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Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Just got back from seeing Maiden. I give the show Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang out of five headbanging Eddies! Actually, it was off to a bit of a rough start, the sound during the first few songs was very muddy - the hi-hat didn't appear until song four! But once they fixed that, the rest of it was pretty epic. The highlights: five songs from the Seventh Son of the Seventh Son album, including the AMAZING title track, complete with a huge goosebumps-inducing production with lots of pyro; three, count 'em, THREE different Eddies in various guises; and for the first time since '82 (I believe) not ending the show with Hallowed Be Thy Name (which they didn't play qt all, and thank God, enough of that song already!), but instead with a completely kick-ass version of Running Free.

This was one of their nostalgia tours (they keep alternating nostalgia and new-material tours), so all but two songs were from '88 or before (the two exceptions were both from '92). Probably about 13,000+ people in the audience, all going bonkers. Not bad! An outdoor show, and the temperature close to 100F both at 7 and 11 pm. OMG It was truly an epic instance of collective sweating! Bruce's shirt was utterly soaked by the end, but the rest of us were not much better off.

Anyway, they've still got it. 100% And no tube socks or spandex anywhere in sight! Twisted Evil Go see 'em, if you can!!!

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The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Ivan, sorry to break the flow..
I noticed this in the Sun newspaper yesterday, article from 28th May 2012.

I had planned to catch the first date in Charlotte, but tickets went fast, and the only seats left were way too pricey. Glad they still got it though! Bummed I missed this, but stoked that I'm at least seeing Slayer and Motorhead in a couple weeks!! Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang Headbang


Well, I didn't expect to see Iron Maiden being discussed on here.

Maiden and Randy Rhoads were the main forces behind my taking up the guitar in my denim clad teenage years. For a long time, Live After Death was my benchmark, and my template for what a rock concert should be like.
I still listen to them regularly, and have recently (by which I mean on and off for about 6 months now) been tinkering with one of their tracks in a Dick Dale/Ghostriders style.

Now that I've admitted that, I'll have to get my finger out and get it finished and recorded.

For all those that appreciate Adrian's guitar work, have any of you heard his first solo album? It's more pop orientated, with more obvious keyboard work, but there's some excellent work on there.
Originally Nicko was meant to be playing on the album, but it clashed with his wedding, so the drumming is handled by Zack (son of Ringo) Starkey. Personally I'm glad, as Nicko's style is quite recognisable, and Starkey helps with the "non-Maidenness" of the album.

If Ivan was in Iron Maiden, I would listen to them.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

They are playing in Cali around the time of SG101 ...

Scream for me Irvine!!!

Fortunately, I'll be at the Redwood that Night watching 4 bands.


If Ivan sits in, I might go.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Laughing Stop that, Whorehay! You're being totally silly....

Incidentally, I do have the tickets for the SF show. Mr. Green Friday, August 3rd, then followed on Sunday, August 5th by Frankie & the Pool Boys and El Ray at the Forbidden Island in Alameda! Now, THAT's what I call a good weekend of music!

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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Wow! So cool that you'll be up there on the 5th, Ivan!
A few of us super nerds will be driving up from LA to catch El Ray's very first shows that weekend!
Looking forward to sharing the experience with you at Forbidden Island!

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Wow, Jonpaul, really?? Even with all the shows El Ray will be doing in SoCal? I'm really impressed! Anyway, yes, see you there! Really looking forward to it! Cheers

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
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The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Hey Ivan, I can appreciate talent & musicianship & all that...the main thing for me are songs. I've never liked any of the Iron Maiden tunes I've heard. From my subjective view, you write better songs than Maiden. So there. Big Grin

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

And I speak for all 14 year olds when I say that.


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

I wanna hear a whole cd of The Madeira playing Instro versions of
Iron Maiden songs.


Just got back from the Bay Area Maiden show (at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View), with 12,500 people there! The contrast with the Philly show from five weeks ago was mainly in the temperatures: 100F in Philly, 60F in Mountain View - a 40F difference!!!! Unbelievable. We were about to collapse from heat stroke five weeks ago, and tonight at no point came even close to breaking a sweat - in fact, we needed jackets.

We were further away this time, so didn't feel quite as connected to the show. But the boys sounded tighter this time around. They've been touring for a month and a half, whereas they were just at the beginning of the tour when they played Philly. Bruce's voice was astonishing. He's hitting notes today at 55 years of age that he couldn't do live 30 years ago. This is not normal. I've never ever seen that happen. WTF? Who does that? HOW does he do it? He was hitting the highs in Run To the Hills that he always struggled with before. Anyway, a few highlights of the show: an incredible version of Seventh Son of the Seventh Son, total goose bumps, followed by The Clairvoyant, and then a near-perfect encore of Aces High, The Evil That Men Do, and Running Free, the last one just so freakin' fantastic..... I bow down to my rock gods!! They were nearly perfect tonight.

One other difference with the Philly show (or Detroit shows I saw in the past) - the smell of pot was constant tonight. No break from it. Welcome to California! (God, I hate the smell of pot...) Bruce also bitched up the storm about the venue, which was so old that they couldn't get some parts of their set into it, so we didn't get the full show that we did in Philly - one Eddie was AWOL! And the place had no screens showing the action on stage. Unbelievable. They're across the street from Google, but in the previous century technologically....

Coheed and Cambria opened and were underwhelming - except for a very faithful cover of Black Sabbath's Heaven and hell, which was rapturously received by the audience!

Next up: Frankie & the Pool Boys, Los Venturas and El Ray on Sunday at Forbidden Island! More rock gods in flesh! Whoo-whooo!!!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Aug 04, 2012 10:35:13

I thought you didn't like "Running Free." Laughing

That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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