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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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Thanks folks I'll contact them directly to see if they can help. I expected a bit of a volume drop but not this much.

congernet wrote:

I finally finished my build after collecting the components over a few years. I'm a bedroom picker who plays mostly instro, surf, & rockabilly.
When I started, my main goal was to have a copy of the Fender reverb unit since I couldn't afford to buy one. With the Surfybear kits I could buy what I needed one piece at a time (like Johnny Cash built his Cadillac).
With that in mind, and very little experience with any of the skills involved, I chose to combine the reverb and tremelo kits. I liked the idea of having 1 powered unit that did both. I briefly considered adding the guts from a delay pedal but realized that was too much to bite off.
I built a cabinet with the plans on this site and found some inexpensive tweed pattern tolex and grill cloth on Amazon to get a decent imitation of what I really wanted. I took the Fender logo off of a small bass amp.
In the end I'm very happy with the results. I never played a Fender unit but this sounds just like I think it should.
My thanks to everyone who posts on this site such great information.

That is absolutely great. You’ve combined two very useful effects into one classic package.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Hello splashy friends. I have had a surfybear kit (now discontinued) sitting in a drawer unloved for a long time. I am now motivated to get it built. I have the long reverb pan but am struggling to find a suitable old-fashioned toolbox to mount it all in. most are too small for the reverb pan/tank. or, they are fancier toolboxes with cantilever drawers and such. at least, as far as i can find on amazon UK.

if anyone can point me towards a cheap option available in UK, i would be very grateful!

mechagodzilla wrote:

Hello splashy friends. I have had a surfybear kit (now discontinued) sitting in a drawer unloved for a long time. I am now motivated to get it built. I have the long reverb pan but am struggling to find a suitable old-fashioned toolbox to mount it all in. most are too small for the reverb pan/tank. or, they are fancier toolboxes with cantilever drawers and such. at least, as far as i can find on amazon UK.

if anyone can point me towards a cheap option available in UK, i would be very grateful!

I used this from Amazon UK:

Here is a video of my build:

wow, i wonder why that one wouldn't show up in my searches. it's perfect! thank you very much.

bjoish wrote:

Hello Reatavlos_88
I am sorry about the problem.
I suppose you have checked the wiring and the connectors.
Its also a good idea to reflow all the soldering joints!
Possibly this is a board failure.
I think you should contact me at

Was a solution to this ever found out of curiosity. I bought a kit many years ago, and it became lost in the mix. I just finished doing the build, and am having this same issue. I get a fine reverb when my tank is shifted, but the dry signal is completely cut, and does not seem to run to the tank. I saw on the site that the DIY is no longer continued and now I'm panicking lol.

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ohioriversurfer wrote:

bjoish wrote:

Hello Reatavlos_88
I am sorry about the problem.
I suppose you have checked the wiring and the connectors.
Its also a good idea to reflow all the soldering joints!
Possibly this is a board failure.
I think you should contact me at

Was a solution to this ever found out of curiosity. I bought a kit many years ago, and it became lost in the mix. I just finished doing the build, and am having this same issue. I get a fine reverb when my tank is shifted, but the dry signal is completely cut, and does not seem to run to the tank. I saw on the site that the DIY is no longer continued and now I'm panicking lol.

Hi ohioriversurfer
Please take a look at the FAQ page here:

As described on this page, the usual problem is that the MOSFETs is in contact with the enclosure chassis. The MOSFETs should be in isolation using the thermo tape provided.

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