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DBurch wrote:

Thanks! I got pictures of some gear I'll share with you all. I'm in the beginning stages of starting a surf band here in Philly and hope to have some of that to share as well.

Another surf band here (Eastern PA)? Wonderful!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jul 07, 2013 22:28:29


Glad to have you. We have a great bunch of guys and gals here. I enjoy the photos of gear folks share. It is great to see what everyone is playing. Hope things work out well for your band.

Talk to you later,

Getting around to it picture wise...been away from the computer, having a re-size bump to get around for the avatar then its on! Good to meet some Pa folks too, Dick Dale is coming July 22 in Philly, of course I'll be away, that's the way she goes! I did just see Man or Astroman a couple weeks ago, that was pretty fun

Hello all !

I'm a newbie, from suffolk UK, and interested in surf sound. No band, but available to jam; I am quite bad though .. ..

Welcome ZenBox!

Welcome to SG101, ZenBox!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

ZenBox wrote:

I'm a newbie, from suffolk UK, and interested in surf sound. No band, but available to jam; I am quite bad though .. ..

Welcome to our little corner of cyberspace. Glad to have you with us. We have a great bunch of guys and gals here. Everyone from absolute beginners to old hacks (like myself) to some of the best surf guitarists on the planet. If you want to learn about surf, you have found a great place. Have fun.

By the way, what guitar do you play? How long have you been playing? What other styles did you play before you decided to learn surf?

Talk to you later,

Thanks for your welcome guys ...

I have a squier classic vibe 50's tele with a fender custom shop ScN neck, and tex-mex bridge pickups, as well as a four way switch, Cts etc etc. Ooh, and a paisley scratchplate.

I also own a hohner-pro. ferari super-strat, a Grodon Smith GS 1/60 and an old Aria Stg. tele with a fishtank scratchplate. I'm left-handed.

I play (lol !) through an Orange micro-terror coupled to an ancient 3x10 PA cab I re-loaded with celestions .. An 80's boutique 60w celestion combo .. a marshall stereo chorus combo I've bodged to 4x8 .. a microcube for my workshop .. etc

I'm just starting to look about for my first portastudio .. any help gratefully received !!

I've been struggling with guitar since I was six. I had two lessons, but found my tutor's need to teach me hymns did not enmesh with my aspiration.

My grandad was a pro double bassist, and my mamma used to sing for a living, so I've had quite a wide range of music banged into my ears ..

This week, i am mostly listening to jackson browne, the black crows and matt monroe. It's prolly easier to tell you what I don't like .. opera/most classical music/nu-metal/cheesy jazz .. Hell, I even have taylor swift on my my-pod ..

I only recently returned to noodling after about a twenty year break, I still love to turn everything up to eleven (spinal tap ?) and spank my tele really hard, but have recently re-discovered tremolo, which, following 'net research, led me here.

I'm interested in some combination of surf with a dash of glam, and mebbe's a pinch of country cow punk .. (i think ?).

Please educate me in your ways surf yodas !

Since you asked, Zenbox, watch all these videos and absorb the vibe of history.
Lost Heroes From The Dawn of Surf

Then watch all these videos and see what all that led to.
2013 Surfer Joe Festival

There's a lot more, but these lists will get you started. Then search inside yourself and find your inner surf music.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Aug 04, 2013 10:56:00

Hi, folks! My name is Sergey, im from Russia.
Glad to find this forum, because im looking for any stuff about surf sound.
I play guitar in a band. We play tunes from Ventures, Dick dale, Razorblades, Supertones, Mister neutron, Los Straitjackets. As well as own tracks.
And Messer Chups is one of my favorite band Smile

Welcome to SG101, Sergey! You've definitely come to the right place! My wife and I spent five weeks there about thirteen years ago. Amazing place!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.


Welcome. If you are looking for a place to share your interest in surf or to learn more about surf, you are in the right place. We have a great bunch of guys and gals here. Everyone from absolute beginners to old hacks (like myself) to some of the best surf guitarists on the planet.

I take it you play guitar in your band. What is your gear rig you are using for surf? Has your band recorded any of the band's original material. I would love to hear you guys.

Talk to you later,

Last edited: Aug 11, 2013 21:15:10

Thanks for the welcome!

My modest rig is:

Fender AmStandard Strat with Lindy Fralin pickups, Dunlop Overdrive pedal, Fender Reverb and Fender Blues Deluxe Combo. I want to give up the overdrive, but i can not to get thick sound without it.
We have recorded one demo track yet, its pipeline by Chantays Smile Can i share it ? Smile

Please share away, Sergey!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Welcome aboard Sergey and please share your material, thoughts and gear.
That's what this site is all about!

Elefant wrote:

We have recorded one demo track yet, its pipeline by Chantays Smile Can i share it ? Smile

Yes, please do share it. I look forward to hearing it.

By the way, that is a pretty nice rig.


I tried to upload to the website, i hope it works Smile
Unfortunately, our band has no name yet. This is a very difficult task to choose a really good name.

Here it is.

Last edited: Aug 14, 2013 08:11:25

The elephants! Big Razz


Uhh... no its not. LoL welcome to the forum. Don't sweat the name something will come to you eventually.

Elefant wrote:

I tried to upload to the, i hope it works Smile
Unfortunately, our band has no name yet. This is a very difficult task to choose a really good name.

Here it is.

Terribly sorry, link was fixed Smile

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