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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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bjoish wrote:

Reatavlos_88 wrote:


I have an issue with my Surfy Bear. It could also be because of the amp I'm using.
The Surfy Bear sound gets very ice-picky and harsh on some many higher notes, even more so when I'm using my Harley Benton American Truetone pedal (it's an amp simulator) even if I have the drive on the pedal very low.

The C10 mod will only affect the wet signal.
In your case it seems like both dry and wet are affected.
SurfyBear (and 6g15) have an unbuffered output, this makes it sensitive to the impedance of the guitar amp.
I recommend that you experiment with other pedals or amps to find out if this is real problem or not.

Ha, I interpreted he only is having the issue while the Surfy Bear was in the signal chain. Then indeed Björn’s advice is spot on!

Mischa wrote:

bjoish wrote:

Reatavlos_88 wrote:


I have an issue with my Surfy Bear. It could also be because of the amp I'm using.
The Surfy Bear sound gets very ice-picky and harsh on some many higher notes, even more so when I'm using my Harley Benton American Truetone pedal (it's an amp simulator) even if I have the drive on the pedal very low.

The C10 mod will only affect the wet signal.
In your case it seems like both dry and wet are affected.
SurfyBear (and 6g15) have an unbuffered output, this makes it sensitive to the impedance of the guitar amp.
I recommend that you experiment with other pedals or amps to find out if this is real problem or not.

Ha, I interpreted he only is having the issue while the Surfy Bear was in the signal chain. Then indeed Björn’s advice is spot on!

The dry signal is actually much less ice-picky, and as soon as the mix pot and dweel are around 6 it gets hars on the thinner strings. Sound very nice on the lower though.
Also I don't really have this problem when I plug everything into my soundcard, even with the pedal before the SB.
I will probably look for a better surf amp even though I thought this one was supposed to do.

In the beginning was reverb

Im acquiring materials for a surfy bear build. Im doing a hybrid reverb/trem build inso an old ww2 ammo box

Only issue i have is some of the lights and switches i want to use.

Can i use a typical fender amp switch for the on/off and brownface/blackface switches?


Last edited: Mar 08, 2022 12:56:01

Gilette wrote:

SHADOWNIGHT5150 wrote:

Im acquiring materials for a surfy bear build. Im doing a hybrid reverb/trem build inso an old ww2 ammo box

Only issue i have is some of the lights and switches i want to use.

Can i use a typical fender amp switch for the on/off and brownface/blackface switches?

Yes you can use the switches. No problem, as long as they operate in the same fashion as the supplied switches. If you want to use a jewel light you can change the bulb for a 12 volt type.

ok cool beans

so what im wanting to do is build the surfy bear and tremolo pedal in one enclosure

im just not too certain how i would wire that up

layout wise im thinking
amp light>Main power switch>Input>Vol>Dwell>Mix>Tone>Trem Light>ON/OFF Trem>Harm/Black switch>Intensity>Speed>Output>Footswitch

im wanting the Trem to act like a typical amp trem where u can have the footswitch and turn it on or off or turn the intensity down without affecting the output volume

Last edited: Apr 10, 2019 19:37:15


heres the layout

N0_Camping4U wrote:

I just saw this video on Youtube

Is there anyway to have this built? Anyone out there taking on builds?

Bump anyone taking on builds?

im trying to figure out what value volume pot i need for my build. im wanting to do the split pot mod with a stack volume/mix

N0_Camping4U wrote:

N0_Camping4U wrote:

I just saw this video on Youtube

Is there anyway to have this built? Anyone out there taking on builds?

Bump anyone taking on builds?

Looking at the Surfy Industries website/shop, I see that a 'mass' produced, simpler version costs a little over 400 euros (450$).
Since you're asking for an exclusive, one-off, complexer build (for which the schematic has not been made public) I guess you can add a couple of hundreds to that amount. Let's say 600 euros.
Are you willing to spend that? If so, it might be a good idea to explicitly say so, because then some people that could/would actually build this for you, know that you have realistic expectations. Smile
They (probably) might do it for less but nobody is going to build this for 250$ or so.

Last edited: Apr 11, 2019 19:59:39

I would be willing to pay handsomely for it, yes. I'm in the US.

I would gladly pay 600 for that.

hey i need help figuring out how to wire up a Volume Pot on the input of the surfy bear. i wanna use a stacked pot where one is the input volume to drive the unit and the other is the overall mix knob. Think like the SurfyBear Metal

im looking at the manual and im thinking it might have something to do with tapping into the Gain adjustment pot?

question, im looking at the layout and realize the mixer value pot is 250k what would happen if i changed the vale to 500 or 1 meg

On the SurfyBear metal there is an extra buffer circuit added to to the output, that’s where the Volume control is connected.

I don’t recommend adjustments to the little trimmer. It is used for calibrating the gain of the wet signal path. This was done when the board was manufactured.

If you replace the Mixer pot with a higher value the output impedance will increase. This will probably affect the tone since the guitar cable and guitar amp loads the output.

bjoish wrote:

On the SurfyBear metal there is an extra buffer circuit added to to the output, that’s where the Volume control is connected.

I don’t recommend adjustments to the little trimmer. It is used for calibrating the gain of the wet signal path. This was done when the board was manufactured.

If you replace the Mixer pot with a higher value the output impedance will increase. This will probably affect the tone since the guitar cable and guitar amp loads the output.

Oh thank you for that clarification

How would this work
Dual 250k concentric pot
And a ep boost module
Wire the boost on the input and have one of the volumes control it then have the other wired to the regular mix knob

Well, I dont know why you want booster on the input, but why not. Feel free to experiment!

Hello again!

Crazy/stupid idea:
I was wondering what would happen if I put a compressor in between the Surfy Bear circuit and the reverb pan. Basically from the circuits RCA-out into a Boss compressor and from the Boss to the reverb spring tank. Can anything break you think?

I am now also wondering if it is possible to put another kind of pedal in that place.

In the beginning was reverb

Last edited: Apr 14, 2019 04:29:18

Reatavlos_88 wrote:

Hello again!

Crazy/stupid idea:
what I was wondering would happen if I put a compressor in between the Surfy Bear circuit and the reverb pan. Basically from the circuits RCA-out into a Boss compressor and from the Boss to the reverb spring tank. Can anything break you think?

Hi Reatavlos-88
I don’t think the BOSS compressor will be able to drive the spring pan. You need some kind of power amp to drive the 8ohm input coil.

bjoish wrote:

Reatavlos_88 wrote:

Hello again!

Crazy/stupid idea:
what I was wondering would happen if I put a compressor in between the Surfy Bear circuit and the reverb pan. Basically from the circuits RCA-out into a Boss compressor and from the Boss to the reverb spring tank. Can anything break you think?

Hi Reatavlos-88
I don’t think the BOSS compressor will be able to drive the spring pan. You need some kind of power amp to drive the 8ohm input coil.

Ok! Tack, Björn!
Isn't the circuit with FET driving it if I just add a compressor before the spring? Guitar in surfy bear input, signal goes through circuit and the output goes to compressor with RCA to 3.5 mm jack adapter and then from compressor to spring pan and then it's just the regular way all the way to the guitar amp.

In the beginning was reverb

Yes, the circuit have a FET driver for the pan.
But if you add a compressor, the output of the compressor is probably not powerful enough to drive the input coil of the pan. To drive a reverb pan is similar to drive a speaker.

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