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Archive for October, 2007

Surf's Up with Roger & The Wraybands! Nov. 3rd

Hey Illinois surf fans! Join Roger & The Wraybands on Saturday, November 3rd for a night of surf music!

James Tavern
515 Rockland Road
Lake Bluff, Illinois

Read more to see the show flyer!

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The Surfites: Thou Shalt Drag

Here's a great surf tune with some vintage drag racing action from The Surfites! Check out their debut album "Big Pounder" available now at Double Crown Records.

Tab: The Breeze and I - Bitch Boys

“The Breeze and I”
The Bitch Boys

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The Pyronauts October Update

Happy Rocktober everybody!

Got some really great shows over the next few weeks, even though Slacktone had to cancel their tour.  The show must go on and we've worked very hard to get bands to replace Slacktone and make the shows still rock!

October 18th at Contable Jack's in Newcastle with the Sublebrities (Tim and Brett's Ska band)! 8pm ALL AGES $8, and great food!

October 19th at Cheif Crazy Horse Inn and Saloon in Nevada City!  21 and over, $5, 9pm.

October 20th at Old Ironsides in Sacramento!  With The Sublebrities and Hookerfight.  9pm, 21 and over!

October 21st at Hotel Utah in San Fracisco with Pollo Del Mar, and The Tomorrowmen.  3pm afternoon show!  Corner of 4th and Bryant San Francisco.  415-546-6300

November 2nd at G Street Pub in Davis with Hookerfight.  9pm, 21 and over!  530-758-3154  228 G Street, Davis, CA.

November 3rd at The California Club in Auburn.  9pm to 1am.  21 and over!  530-885-6453  1580 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA (Maple St Exit from I-80).

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The TakeOffs encounter with Paul Johnson

Kauai, Hawaii Sunday October 7th 2007. It had been raining most of the day and i wondered as i drove to work at the Sheraton if we would be inside or outside. Most of the rain here on Kauai at this time of the year is "showers" and the beach is usually the last place it rains so we had a chance of playing outside by the beach where it's so cool and the sun is setting and there's a good crowd waiting to get a photo of the sunset at just the right moment. Also performing tonight in a church just down the road from our gig is the Duo Tones, you know, Paul Johnson from The Bel-Aires and Gil Orr two guitar playing surf music icons, but as usual, if you're a working musician, most likely you have a gig when somebody good comes to town and that was the case tonight but there's always a chance and we were hoping that they would come see us.

Conrad Mathews, our drummer, had gone early to their sound check and talked to them about doing an interview on his Monday night radio show (8-10pm Hawaiian time on and also invite them to check out The TakeOffs over at the Sheraton. When i got to the Sheraton at 6pm it was beautiful. No rain and the daily free Mai Tai hour and hula show was just ending and it was decided that we would play outside. Cool. We got set up and played for an hour and right at the end of the set it started raining and we had to do a full bail....not just us, everybody scampers looking for shelter, but we have to do a complete tear down and there's no time to think just pack the guitar, turn off the amp, pull all the cables and adaptors and stuff them in a bag and run. It was break time anyway so we just cruised and it stopped raining and the sky cleared up so we decided to go back out there and set up again which we did, and played another set. Yeah, you gotta wipe down all the chords and cables and stomp boxes and tuners and your wet guitar of course (hey! i made a pun!!) and it's a MAJOR pain in the ass to do a quick bail like that but it's such a sweet gig that you're back out there!

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Dick Dale's Surf Rebel

Surf Rebel
“Dick Dale”

Tabbed by: Waimea Bay

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Latin'ia Guitar Tab


“The Sentinals”


Tabbed by: Waimea Bay

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