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Stories with tag: "2020"

Horse Rock - Tunnel of Goats video

If you like tunnels, goats or tunnels of goats then check out this out...

Tunnel of Goats by Horse Rock

From our (relatively) new EP - Pony M (available on Spotify)

The Surf Kings New Album and Release Party

Well, it has finally happened. The Surf Kings just finished recording our 3rd album of 12 songs. We are planning on a release party down here in San Diego this spring if not sooner. You can check out our site at for more updates and song samples.

Shoot the Pier's 5th Studio Record Released Today - Lost Souls on Lost Beach

Official Release Day! Shoot the Pier’s fifth studio record Lost Souls on Lost Beach is available now in all digital stores plus Bandcamp. With this record we explored the more psychedelic aspect of surf, and incorporated a few other guitars from the quiver - the RIC 360/12, Kramer Gorky Park, and a couple other more obscure single coils. We hope you enjoy, thanks for listening and play it loud!


ADD The Cruncher's New CD Recorded Analog

AAD – The Cruncher's new CD was recorded analog

When Herbert Hooke (71) retired from his day job a couple of years ago he decided to record, arrange and produce music in the dark cold months from October to March and release a cd every year. Long Walk Home (NPR 10014), Schlicktown Surf (NPR 10016), Stormy (NPR 10019) and Da Capo (NPR 10020) were the results.

In April 2019 I received two CDRs with 33 tracks that Herbert had recorded for a new cd. He asked me to name 20 tracks for inclusion on his new cd.

My choice was:
1. Guitar King
2. Desert Ride (Herbert's own composition)
3. Watch Your Steps
4. Pagean Rock or Caroline
5. Hot Doggin'
6. Paradise
7. Asphalt Wipeout
8. Jungle Stomp
9. Movin' or Failsafe
10. Wild Weekend
11. '55 Ford
12. Hells Bells
13. Gear
14. Aztec
15. The Moon Of Manakoona
16. Angry Generation
17. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
18. Albatross
19. Loving Her Was Easier
20. Das Boot

Then Herbert happened to find a 24 tracks mixing desk from the mid 1980s (his 8 track mixing desk he had from that time up to 2003 was a "children's toy" compared to the "new old vintage one" he told me). However a lot of work had to be put in setting up the desk for his demands and he had to learn to use it. That's why he had to check his already recorded songs how they sound the analog system. He recorded some new tracks and added some others. So here is Herbert's final choice of songs marked red in the list above plus the additional tracks that were not in my choice list or added later last summer to winter.

No Place Like Home
Long Walk Home
The Last Walk
Big Hair
Sidewalk Surfin' Scene
Deep Surf

When I asked Herbert why he didn't include his own song "Desert Drive" he told me that is sounds great digitally but "THIN and slack" in analog - so he still has to do some work on it in the future to make it as good as he wants it to be.

In late December I received a CDR with 14 analog recorded tracks and I feel they sound great. Herbert wanted to learn if they sound really good on cheap equipment and he believes that if so then the songs would also sound good on high end quality players.

Rüdiger Nehls
January 2020


Royal Aces at Golden Super Cruise Car Show 2020

For 2020, the Royal Aces band is excited to announce that we have once again been scheduled to play at every Golden Super Cruise Car Show, in Golden, Colorado. If any SG101 members are from Colorado, or just traveling through, feel free to stop by! The shows take place on the first Saturday of every month, from May through October, in the big King Sooper's parking lot on South Golden Road, from 3 to 6 pm.
