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Permalink Iron Maiden Rules the World

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Thanks for the review Ivan! Sounds like a blast!

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New album out today!
Anybody listen yet?

New album out today!
Anybody listen yet?


Twisted Evil
No, haven't heard it yet, but it'll surely be on youtube by tonight!

I've had it since Friday!!!! (It really pays to get to know the owner of your local record shop - assuming you have a local record shop! They're becoming very rare...)

I've been listening to it a LOT for the past four days (including at this very moment!), driving around Indiana, Ohio and Michigan - or at least as much as my wife (who was in the car) would allow me! Fortunately, she likes Maiden a lot, too. We just had to alternate it with the most recent by Crowded House.... Smile

Anyway, I'll say this: I think it's a brilliant album. It's as good as any of their last four, and possibly even better. There's one song that brings tears to my eyes EVERY time I hear it (Coming Home). There's some rockin' stuff, there's a lot of proggy stuff, and beautiful melodies everywhere, as well as remarkable playing at every turn - mostly by Adrian Smith, who is himself remarkable. He continues to grow and push himself as a musician even after 30+ years as a professional, and was again the major songwriting force on the album, which is a very good thing.

I can't imagine ANY Maiden fan not simply loving The Final Frontier! The boys totally deliver once again!!

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Planning to snag this one sometime over the weekend. Digging the title track a lot, not really into "El Dorado." I'm setting my hopes pretty low, just to avoid a disappointment.

Unfortunately, two of the three local record shops here are pretty crappy and the third doesn't stock metal. Looks like a trip to Amoeba is in order.

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Man, Warren, I can't believe you don't like El Dorado. What a great, even amazing riff, in the verse.... A menacing sounding song, I've really grown to love it (much more than the title track which i think is just OK, little too happy for me). Damn that subjectivity of tastes!!

I'm really fortunate that the record shop owner of my local shop is a massive metalhead (now in his 50s). He's seen every metal band (many of them many times over) that you can think of. not unusual for him to wear Motorhead and Maiden t-shirts at work. Headbang There are benefits to living in the midwest - people here don't give a shit about being hip, and they love their metal!

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I like the riff before the first solo, but ... yeah, that whole subjectivity thing.

I'm really fortunate that the record shop owner of my local shop is a massive metalhead (now in his 50s). He's seen every metal band (many of them many times over) that you can think of. not unusual for him to wear Motorhead and Maiden t-shirts at work. Headbang

Sounds like my kind of guy! (And not just because I'm wearing a Motörhead shirt at work as I type this.)

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

This is supposedly a receipt from an Iron Maiden outing in Norway. The moral of the story: Iron Maiden are not human, and mere mortals should never attempt this.



Here is the Norwegian Kroner to USD conversion for today.

Kroner: $20,109.00
USD: $3,260.83

That is lot of liquor for a band, but I'm sure there was quite an entourage with them.

Love what I've heard, but...................WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHERE'S EDDIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Love what I've heard, but...................WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHERE'S EDDIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

What do you mean, Will??? He's on the cover! He's now taken on the Alien/Predator guise! Here's an interview with the current Eddie artist Melvyn Grant discussing how the new Eddie came about:

(He says the guy on the cover may not be Eddie, but in the extras for The Final Frontier, Dickinson explicitly refers to Eddie on the cover. He also has a funny bit about how ridiculous it got as they kept sending dozens of emails back and forth, suggesting things like 'make the bottom left tooth a bit longer'!)

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Yeah...that ain't Eddie. Gary Hoey says he's a surf guitarist....sayin' don't make it so.



"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

It's Eddie. It definitely looks like Eddie. Eddie's been many things. Don't be rigid. Evil

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Love what I've heard, but...................WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHERE'S EDDIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Derek Riggs had a falling out with the band...


I'd heard about, as I prefer his work. AMOLAD was a pretty good cover, and I think it was a different artist. I SO want the Derek Riggs book.

The new artist had this to say:

“Derek Riggs and his style of artwork never appealed to me, so naturally I wanted to change it and do my version of Eddie. But that was stopped by Maiden, who didn’t want me to stray too far from the original style, which obviously all of the band’s fans like. You get so used to something that it becomes your ‘thing,’ and you fall in love with that version of Eddie. I did try to change him a bit, in a way that suited me and made me happier with it. The latest version on THE FINAL FRONTIER is not Eddie, as such. I’m not going to say anything more on that, because I don’t know what Iron Maiden have got planned, so I’m not going to tread on any toes or mess up any surprises. Okay, I’ll tell you, he is actually an alien. The old Eddie might still come around.” it may or may not be Eddie. (as such????) I love the cover...don't get me wrong.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders


This is incredible.

Incredible sound. Incredible picture (in BluRay). Incredible performance. Incredible audience - 50,000 Chileans going completely insane - it gives you goosebumps seeing their intensity. Incredible documentary of the tour, left me completely blown away.

This was from their Final Frontier tour, touring behind their (IMHO) best album in 20 years. Coming Home from that album (IMHO) is one of the best songs EVER. By anybody. The live performance here is overwhelming.

Adrian Smith: Worship A musical genius that's severely underappreciated, probably because he's so incredibly humble and down to earth.

Bruce Dickinson: Worship Worship Worship Has there been anybody closer to being superhuman in the past half a century??? At the age of 55, he sings better than ever, and songs that require a huge range and power. He pilots their plane. He runs around like a madmen for the entire two hours. He exhibits passion - at the age of 55, having done this for the past 35 years - that is unmatched by any young punk. It's awe-inspiring.

Have I mentioned how INCREDIBLE this DVD is???? Just in case - it is INCREDIBLE!

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Was reading the new issue of the Classic Rock magazine last night, and they had a feature on the making of "Number of the Beast". It turns out it was released on March 29th, 1982, almost exactly 30 years ago. So, on the occaion of its 30th birthday, here's to one of the greatest heavy metal albums ever! I'd say it's aged remarkably well, and is as fresh today as it was in '82. (It was the first album that I heard by Maiden, back around '83, and it made me into a metalhead forever. What a magical time that was....)

SCREAM FOR ME, SG101!!!!!!!!


Headbang Headbang Headbang

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Last edited: Apr 13, 2012 06:12:26

Did you notice that was your 4-666 post Ivan? Coincidence Wink

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

brandonio wrote:

Did you notice that was your 4-666 post Ivan? Coincidence Wink

ho boy, you're right Shock
I made a printscreen in case Ivan doesn't see that

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

Nice catch Brandonio!

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