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Category: Bands

Mighty Surf Lords Update

Well, it's been a hell of a month to kick this year off!!!! Kinda sucky actually. After losing our drummer to the big stage in the sky, our bass player, Mike Warner has decided to call it quits with the Mighty Surf Lords.

We have hired a new drummer, and have spoken to a couple bass players who are willing to keep this project alive. But it is going to take time, yet again, to be ready to perform.

On a good note ( no not Bb ), the new album is currently being duplicated, and I got a release date of Febuary 14, 2008.

The CD's will be for sale at a normal price of $15. And to all my fellow SG101'ers,  $10 bucks!!!

Give me a shout and I will put an order together as soon as I receive the discs. I will have to catch up my bank account this week so I can use paypal. lol.

Get Three Coffins Ready Returns As A Trio!

After About 2 Weeks Of Grueling Reverb Levels And Boom Baps, Get Three Coffins Ready Is Ready To Start Playing Out Again. We Have Gone To Configuration B Which Is Both Guitarists Trading Off On The Kit. All Songs Have Been Painfully Reproduced To Our Stringent Standards.
Check The Myspace Profile For Some Dates We Will Be Performing.

New E.P. From Get Three Coffins Ready Out Now!

The Eliminators in the news

Surf music revival sweeps up party band

The Eliminators were well-respected in the surf genre.


This is a true story about how surfing brought together one of the most commercially successful SoCal surf bands of the '90s.

It all started in The Doheny Long Board Surfing Association Surf Club. In 1993, it scheduled its annual '60s Surf Contest. The rules said you could ride only pre-1968 longboards, 9 feet or longer. You had to dress the part, too. That meant no modern wetsuits and no leashes.

The Surf Club decided to have a jam session after the contest, using some of the organization's musical talent. Member Chuck McElvain, a surfer and guitar player who worked for Fender Guitars, recruited the talent. He hooked up with Joe Kurkowski, Preston Wilson, Doug Harlow, Bill Swanson and some other buddies from Fender.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

A Mighty Loss

We are so sorry to have to announce that we lost our drummer, Jeff (FIRECYN) Campaigne, last night to a heartattack.

He was a great band mate, a great father and family man, and one of my best friends.

Jeff will certainly be missed by ALL of those who had ever met him.

-The Mighty Surf Lords

Get Three Coffins Ready Update!

Howdy Here Is A January 2008 Gig Schedule!
January 4th @ The Bluebird Theater, Denver, Co. W/ Reverend Payton's Big Damn Band
January 5th @ Mr. Nate's Hotrod Haunting Ground, Arvada, Co.
January 11th @ Bender's 13th Ave. Tavern, Denver, Co.
January 12th @ The Black Sheep, Colorado Springs, Co. Performing For The Karl Alvarez Benefit Fund!
January 18th @ The Bluebird Theater, Denver Co. E.P. Release Show With Frontside Five And Others!
Please Try Come Out To Any Of These Shows As It Will Be The End Of An Era In Denver Surf Scene. We Will Be Recording Every Show And Videotaping As Well. So Come Out And Help Us Make Some Noise.
You Can Get Your Hands On Get Three Coffins Ready New E.P: "The Pain Of Numbers" for $7ppd By Visiting or emailing

Merry Christmas From The AquaSonics

Merry Christmas from The AquaSonics !

Click here for an AquaSonics Christmas wish.

The AquaSonics new web page!

Check out the new Aquasonics web page at Please update your bookmarks!

New at - Downloads!

(From Paul Johnson's email list... - BN)

Friends and guitar music fans ­

Just in time for Christmas, we've gone live with a MAJOR SITE UPGRADE at Now you can DOWNLOAD your favorite tunes and albums! It¹s quick, easy, and cheap; and its available on over 200 (!) of my tunes, many of which have been unavailable for purchase until now.

Online purchase of "real" CDs is still available too!...

We have several other new surprises for you here as well, and some great GIFT IDEAS to help you make short work of your holiday shopping. Please come by and see all our new toys!

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Retroactive Gamma Rays CD now available online

Recently a major galactic event has occured in the Pacific Northwest, a gamma ray burst larger than any in the last 50 years. Scientists believe the event occured the moment a NW surf band known as "Retroactive Gamma Rays" released their debut CD. The Retroactive Gamma Rays self-released debut CD, "Activate!" is now available online.

Twelve songs are available on RGR's, "Activate!", along with sound effects and sound clips from cult classic movie favorites like Hot Rods to Hell, Repoman, The Day The Earth Stood Still and more. Clint Beachwood from A Day at the Beach says, "Great CD!!". Speakeasy, the eighth track from the album, was the first song played on Clint Beachwoods November 15th radio show. More songs from the recently released CD are currently playing on Retroactive Gamma Rays myspace page here,

The CD is now available at a number of online CD purchasing portals, including, Double Crown Records mail order and Deep Eddy Records mail order. Below are links to the three websites were you can purchase the CD.

For those of you wondering how this natural occuring event may effect the Great Northwest, and the world, most experts believe,"The only side effects will be increased foot tapping and stereo volume knobs being tweaked to the left slightly more that usual, but everything should pretty much stay the same." These effects, however may ultimately be perminent and spread throughout the world according to speciests in the field. In response to this forever changing release by the Retroactive Gamma Rays Retroactive_Taj responds, "Buy it.". Well put Taj, well put.