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oh quick question

if id wanna hook up a 2 switch external pedal as an on and off switch for both the surfy reverb and trem would i use a stereo jack?


Last edited: Mar 08, 2022 12:51:22

Gilette wrote:

SHADOWNIGHT5150 wrote:

oh quick question

if id wanna hook up a 2 switch external pedal as an on and off switch for both the surfy reverb and trem would i use a stereo jack?

Yes. Use shielded wire!


Ok cool
And to make sure im doing everything right
To connect the reverb abd trem together i hook it up lolike this?



Last edited: Mar 08, 2022 12:50:59

Is there a way u can add the dual pot mix mod with a switch to change witch pot is active but also have it switched by the footswich as well

SHADOWNIGHT5150 wrote:

Is there a way u can add the dual pot mix mod with a switch to change witch pot is active but also have it switched by the footswich as well

The easiest way to do this is by using a relay.
There are many types of relays but basically they work like this:

N0_Camping4U wrote:

I just saw this video on Youtube

Is there anyway to have this built? Anyone out there taking on builds? Willing to pay 600 for it.

bjoish wrote:

SHADOWNIGHT5150 wrote:

Is there a way u can add the dual pot mix mod with a switch to change witch pot is active but also have it switched by the footswich as well

The easiest way to do this is by using a relay.
There are many types of relays but basically they work like this:

So how eould i go about wiring one up to do what i need?


Last edited: Mar 08, 2022 12:50:18

I just saw this video on Youtube

Is there anyway to have this built? Anyone out there taking on builds? Willing to pay 600 for it.

Hoping to find someone looking to take on a build.



Hey, all. Just slapped an old Gibbs tank in my SurfyBear reverb. Sounds pretty damned okay to me. However, I happened to notice on the SurfyBear FAQ that he specifies a tank with in/out impedances of 8 Ohm/2250 Ohm. The tank I used was more in line with what you'd find in the original 6G15, namely 1.25 Ohm/175 Ohm (as measured R, not true impedance.)

Like I said, it sounds fine to me, but I am wondering what is up with the specification at SurfyBear. Any clues?


Last edited: May 13, 2019 21:25:39

LHR - The Surfybear specs are for the actual impedance, which is going to be notably different than the resistance values like you measured. If I recall correctly, the values you measured on your tank are what you would find for a pan that had 8 Ohm and 2250 Ohm input/output impendance. So you are good to go.

Managed to pick up some aluminum sheet for £2 from a street market today, almost the last missing piece before I assemble my Surfy and trem.

Three simple questions, TIA for any suggestions.

1: both the reverb and the trem specify 12V, 1A PSU. Is that a generous estimate, what do people here with dual units use? IE might I be ok with (the much more common) 1.5A supply?

2: I'm just a bit short on space, have to fit all five control, jacks, and switches into around 250 mm. Tragically, I don't have space for a Fender-style jewel lamp for mains off and on. Can anyone suggest a good looking light that's smaller? Or even an attractive LED Bezel, perhaps with jewel? In that case I could use similar ones for mains and tremolo speed.

3: Is the little toggle switch with the trem SPDT?

Last edited: May 17, 2019 10:48:14


Last edited: Mar 08, 2022 12:49:56

Thanks. Yes, I know that impedance will be different than just measuring the resistance across leads. But this seems like a big -- and, more importantly, disproportionate -- difference in values.

Again, not that this matters much; the thing sounds pretty good!

edwardsand wrote:

LHR - The Surfybear specs are for the actual impedance, which is going to be notably different than the resistance values like you measured. If I recall correctly, the values you measured on your tank are what you would find for a pan that had 8 Ohm and 2250 Ohm input/output impendance. So you are good to go.


LHR wrote:

But this seems like a big -- and, more importantly, disproportionate -- difference in values.

Here's the Accutronics table showing DC resistance and impedance for each pan:

8 Ohm input is around 0,8 Ohm dc resistance
2250 Ohm output is around 200 Ohm dc resistance

Your values 1.25 Ohm/175 Ohm are perfectly in line with that.

Last edited: May 17, 2019 15:41:47

Nice! Thanks.

j_flanders wrote:

LHR wrote:

But this seems like a big -- and, more importantly, disproportionate -- difference in values.

Here's the Accutronics table showing DC resistance and impedance for each pan:

8 Ohm input is around 0,8 Ohm dc resistance
2250 Ohm output is around 200 Ohm dc resistance

Your values 1.25 Ohm/175 Ohm are perfectly in line with that.


Paul_T, because this is 12 volt, automotive led's will work. I used that on mine without a nice enclosure. They are available in many colors.

Ah, the LED is 12 volt? I wasn't sure, so that's really good news. Thanks. Your build looks great.

I've ordered these. Will update if they look good (and if they arrive)>> >

Last edited: May 18, 2019 03:52:00

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