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Stories with tag: "surfer-joe-festival"


BOSS FINK are going to ITALY! The "Finks Across Italy Tour" starts June 10 in Caserta through June 18 in Livorno for THE SURFER JOE FESTIVAL! (See dates on this flyer).


Green Cookie records New releases and Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2016

Green Cookie records will be again on the Surfer Joe Summer Festival.

We can't wait to meet you and have you check out our new and old releases.

We will have NEW releases on the festival.

  • GC054 THE EL CAMINOS - BEHIND THE SURF (including Unreleased tunes)

We will have fun!

North Sea Surf Radio to broadcast the Surfer Joe Festival

And for those that cannot make it to Livorno, North Sea Surf Radio will be there all weekend!


Just like last year we will be bringing you a live report from the BEST surf music festival around.

On both days there will be a twelve hour broadcast from 1PM to 1AM Central European Time, which will re-run from 1AM to 1PM. This makes it possible for people in all continents to witness the entire radioshow and be part of this groundbreaking event. The two twelve hour shows will be hosted by 10 different North Sea Surf Radio DJ's and our special Guest DJ "El Firetone" from El Ray (Denmark). The shows will feature interviews, behind the scenes reports and live music from all the performances.

The 48 hour weekend will be preceded by 12 hours of DJ Specials about the Surfer Joe Summer Festival which will Re-Run as well.

Broadcast times on Friday 20th, Saturday June 21st & Sunday June 22nd:

DJ Specials: Friday 13:00 - Saturday 01:00 
Re-run: Saturday 01:00 - Saturday 13:00
Live Reports Day 1: Saturday 13:00 - Sunday 01:00
Re-Run: Sunday 01:00 - Sunday 13:00
Live Reports Day 2: Sunday 13:00 - Monday 01:00
Re-Run: Monday 01:00 - Monday 13:00

DJ Special: Friday 4AM - Friday 4PM 
Re-Run: Friday 4PM - Saturday 4AM
Live Reports 1: Saturday 04AM - Saturday 04PM
Re-Run: Saturday 04PM - Sunday 04AM
Live Reports 2: Sunday 04AM - Sunday 04PM
Re-Run: Sunday 04PM - Monday 04AM

DJ Special: Friday 06AM - Friday 06PM 
Re-Run: Friday 06PM - Saturday 06AM
Live Reports 1: Saturday 06AM - Saturday 06PM
Re-Run: Saturday 06PM - Sunday 06AM
Live Reports 2: Sunday 06AM - Sunday 06PM
Re-Run: Sunday 06PM - Monday 06AM

DJ Special: Friday 07AM - Friday 07PM 
Re-Run: Friday 07PM - Saturday 07AM
Live Reports 1: Saturday 07AM - Saturday 07PM
Re-Run: Saturday 07PM - Sunday 07AM
Live Reports 2: Sunday 07AM - Sunday 07PM
Re-Run: Sunday 07PM - Monday 07AM

Facebook event page:

Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2015 MUG available now!

The Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2015 official MUG is now available for sale and order!

Here we go, even this year we made it, very special and amazing!
The artwork is by STEVE NAZAR himself (do you remember T&C Surf Designs in the 80s?) custom done for Surfer Joe.

The mug is printed full colors. It is a commercial quality product, dishwasher safe.

50 pieces only, HAND NUMBERED on the bottom.

You cannot miss it!
Write us at and BOOK YOURS NOW.
Pickup only at the Surfer Joe Festival in June (18-21, Livorno, Italy).


Poster of Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2015: Steve Nazar comes to surf music!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the official poster of the Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2015.

The designer STEVE NAZAR has come to surf music after our request for the very fist time. His graphic style has become legendary with Town&Country Surf Design in the late 80s. He's THE man, his style has been imitated everywhere as a symbol of wild, cool & sporty. His characters has been replicated in walls all over the planet.

He realised 2 fantastic custom designs for us. One of the two is this one. The other, still a surprise, will be soon available with our merchandise for the festival.

The posters will be available at the festival in A3 format, glossy heavy paper 300gr. You can reserve one if you like, just write us asap at The cost of the poster is 5 euros. Bring your marker and get your copy signed by all artists!



Seminar videos from Surfer Joe 2014

I just discovered that somebody shot videos of the some of the seminars from the SurferJoe Festival 2014, so you can now learn everything about playing surf music directly from Dusty, Lorenzo, Dave and last but not least Mr. Paul Johnson himself. Enjoy! Smile

Lorenzo on surf drumming (demonstrating the legendary Astronauts Beat)

Dusty Watson on Drumming

Dusty Watson and Dave Wronski on playing together

Paul Johnson on surf guitar Part1

Paul Johnson on surf guitar Part2

Dave Wronski on surf guitar

Surfer Joe's Diner Opening Soon

As announced at the SG101 Convention this summer, Surfer Joe will open a bar & diner in Livorno, Italy, dedicated to surf music and fun. The location is on the sea, Terrazza Mascagni for those of you who had the opportunity to come to Livorno before and have visited the town. We have been working extremely hard for more than 6 months to get this location that we consider very cool and unique.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2011 Line Up

So my friends, we are finally out with the info about the SJSF2011!

As you see the location has changed but in the end we are still in Livorno. This time at the port, a beautiful fortress right downtown. It is absolutely beautiful!

The place will hold a bit less people than last year, no more than 1100 people at the same time. But we will make it right. So if you are planning to come I highly recommend to PRE-BUY the tickets form the web site. The cost of the ticket is ridiculous.

On the web site you can find the line up. We have as usual great bands and many friends coming to play. It will be fun!

The festival will have an opening party the day before (Thursday 16th June) and an after party on Monday the 20th in Pisa with John Blair introducing his book and work to the bloody Italians!!!


What else? Merchandise will be available soon including the Bear Surfboards t-shirts especially customized for Surfer Joe. You remember the shirts you have seen in Big Wednesday; some of these will be for sale at the SG101 convention too in August.

I will post news and updates on the forum within the festival's thread.
