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Just introducing the surf world to "The Svens" we are more of a performance art band with heavy surf influence. We perform "Cowboy Surf Poetry"! We do a show every five-six weeks at Bombs Away Cafe in Corvallis, OR. What a hoot! There's an on going Western Saga, new "Cowboy poetry" every show, mixed with Soundscapes and Surf. Check us out if you get a chance.
Viking and Svens
12.20.2008. YOKOHAMA JAPAN
CHICCHI is 11 years old.
SALA is ten years old.
SALA has been one month since the lesson of the drums was started.
Her grandfather is teaching drumming.
It is a wonderful performance of CHICCHI and SALA.
Diamond head~Pipeline 'CHICCHI & SALA with BEAT POPS'
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There is more to this story, continue reading ...
There is more to this story, continue reading ...
I challenged the reproduction of the studio recording record.
Slaughter On 10th Avenue
I have a great news- The Bananas' FIRST OFFICIAL CD album:
"To Surf and Protect"
is OUT NOW ! ! !
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