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Archive for October, 2015

Halloween Surf Party on

Halloween Surf Party

Join us for 48 hours of vintage horror surf, b-movie trailers, The Surfphony of Derstruction, and more great surf bands.!

Lucky Joe's Tiki Room in Milwaukee to Close

I'm sad to report that Lucky Joe's Tiki Room in Milwaukee will be closing its doors this Saturday, October 30. While short lived, the bar was highly regarded in the Tiki scene. In fact, The Revomatics were the "unofficial" house band for the bar playing to enthusiastic capacity audiences. I'm told the owners accepted an offer on the building that was just too good to pass up. Hopefully, they'll reopen Lucky Joe's at another location in the near future.

We will definitely miss this venue. It was a great place to perform at! Good cocktails too!

You can read more about the bar's closing here.

Guitar-Fest X - Halifax, November 14, 2015

Halifax-based Urban Surf Kings are celebrating their 20th Anniversary with some of their favourite guitar players & bands. Guitar-Fest X (yes it has been 10 years) will take place at Bearley's House of Blues & Ribs on Sat, Nov 14, 2015 and feature some of the regions best Rockabilly, Rock & Roll, Surf, and Honkey Tonk bands. The Shakedown Combo Urban Surf Kings Brian Baker & the Memphis Knights The Del Boca Vistas Plus ??? Guitar-Fest has featured The Great Scots, The 9th Wave, the Stolen Minks, Brad Conrad, the Fabulous Venturamas, Chris Martin Trio, The Green Reflectors, Big City After Dark, Six Gun Party, the Link Wray All Stars, Brian Bourne, Don Ross, and more.

New CD 'Bottoms Up!' From Agent:Octopus

Agent:Octopus is excited to announce the release of our debut CD

'Bottoms Up!' 8 tracks of melody-drenched, instrumental goodness. You can also see the boys at Unsteady Freddie's Surf Rock Shindig December 5th 2015 in Neeeew York City! 

Where can you get a copy, or just listen? 

Right here of course:

Or catch us on Clnt Beachwood's latest 'Day at the Beach' episode.

CD Cover


Seattle area Echo Devils looking for bandmates

Seattle area Surf / Twang guitar player looking for bass and drums to start a band in WA. Please find my band page on FB The Echo Devils you can google or youtube thanks

Grateful Surf at Boswell's in Northside Cincinnati 30 Oct

Boswell's and KOKOPELLI STAGES presents A HALLOWEEN MONSTER MASH FEATURING: the music of the GRATEFUL SURF (dance band). So dig up some friends (or fiends) and float over to Boswell's 1686 Blue Rock Street in Northside Cincinnati....prizes for best costumes! 8:30 - 12:30 Friday October 30

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

The Surfaders new album "A Greater Silence" out now!

“A Greater Silence”, the Surfaders' second album, is packed with great spaghetti surf sounds. Be in for a surprise as there are vocals featured on some of the songs.

Order CD from Double Crown Records or CDBABY. Also available via I-tunes, Spotify and other major webshops and streaming services.

cover The Surfaders - A Greater Silence

Announcing the 2015 SG101 MP3 Compilation!

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2015 MP3 Compilation! Our 11th one! Just like before, this is a way for members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:

  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Saturday, December 19th, 2015.

I have created an Official 2015 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the Internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014.

Stories from Shamehill EP - Presentation


De Ilpendams/Purmerendse surfrockformatie Stories from Shamehill presenteert op zondagmiddag 15 november haar eerste EP "Same same but different" in Pop- & Cultuurpodium P3 in Purmerend.

De EP is onder de bezielende leiding van Pablo van de Poel (zanger/gitarist van Dewolff) compleet analoog opgenomen en gemixt in de Electrosaurus Southern Sound Studio in Utrecht.

Na lovende kritieken uit de binnen- en buitenlandse surfmuziekscene, wordt het nu tijd om dit heugelijke feit met de eigen achterban te vieren.

De vier tracks - van eigen hand - worden deze middag door middel van videoclips gepresenteerd. Uiteraard verzorgt de band een live-optreden. Daarnaast wordt de middag muzikaal omlijst door twee (surf) dj's.

Open: 15:00 uur
Aanvang: 15:30 uur
Vrij entree

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

X Ray Cat Trio - 'Out For Blood' Album Out Halloween 2015!

X Ray Cat Trio - Vampyre Surf from Leeds UK Release their new album 'Out For Blood' through Gin House Records

For Fans of Dan Sartain, Link Wray and Jim Jones

A Pre Order is availiable through ITunes including immediate download of track 'Rockero Fantasma'

'Wolfcop' availiable for download at Bandcamp

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