clarry wrote:

I'm constantly walking the street looking for discarded things I could salvage for use as an enclosure.



Squink Out!

Last edited: Nov 20, 2015 09:21:27

& Hint:

Squink Out!

Last edited: Nov 20, 2015 09:23:47

I'm looking at a bread bin....


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