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Guildford England

Posted on Jul 17 2014 09:12 AM
bjoish wrote:
Hi Crumble.
I recommend that you connect the DC jack to your power supply and then measure the voltage on the pins on the jack. This way you can make sure you get the polarity right.
If you don't yet have a power supply what should one be looking to order. With the greatest resect to you, not everyone understands schematic diagrams. In my ignorance I have trashed a couple appliances by using incorrect power adapters.
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 09:50 AM
If I read the schematic right, the power supply should be center negative, i.e. 
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 11:31 AM
crumble wrote:
If you don't yet have a power supply what should one be looking to order. With the greatest resect to you, not everyone understands schematic diagrams. In my ignorance I have trashed a couple appliances by using incorrect power adapters.
My experience is that modern 12V DC 1A (or more), switch mode power adapters works very well. These deliver normally a stable, well regulated DC voltage and are not expensive.
This type of adapters are often used for LCD monitors or backup HDs for PCs. Maybe you already got one 
I have also some info about power adapters on my website.
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at south of

Posted on Jul 17 2014 11:51 AM
Hi All
yes the power supply must be positive outside like Lee Van Cleef show, but as Bjoish says mesure it when it is plug in the socket with your multimeter ,it avoid a wrong polarity to the fet reverb and a 1n4007 burn (the pcb is secured hopfully you re not burn it )you find the + and the - on the connecteur and you can put a red wire for the + and a black for the -
then today i take time to buy some thing for my box

the price 10.4 € for the pine 2 m x20 cm x 18 mm pine is not cheap !
black vinyl 3.45 € 1 m x1, 40 m
grey cloth cause i can find grill cloth i will order at the same time as my tank 30 cm x 1m40 3 € but it will remplace it the times my order come
chassis U fram aluminium size 400 mm x 60 x120 mm 10 €
then i have some pin stick to make the inert brace (free)
now only need to order some chicken head knobs ,an handle and my tad pan and a little part of silver fender grill clothe
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Guildford England

Posted on Jul 17 2014 12:25 PM
So good 12v 1a power adapter of any polarity and the wires on socket changed to suit. I got a little lost in translation there, no harm done thank you.
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 12:28 PM
yes but remember to use it only with the fet reverb cause if not and the other effect as not the good polarity you can burn it
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 04:08 PM
There is also the option to use a LM7812 regulator IC. These will give you a regulated 12V DC output, and since they are originally designed to convert AC to DC, they will give you the correct output polarity whatever the input polarity (i.e. the circuit will work even if you use a power supply with the wrong polarity). The trade off is that they require a tad more input voltage to deliver a regulated 12V output, but they will accept a wide range of input voltages -- 15V to 27V DC, so you could use an old laptop PSU.

— Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 05:10 PM
LeeVanCleef wrote:
There is also the option to use a LM7812 regulator IC.
Yes, but if you want to use this type of regulator, make sure to handle the power dissipation using a heat sink.
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 05:12 PM
ludobag wrote:
yes but remember to use it only with the fet reverb cause if not and the other effect as not the good polarity you can burn it
Yes, this is important !!!
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 06:16 PM
Good post about the polarity on the wallwart power supplies. Interesting as I have never seen one that the +ve was the outside and the -ve was the pin.
I havent looked at the schematic so this is good info.
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 08:02 PM
Teiscofan wrote:
Interesting as I have never seen one that the +ve was the outside and the -ve was the pin.
Center-negative is the standard for effect pedals (except for some old fuzzboxes and a few quirky effects).
Ordinary household appliances, on the other hand, typically use center positive power supplies. If you have one of these, simply solder the wires backwards to be able to use it to power your pedals.
Now, what I'd do is conceal the PSU inside the reverb's cab (as far as possible from the circuit to minimize the risk of EM noise) and run a regular power cord to the mains, so that it would look even more like a tube tank
— Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.
Last edited: Jul 17, 2014 20:09:46
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Posted on Jul 17 2014 08:46 PM
LeeVanCleef....Well Ill be darned! I went and checked one of my Boss pedals and your right! (I bet you knew I have always run the pedals off batteries so never worried about a power supply.....Well its true then, you can teach an old dog new tricks.....Thanks 
BTW awesome forum name,he is my favorite actor.
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at south of

Posted on Jul 18 2014 08:19 AM
printed and varnished

proud to have a fet reverb
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Posted on Jul 18 2014 08:36 AM
ludobag wrote:
printed and varnished
Looks awesome
Can you explain the process and what material you used?
I have plans to try screen printing but that process is a bit difficult.
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Posted on Jul 18 2014 10:19 AM
it is a sticker that i print in fact ,it is sheet of transparent paper
it work when the backgound is not black cause a home print can't print white
for the reverb the back is aluminium then it it will be black and aluminium

you print the logo ect ... let it dry ,then one or too coat of varnish wet but not too much cause it may have a risk the varnish attack the ink
and after you cut and glue on it
screen priting it not for one piece cause you have to make the fram for each logo (and if you have more then one color it is a frame by color more over) but it is the only way to have something in white
with the sticker you could have something white if the back is white or you glue on a white cheet of stickers or paint a little part like this

close it is not perfect but at ten cm it do the tricks ,for the lettering in gold it is a posca gold pen
for exemple if i want the control tone dwell and mix in white same operation
printing ,varnishing ,drying but after it is more complexe cause you have to pull at the protection paper and with a posca white for exemple coloring in white what you want (need to be precautionnous but it works)
i have an exemple

i think it is with a white sheet sticker behind (don't remember too old)
Last edited: Jul 18, 2014 10:36:50
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San Pedro, CA

Posted on Jul 18 2014 10:37 AM
Here's another method from the Uncle Doug YouTube series. Works pretty good!
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Posted on Jul 18 2014 01:08 PM
don't know if i let the lettering aluminium or white ?just to put a white sheet before to have white
it is just the try with no varnish on (a scap of printing)

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Guildford England

Posted on Jul 18 2014 01:30 PM
Aluminium for traditional look.
White for clean look.
Both look good but for me I'd chose white to be different
Or flip a coin!
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at south of

Posted on Jul 18 2014 03:59 PM
white with black is classic fender
in the box and i have test another alimentation seems really promising cause it cut a hum that i have with mine and you don't have more noise than the amp make alone

Last edited: Jul 18, 2014 16:03:54
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Finknabad, Squinkistan

Posted on Jul 18 2014 09:23 PM
This enclosure idea for the circuit board is great! As long as the RCA leads do not themselves pick up any hum (maybe top-shelf shielded cables will do) you could place the pan in a bag anywhere convenient, as long as it's not close to any powerful transformers, and it will stay quiet.
_DreadInBabylon wrote:

— Squink Out!