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Permalink Iron Maiden Rules the World

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I havn't checked the website lately, but has there been any news on the Maiden movie? Anybody seen it?

According to the website, its supposed to be released on April 21st!

Here's a short trailer:
Fligt 666 Clip

The Secret Samurai Website
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I'll have to check out "The Pilgrim".

Here's an update on the release of the Flight 666 film:

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funny I always thought Mexico was part of North America

Costa Rica
El Salvador


and I'm not seeing where it is playing in USA.


A recent tweet of mine.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

A recent tweet of mine.

and mine

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Tomorrow is "Maiden Day"!! There will be one-time showings of "Flight 666" all around the world! See the info about the movie:

I got tickets for me and a friend to see it. We're driving to Lansing, about 70 miles away, to catch the 8 pm showing. I can't wait!!! Anybody else attending?


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Wow! They have a showing in Dubuque, Iowa!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Ivan, I was planning on seeing this in San Diego tomorrow, but alas it is sold out and there is only one showing. WTF?! Let us know how it is!!

The Secret Samurai Website
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Ryan, ohmigod.... It was amazing. So good. We were seated right in the center on the passage aisle, so no one in front of us. Huge screen, stadium seating, perfect sound. The documentary was simply awesome. I must have watched about half of it teary-eyed. It was a remarkable celebration of a remarkable band. It was funny, poignant, touching, ROCKING, and just all around a phenomenal way to spend two hours. I'm really sorry you didn't get to go see it, but it'll be out on DVD next month. Definitely worth getting.

(Incidentally, the final stop on the tour which this film documented was in Toronto. At one point they showed a small group of fans freaking out before the show, and it turned out that one of the guys was in the theater with us! He must have trekked from Michigan to Toronto to catch the show a year ago. Anyway, he started jumping up and down and shouting when he saw himself in the movie! That was pretty funny.)

Up the irons!
Maiden - Worship

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Awesome Ivan! I'm glad to hear that it was so good. I expected it would be. I'm definitely going to pick it up when it comes out on DVD.

The Secret Samurai Website
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DVD out May 26th. I'm so buying it...


DVD out May 26th. I'm so buying it...

That's my birthday! How appropriate is that??? Very Happy Very Happy

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Thanks for the report Ivan. I almost went to the Dubuque show but backed out. I now regret it. I'll definitely pick up the DVD. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Here are two great film reviews - check it out.

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Here are two great film reviews - check it out.

Thanks for the link Ivan. Wow, I didn't realize that the guy that made Flight 666 was the one behind Metal: A Headbangers Journey. That is probably my favorite documentary on metal. Extremely well done and highly recommended!!

The Secret Samurai Website
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Here's a fantastic London Times article on Iron Maiden from three weeks ago:


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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I saw it in the theater! Awesome! Of course, 15 minutes before the showing there was sporadic yelling of: "Maaaaaiden!!!! Whooooo!" or "Up the Irons!!!!" or just plain old "Rock n' Rolllllll!"

My favorite scene was when they did "Hallowed Be Thy Name!"

Maiden ....WOOOOOO!!!!

Flight 666 premiers Sat. June 6th on VH1 Classic!

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