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Yay!!!!!! New Insect Surfers CD soon!


Have started taking lessons.

The teacher is half my age.

Learning Autumn Leaves at the moment.

Will work up a surf version along the way Smile

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

Link Wray's version of Autumn Leaves is cool.

I just discovered Davy Graham's Maajun (Taste of Tangiers)from his debut 1964 album "The Guitar Player". That is an exotic gem waiting for a surf workup! Only other version I see is a British folk-prog workup by Goliath, 1970. Also "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Exodus" among others. Got a theme – Arabs and Israelis – going on here.

Squink Out!

working on my instrumental version of Wicked Game. Lot's of reverb, twang and trem.

also, learning lots of Ventures, Shads and other classics in preparation for the new surf band i want to put together.


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 09:40:25

Drumsdick and I just finished a cool version of "Surf Rider". Though as guitarist, I failed in incorporate the original odd lead-in. Didn't sound like surf to me. So, I'm not a purist. I'm sure some will forgive us. Thanks again to Dick for the drums. Rich

Rich wrote:

Drumsdick and I just finished a cool version of "Surf Rider". Though as guitarist, I failed in incorporate the original odd lead-in. Didn't sound like surf to me. So, I'm not a purist. I'm sure some will forgive us. Thanks again to Dick for the drums. Rich

I like the exploration of musical variations on the main theme!

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

I may be late to the party with these but, 2 songs I learned today were:
"Firewater" and "The Hearse" by the Astronauts.

"Jet Set" by Los Straitjackets recently... what a blast going back and forth with my other guitarist in my band. Took some time, but its probably our favorite to play.

Fin Doctors


"Drunk Girl Ruins the Wedding" by the Bosnaks:

Squink Out!

Rich wrote:

Drumsdick and I just finished a cool version of "Surf Rider". Though as guitarist, I failed in incorporate the original odd lead-in. Didn't sound like surf to me. So, I'm not a purist. I'm sure some will forgive us. Thanks again to Dick for the drums. Rich

Love it, Rich! I will probably steal some ideas.
I just laid this one down I call Cataveña after the amazing high desert of central Baja. This was just a multitrack recorder with a drum machine a friend loaned me. Plenty of mistakes, haven't quite read the manual on it yet.
Loads of Slacktone influence (thanks Dave!)

I am digging the super chillness of that tune. Well done.

I always thought a couple sets of mellow surf music would go over well at restaurants as mojito guzzling background music. This would fit the bill nicely.

Ennio Morricone's "Il Clan dei Siciliani", the sountrack version. It's been covered very nicely by Zorn's Naked City Orchestra like 30 yrs ago, so it's time to resurrect it.

Squink Out!

'Surf Party' (the correct version) . . . .

Actually working on 2 at the same time. Bullwinkle Part seems everybody plays it different. Since I'm a huge Outerwave fan, I'm learning their version
And to practice it somebody put a great backtrack on this site in downloads.
-Also learning one of my favorite Elminators songs...Sunset Glide. Almost have it done. For some reason it came pretty fast to learn.

Raglan (The Mermen)


Just learned The Tormentos' "New Wave." Now on to "Johnny's Noseride" and finally finishing up "Hawaii Five-O!" The third set of descending phrases (in Am) get me every time...

The SpeNerds
Alaska's Premier Instrumental Surf Trio!

I've been working on "The Ventures Medley". Have "Walk Don't Run" down pretty good as I learned it off the old Play Guitar With The Ventures records back in the day. Got most of "Lullaby of the Leaves" and starting on "Perfidia". I'm using Songsterr tabs for those.

I recently finished working out "Go Go Slow" (from Ventures A Go Go) by ear.

Next project I think will be "Return of the Reverb Kid" by The Surfaders (who I believe I heard about here at SurfGuitar101).

Last edited: Sep 28, 2013 01:56:30

The Surf Teens - Moment of Truth
not as easy as i think before ,the rythm is not easy to catch

About 10 different songs

Fistful of Dollars theme
Last Train
The Poker
Hollow Point
Out of Limits (Ventures version)
Perfidia (Shadows version)
Good Morning Svetlana
Flight of The Surf Guitar
Mondo Bandito
Travelin Man (Aquanauts version)

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

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