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Stories with tag: "2016"

Bloomington Indiana. Surf Party vol. 3


Transylvania Hell Sounds- Indianapolis, IN

The Katatonics- Bloomington, IN

Blockhouse Bloomington-

The Mullet Monster Mafia Surf'n'Goat at Bandcamp

Our new EP "Surf'n'Goat" is available for streaming at Bandcamp.
Buy your copy on


Makahiki: A Night of Tiki, Indianapolis, Sat. 9/17 w/ The Concussions, The Tikinauts and more

Once again you hear the call of the Makahiki: A Night of Tiki. Come away and join us September 17th 2016 in Indianapolis, Indiana for a tiki filled evening of music, tropical libations, and entertainment. This year we will feature classic surf by The Concussions, DJ Johnny Yuma spinning exotica, The Tikinauts from Milwaukee, burlesque by Rocket Doll Revue, the exotic sounds of Roland Remington, and traditional Hawaiian by the Hoosier Haoles. Your paradise awaits at the Makahiki!

Vienna on September 10. 2016: Los Chicharrones del Surf & The Kilaueas


Just for those who are in the vicinity of Austria, or if you are planning a trip in September - Balu & die Surfgrammeln will have a show with The Kilaueas on September 10. 2016 in Vienna at dasBACH; Bachgasse 21, 1160 Vienna. Cover is 10 €, and we'll have a free after-show party Smile

... and here is a beautiful video on that topic ...


Surf/Tiki Anniversary Party with the Royal Aces in Denver, July 23

The very cool Green Russell bar, 1422 Larimer St. in Denver, is having it's surf/tiki themed anniversary party on July 23. The Royal Aces will provide the reverb and twang from 8 to midnight, and the event is completely open to the public.


The Midnight Surf plays Central Florida this Friday!

Orlando's newest Surf Instro-combo will be playing the Village House in Oviedo, Florida this Friday. Out on the patio, what a better way to unwind after a work week?


The Tremolo Beer Gut Brazilian tour and exclusive Brazilian tour 7''


The Tremolo Beer Gut is about to tour Brazil and release an exclusive double b-sided 7'', with the tracks "Caipirinha River Cruise" and their take on Jorge Ben's "A Minha Menina".

They will play in Rio at the Danish Pavillion, at Ipanema Beach, as well as a few more dates in Rio, São Paulo, Piracicaba and Campinas.

The EP will be released by Reverb Brasil Records, Crunchy Frog Records and Esta Noite Encarnarei no Teu Compacto.

You can listen and pre-order it at Reverb Brasil Bandcamp.

Tour Dates:
11 Beach Attack / Rio de janeiro
12 Kult Kolector / Rio de Janeiro
13 Pavilhão Olímpico da Dinamarca, praia de Ipanema / Rio de Janeiro
14 Garagera Festival c/ The Dirty Coal Train / São Paulo
17 Quartas de Fuzzz / São Paulo
18 Casarão Music Studio / Piracicaba
19 Kabana Bar c/ Footstep surf music band / Campinas

More info at: Wildstone Productions

Tiki Kon Finale Party featuring The Insanitizers, July 10, 2016, 6-7pm

The Finale Party of the three day Tiki Kon festival in Portland Oregon will feature The Insanitizers surf guitar band. Performance is from 6 to 7pm. It is free, and no ticket or pass is needed (this is a change). The band will perform several songs from their upcoming new 22-song CD "Guitar Fun" including national award winner "Shootout" (Best Instrumental, July 2015, The Akademia).

The band was invited on the spot when the Tiki Kon organizer saw them perform in January. Come and hear why, and how energizing the music of 69 year old guitarists can be.

Venue: The Bamboo Craftsman, 2104 North Willis Blvd, Portland Oregon. This is outdoors.


Rising - The Surf Coasters

The latest CD by the group is the fourteenth in my collection recorded in a period of 20 years. 10 tracks, playing time 28 minutes and 16 seconds.

From the first hearing I thought "Welcome to England", as the first two cuts sound very British like Shadows material.

Track 3 (Sand Dust) reminds me of the Atlantics (Australia), track 4 Tabitito Yo is a slow tune with a hit potential like "The Endless Summer" by The Sandals from 1964.

My favorite tune is Nr. 6 "Por Que" with some guitar licks imitating Dick Dale style from the sixties! Track 8 "Tug Of Wolves" is another fine example of the Surf Coasters fine playing of all instruments in an uptempo tune.

The other songs are very well played as well but i.m.o. nothing special.

When I was in Hollywood at the YMCA in March 1978 I watched on tv an interview with rock and roll hero Fats Domino. He was asked why he plays always his old hits. He replied "I am happy when I can make the audience happy and they do like the old tunes so I do play them for my audience to make them happy!"

The Surf Coasters have so much material done and so they can choose easily to make the audience happy (like I understand from the reviews about their gig at the SJSF 2016 in Livorno)!

Well done folks. Hope more to come!

tHe TiKi CReePs, Monstrously Soothing Instrumental Hot Rod Garage Surf Sounds!