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JObeast wrote:

I am totally digging this blow-by-blow account of this Tele craftman. I am up to p.39 now, and it's past 12:30. Might have to give it a rest... fascinating craft!
Ludo, you are no slouch either! Kudos on this ambitious sparkle finish. What kind of glitter are you using?

raito wrote:

This is the grandaddy of all sparkle tutorials:

Squink Out!

flatened the head by sanding and another coat with brush
i think after i can use my gun on the neck
the body continue to dry but i have some varnish left over

my glitters are from crative hobby same as scrapbooking one (in fact very big 1 mm of Ø)

Last edited: Oct 19, 2014 12:26:30

Looking good ludobag.

Today I'm working on router patterns to finish our prototypes/first production pieces.
We're close to actual production on these guitars so the pattern making takes time, has to be concise. It was SO much faster for the first prototype


Some progress on my 60's style Tele today. Still to do on this body; route the binding channels, route the neck pocket, drill wiring holes, drill jack hole, drill string-through holes, drill neck screw holes & bind the body. I ordered hardware fore this one & a Tele that has been commissioned. That one will be ash. I'd like to find some light weight ash to use, but I'll probably just use northern ash & chamber it.

Body cut out on the bandsaw.....

Perimeter routed & cavities hogged out.....

All cavities routed......

Otto & The Ottomans
Kennedy Custom Guitars

Everything's always on the bench, IMO. Current to-do list includes rewiring my Strat (dead pot); repairing the bridge on my honeymoon Tele (the adjusting screws wiggle loose); my acoustic and my Viper are pretty much set, safe for regular maintenance.

My newest, biggest project is this mahogany Tele:
I won that beaut from Rockaudio and Premier Guitar in one of their contests, so I'm beyond stoked with everything. I plan on doing as close to a 50's tribute as I can, it's obviously not going to be 100% accurate since it's mahogany, but I want to get as close to perfect as I can with the rest of it.

Last edited: Nov 01, 2014 23:58:32

2 days of karaté kid


If the flakes were any bigger, they'd be breakfast cereal! Beautiful.

ludobag wrote:

2 days of karaté kid


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thanks Mister
need some things to do again ,nuts ,fret dressing to be playable (and i have forgot to drill the hole for the wire to ground with the trem )
and even it is not my best finish i am fed up with(too cold now to make varnish ) need to play it
one the neck it have only a thin coat and i am more happy by the result than on the body

Looks beautiful ludobag! I would love to see your matching suit and tie.

Not quite as sparkly, but I'm rehousing my Rat clone and an Alembic boost (both kit PCB's) into one enclosure. So far... it's not working, but I'll get it right eventually.


nut to finish again ;)

Today it's a mutt and a beauty queen


Here is my latest build, finished and off the bench. No in-progress pix but here you see her in her nearly-pristine glory. See, I dinged her in a few places in final assembly, which as usual was a bit more involved than I had planned, and mistakes always happen when you have a nice finish to mar under your tools!
Teisco Baby Grandimageimageimage

Squink Out!

Last edited: Nov 29, 2014 18:01:32

some sound


Last edited: Dec 20, 2014 12:12:23

Sounding Good ludobag!


Jeff.........those are both beautiful.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

tanks Jeff
the black on the bench is delicious

Fender Modern Player Mustang with custom made mint pick-guard. Currently being rewired with orig. Fender CTS pots, oil paper capacitor and Gold-foil P90 pick-ups from GFS. Still need a decent neck for it, and perhaps swap out the modern style bridge/saddles with the old "Barrel" type.


Looking good acidjoker. I've always loved mint on Daphne Blue.

I'd be interested in hearing your opinion of the pickups. I'm considering trying their single-coil-in-a-humbucker-shell gold foils.

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

ludobag wrote:

ssame but pickguard swap it is like i have 2 new guitars
(gearalcoolhics less )

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