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Big Papu & Daddy O'Grande

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Category: Bands

Vote for Pyronauts to win gig and cash!!!

The Pyronauts have a shot at opening Biker Bash IV in Sacramento.  We're the only surf band on the list!  Help us out by voting.  If we win we get the gig and $500!  YES!

Click here!


Nice to meet you.

We are Japanese surf band.
The name of the band is CHICCHI&SWEET PAPA.
We play The Ventures.


The name of the girl is CHICCHI.
She is a primary schoolchild of 10 years old.

Web Site

You Tube

Thank you.

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A surf bands chance at getting signed to a record label

The Retroactive Gamma Rays have been selected as one of the final bands to make it onto The Union Records artist catalogue. A few months ago they submitted their sonicbids (holy crap it works!) EPK to The Union Records and they were selected to take part in The Union Records Roster Challenge. The Challenge works by votes. A fan can vote from their computer once a day from July 17th to July 24th.

The Retroactive Gamma Rays are asking their surf community to take a minute out of their day to vote for a fellow surf band/surf music fan. It's not often a surf band has a chance to be signed to a record label. Please show your support for Retroactive Gamma Rays and surf music in general, as they go up against alternative bands w/ lyrics (gasp!).

Thank you for your support and don't forget to take a minute every day for the next week and vote for Retroactive Gamma Rays! Remember, if you have more than one computer you can vote from all of them. Also, tell your friends! Please click the link below to vote.


Docteur Legume Et LEs Surfwerks

Hi surfers !
I'm a OneManBand from Italy, if you want to listen some weird surf songs this is my channel:

I hope you appreciate
all the best

Docteur Legume

Pollo Del Mar song in MLB All-Star Game contest

Here's a nutty, chocolate-y piece of news. A few months ago, Pollo Del Mar was contacted by a guy who asked to use our version of "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" for a video contest he was entering. The contest is sponsored by Baby Ruth and the winner gets to lead the singing of said song during the 7th Inning stretch at the 2008 MLB All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium. Well our guy made it in the top 10 finalists, and is asking for your help winning. If you feel like it, check out the video and vote for him. Use a fake name, whatever... Here's the link: Baby Ruth Contest. And if you want to download the song for free: Take Me Out To the Ball Game.

The Madeira: Carpe Noctem CD & East Coast Tour Dates

Here we go - our second full-length album "Carpe Noctem" will be officially released on Tuesday, May 27th!  It will be initially available exclusively through Double Crown Mail Order ( - and soon after that you'll be able to find it pretty much everywhere. It's taken a lot of hard work to get this CD out and we very much hope you will like what you hear - we love it!

We also hope you like our new website:  At the moment it looks very similar to our old one, but it's got a lot more bells and whistles that we will take advantage of in the future.  The best thing is that there is new content: two new downloadable songs from "Carpe Noctem"; great photos from our March Indy show; a new t-shirt now available for purchase; and complete information for all our upcoming summer shows (plus some nifty fliers!).

Speaking of shows, our East Coast trek is in only six days! Washington, DC, Asbury Park, NJ and New York, NY, joined by some of the finest surf bands around today (see Shows for all the details). It's our first time playing on the East Coast as a band, and we can't wait.  The bonus for those that come to the gigs is that we expect to have advance copies of "Carpe Noctem" available for sale - you can be among the first people in the world to have the new Madeira CD! Looking beyond this short tour, we will have an Indy CD release show in late June, and then we return to SoCal for a whirlwind three-day tour in early August.  Lots of activity ahead (by our standards, anyway!), and we sincerely hope to see many of you during all these travels.

Have a great summer, and enjoy our new CD!
The Madeira

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The Penetrators: ''Declassified'' DVD

- Begin Transmission -

Press Release

From: S3 HQ & Double Crown Records
Re: Declassified release date
For Immediate Release

On May 13th 2008, the long awaited DVD from The Penetrators entitled "Declassified" will be available for purchase on line at and "Declassified" features 15 live performances in addition to the video for "Redlined" shot by Paul Mayne and a new video for "The Southern Surf Syndicate Theme"
and more! The retail price has been set at $14.95 plus shipping.

Bonus features include the animated short, "Stuntmasters: Jawbone Gorge." Created in 2000 by Rip Thrillby (027) (under the pseudo-name "Scott Rogers") along with his business partner @ Bill McIntyre. It has remained unreleased until now. An alternate audio track with commentary by Sticks Stechkin (013), Trace Luger (017) and Spanky Twangler (023) is also included in addition to liner notes composed by music journalist Gregory Nicoll.

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New Los Twang Marvels CD!

Found this on myspace: --BN

We are happy to announce the upcoming release of our new album "Jungle of Twang". It will be released by Kamikaze Records of Germany. The album is ...GREAT, we recorded it at Circo Perroti Studios, Gijon Spain, last December.

Check out our tour dates, we'll be touring a bit around Germany and Switzerland this Spring and Summer, and are to keep doing so for the next year.

Mucho love, cheers and beers!

Alex Anthony
Los Twang Marvels

Read more to see the artwork...

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A Message from Laika & The Cosmonauts

Editors note: received by email from Janne Haavisto:

There sometimes comes a time in a band's career when things are still great, but you can sense that the natural lifespan is nearing the end. It´s nobody's fault, there´s no reason for it, it just happens. That's where we are with Laika & The Cosmonauts now. We love the band & music and are very proud of all the gigs and records we've done. We don't wanna our good career to go where we end up being a bored/boring bar band that plays too few gigs to keep it tight, with the same songs all the time and gradually keeps getting worse and worse and in the process start hating the music and each other. So...

When we release the compilation, it will be , not only to celebrate our 20th anniversary, but also to enhance the enjoyment of our farewell tour and make it an appropriate finale for the 20 year on the road - we intend to have fun and play great gigs! We'll do as many shows as possible in Finland in August-November and then October in the USA.

We'll be playing the East coast, hopefully the West coast too and then play our final gigs at the Continental Club in Austin, our home away from home (Oct 31st and Nov 1st) and...after which we'll have a few beers and relax, you know...


Los Straitjackets to release Live In Concert DVD

From Yep Roc Records:

Yep Roc Records will release the new Los Straitjackets DVD Live In Concert, on May 13th, 2008.

Los Straitjackets have made a career out of being one of the most dynamic and skillful instrumental bands on the planet. Their renowned live show is filled with mind-bending guitar theatrics, group choreography and fuzzed-out experiments in high fidelity rock n' roll showmanship. On their new DVD, In Concert, the luchadores of rock document a 2005 gig at San Francisco's historic Great American Music Hall.

The set abounds with original tracks and signature far out covers ("My Heart Will Go On") done as only the Straitjackets can do them. The spellbinding shows are captured in Dolby 5.1 surround sound and crystal clear video resulting in a vintage snapshot of the band in lean, mean musical form. Complete with kitschy cool intro sequences produced by the band, In Concert is the quintessential document of the Los Straitjackets live experience.

In Concert will also be available on 12 inch vinyl, complete with an alternate track listing and songs not available on the DVD version.

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