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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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I'd love to build this kit myself and compare it to my 60s Gibson Reverb III, also solid state, but I am sure not as similar to the Fender circuit in design or the created effect.
Comparing the Gibson to onboard (post-preamp) Fender tube reverb, I find the latter, though it doesn't 'drip' as much, is a much more broad-spectrum and pleasant sound than the Gibson tank's.
Socking away my tip money for this build...

Squink Out!

then i know fews kits are recept !nobody show a pics Cry

I've got all my parts except the enclosure. I am looking for the right tool box to build it into. I want the surfy verb cabinet to also be my peddle board. Need to find one soon.

The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Aug 06, 2014 19:22:36

Tomorrow is solder Saturday.

The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Aug 08, 2014 16:18:34

This is my build. I also liked the toolbox chassis idea, especially considering how well it holds the pan. I was able to suspend the pan in this model. An added bonus, with a little foam pad between the pan & the tray the pan locks for transport. It sounds surprisingly good, no hum, and I think it'll make a good backup for my tank. All I need now is some sort of decal or faceplate, tbd.

Thanks Bjorn... this was a fun project.



Looks Good

Made to measure! Nice job.

Looks great! Smile

Let me know if you need an Inkscape-file that you can use as base for your faceplate !

miss the handle that normally i recept tomorrow with my tad pan

Awesome job!

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

You guys have me quite intrigued with these.
Later this fall when I get some spare time I think I'm going to build one.


I have a bit more soldering to do to finish mine. Can't wait to plug it in finally!

The Kahuna Kings

Charming projects, really awesome builds everyone! Out of necessity, creative reverbaholics making the most wonderful spring units!

Bjorn, you REALLY should print stickers with the Surfy Bear logo and your website. Make it small, transparent, black or white text. Send it to everyone who orders(ed) a pcb. Who wouldn't stick it on his build somewhere? Then we post pics on websites and you get exposure.

Mine's getting somewhere I think... more details and pics hopefully soon.


Last edited: Aug 11, 2014 12:21:54

the fet reverb will conquer the world Big Grin

DreadInBabylon wrote:

Bjorn, you REALLY should print stickers with the Surfy Bear logo and your website. Make it small, transparent, black or white text. Send it to everyone who orders(ed) a pcb. Who wouldn't stick it on his build somewhere? Then we post pics on websites and you get exposure.

Or, if you have access to a 3D printer, how about some amp-style Surfy Bear badges?

Mine's getting somewhere I think... more details and pics hopefully soon.


Wow, that's pretty unique! I love it!

ludobag wrote:

the fet reverb will conquer the world Big Grin

Let's hope so... The world needs more reverb!

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

really nice idea of 3d printing badge Yes
i have thinking to put a Fet Badge but if Bjorn made one i need one Big Grin

Anybody know how much air the heat sink on these need? I think putting it into a pedal enclosure and then mounting the tank on the underside of a pedal board would be the way to go.

it warm less than a vox Big Grin
Bjorn says more or less 50 ° c i have touch the chassis after a long playing and it is not hot more or less 30° i think ,but it can cool more easyly in my box due to is size ,you can make 2 hole to make air move ,1 under and one upper at the other side

Last edited: Aug 11, 2014 15:07:01

To anyone thinking of mounting the pan to a pedalboard: keep in mind that every time you'll hit a switch, move it or hit it, a reverb crash will likely follow. This may or may not be beneficial to your music Big Grin
Some substantial suspending would be needed I guess to make it work, It'd be interesting to see though what people come up with.
I have planned my unit to be mounted on top of my pedalboard once you take the legs off, so it's kind of modular. It's self contained with springs and all, and has enough self weight.

I don't think it would be too hard, either suspending like in an actual tank or something else. If you are stomping on your 'stomp' box, probably aren't getting the pedal hit in time. My board is heavy, heavier than a tank.

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