Get the Art and Science of modern surf-rock music with The Insanitizers.
Downtown Vancouver Washington adjacent to Esther Short Park, Saturday May 13, 2017
9:30-11:30am. Free. Suitable for all ages. Trio of guitarists perform while simultaneously controlling percussion.
Starts between 9 and 10 goes till Midnight - check us out - then come see us at Legends the next day.
Don & Beth Schott - KoKopelli Stages are happy to present the fifth and sixth shows in the series and this one again at the URBAN ARTIFACT is a two day mini SURF MUSIC FESTIVAL
Seven bands and ten performances featuring on the 23rd the John Blair / Ivan Pongracic Band as headliner along with the AmpFibians and the Grateful Surf. On the 24th the shows are matinee starting at 2:45 and running till 9PM featuring : the MYSTERY MEN? from Atlanta GA, TEAM VOID from parts Unknown ! , the NICKY KAY ORCHESTRA from Dayton OH, the AmpFibians from Cincinnati and southern Indiana, the Grateful Surf of Cincinnati, and THEY NEVER CAME BACK !
Only 52 days away as of this writing so if you can't make it to Italy .....hope to see you!
Don and Beth Schott - KoKopelli Stages are very happy to present the fourth show in the series - this one will be at LEGENDS in Cheviot/Cincinnati OH
Four bands starting at 8PM featuring the MADEIRA from Indianapolis, the NICKY KAY ORCHESTRA from Dayton OH, the Grateful Surf , and the LEI MEN of Cincinnati.
Hi Surfers! Just want to give you a heads up, The Ventures and The Surfaris Live in Southern California.
Spread the word!
The 427's are coming down from Calgary to play with us...also on the bill, The Delstroyers and the Mercury 4.
May 27th at the fabulous Darrells Tavern in Seattle.
Austin, Texas' Surf Alternative to South By South West (SXSW)
Join us for the largest annual gathering of Surf Rock music on this side of the planet, as well as the best hand-made artists in town. It's the 4th annual Surf By Surf East! Presented by the East Austin Handmade Arts Market and Second Saturday Surf at the Nomad Bar! (1213 Corona Dr, Austin, Texas 78723)
Here is the entertainment schedule:
2:00pm The Frightened City
3:00pm The Nematoads
4:00pm Los SuperAvengers
5:00pm The Del-Vipers
6:00pm Bat City Surfers
-Dinner break-
10:00pm The Gentle Grifters
11:15pm The Boss Jaguars
12:30am King Pelican
Get there early to peruse the amazing hand-made creations we have, because that ends at 7pm!
Ample free parking! Easy bus route!
We look forward to seeing you there!
For many years, the huge Golden Super Cruise Car Show has been Colorado's major gathering of stunning classic cars, and it takes place on the first Saturday of each month, from May to October, with a different rocking band at each show. But, for 2017, the Royal Aces surf band has now been asked to play at every Super Cruise, right out in the big King Sooper parking lot on South Golden Road. We will play from about 4 to 7 pm each time.
So, if you're in Colorado, or if you're visiting our great state on any of these dates, feel free to stop by!
May 6
June 3
July 1
August 5
September 2
October 7