Surf Band's New CD Acclaimed
The music of the surf-rock band The Insanitizers is now the main feature on the front page of music review internet site Music World Express 3000 ( They could have featured any CD and they chose the Insanitizers' new "Whimsical Surf." The review says "the 17 cut all instrumental CD is just the ticket to get things moving in this summer heat...The CD sounds great and the band has done a super job packaging...with excellent graphics."
The CD review is followed by a photo interview with lead guitarist Conrad Swartz, showing several unusual guitars. The music is "uptempo, lively, vigorous, energizing" and about having fun. Other band members are Ralf Palin on bass, Tim Ennis on drums, and Chad Van Dyke on guitar. This Summer the Insanitizers performed at the Hawaiian Festival and the Farmers Market, both in Vancouver, Washington. Their MySpace site is
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