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Archive for May, 2019

Seatopians Indiegogo campaign



Surf music from Idaho?! Yes, Idaho! John and the guys are finishing up their first full length album as 'The Seatopians'. It will be the first release on Altered State of Reverb music label. We're prepared to help them with distribution and CD pressing but they have set up an Indeigogo campaign to pay the remaining balance of mixing and mastering costs. Please consider helping them out.

I have listened to the advanced version of this album and I have to say, it's creative, it's daring, and an all out solid surf record.

Donate now to secure an early copy!!!


ysi-aie "vision beyond time" debut album

The debut album "vision beyond time", by ysi-aie, is now available. Listen at various streaming services or on bandcamp:


This is a solo project, featuring 10 original non-trad instrumental tracks. Thanks for listening.

The Jagaloons "Ruin The Party" debut album out now

Ruin The Party, the debut album by Albany NY's The Jagaloons, is available now from Sharawaji Records on CD & digital (LP available soon!)

You can give it a listen and pick up a copy at


UK and Ireland surf comp SURF BRITANNIA out now

Sharawaji Records presents nearly 60 minutes of reverberations from the UK and Ireland’s thriving underground surf scene.

20 hot acts ripping up 20 killer surf tunes.
We got trad surf, baaad surf, lizard surf, equine surf, horror surf, death surf, punk surf, secret surf, atomic surf and of course SURF ROCK!

From all corners of the UK, from fresh, breaking bands to established surfers and cult favourites, there is something for everyone who likes a bit of drip and a lot of twaaannggg!!!!!!!!!!

Slap this baby into your car player, and head off to the beach and discover why......

Britannia rules the waves!!!!
