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269 days ago

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254 days ago

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126 days ago

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Born in 50s. Started playing guitar in 1966.
Grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and Utah.

Last edited: Dec 05, 2024 05:44:48

Hey Signal, welcome to SG101! I'm in the same age/music category, born in the 50's, started playing in the mid 60's. That's a great selection of instruments you had. Looking forward to the pics of your current collection. Tell us about your surf music interests.


Welcome to SG101, Signal!


Padraig wrote:

Tell us about your surf music interests.

Guitar-driven, straightforward...tones are clean. Just reverb. No guitar effects overkill, no sonic clutter.

Last edited: Dec 02, 2024 00:11:25

RobbieReverb wrote:

Welcome to SG101, Signal!

Thank You for the welcome Bob.

A Jaguar and a Strat. Sir, you are set to Surf!


Howdy! I'm Johnny and I'm new here.

I've been playing in original bands for decades, but my new project The Deathly Quiet is the first time I'm diving full-on into the instrumental surf thing (before this I did manage to sneak a few surf-inspired riffs into songs).

I've been stockpiling demos for a while waiting for "just the right time" to start a surf band. Growing up, my dad always gave me two pieces of musical advice: "Learn to play Walk Don't Run" and "You should have a saxophone in your band". As a hair metal loving teen, I ignored my father at the time, but it turns out he was right (I learned to play Walk Don't Run a long time ago, but I still haven't made good on the sax thing). Well, he turned 80 this year, so I recorded a version of Walk Don't Run for him. That got the wheels turning in my head that there will never be a "perfect" time (especially as I grow older myself). Then I got a great new guitar for my birthday. I immediately started recording songs. Then realized it was almost Christmas, so I pivoted and recorded a Christmas song I had demoed up a few years ago. Then wrote a few more. So my first "surf" release is a holiday EP. Again, not trying to overthink it at this point. Just having some fun.

I also love tinkering with guitars. Setups, mods, etc. I've built a body before, with a couple more ready for paint when the weather warms up. Working my way up to making a neck.

Thanks for having me here!

Listen to The Deathly Quiet

Hey. New member here.

Last edited: Dec 16, 2024 22:39:44

Welcome to Surf Guitar 101, Regan.

-Cheers, Clark-

-Less Paul, more Reverb-

Signal_Music wrote:

Born in 50s. Started playing guitar in 1966.
Grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and Utah.

Started in ‘66, myself.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Hey Regan, welcome to SG101! Tell us more about yourself and your involvement with surf music.


Hey, I'm Steve. I'm about as far away from surfing as you can be in Winnipeg Canada. Life long Beach Boys fan and at 46 finally checking out some other surf bands, after awhile it almost seems like I'm in a Tarantino movie.

I play the bass and always wanting to learn new styles so here I am.

Welcome, Steve! We’re happy you found this site!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Hi everybody, quick intro post to say hi and get the Driptides name out there.

This is a solo project where I intend to write, play, and record everything myself.

Somewhat casual approach, not meant to be as active as some of my former bands (I’ve played on shows with the likes of Daikaiju, the Medeira, Surfer Joe, Tikiyaki 5-0, the Mankooras, the Volcanos, Destination Earth, Strange Waters, the Surf Zombies, Kitten and the Tonics, Test Subject 17, the Yeggs, the Perks, the Boss Stingrays, etc etc etc) and is more of a recording project without any real desire to add players/play out.
No worries though, super stoked to be able to work through musician and engineer roles and see what I can do without an anchor dragging me under.

I use a mix of modern and vintage gear, real amps and drums, basic recording equipment, etc and put it all together in my basement. All I currently have to show for that is a short promo which I will link to when I put it up.

first promo by the Driptides

See y’all around!

Last edited: Jan 21, 2025 21:24:01

Hi, folks. New member here.

I was born on the year that gave us "Dictionary Of Soul", "Pet Sounds", "Revolver" and "Blonde On Blonde". Not bad...

Elvis and The Beatles got me hooked on rock and roll. From there, I started digging deeper and deeper, and my record collection goes back to Charley Patton up to The Cramps, but I'm mainly interested in the 54-66 period. No Frank Sinatra, Queen or Abba.

Ok. Enough for a start, I guess...

Greetings. 50 year old just jamming away in Omaha. Long story short, big fan of surf music. Discovered it when i was in grade school in rural Nebraska. I dog sat for a neighbor and he had some records. Always stuck with me. I learned some cowboy chords in my teens and noodled some Ramones, Pistols etc but nothing much more. During the pandemic I did a complete deep dive into music I love and discovered the Satans Pilgrims, Mermen, Bambi Molesters, Messer Chups etc. The Pilgrims blew me away though. Psychsplotation is a personal favorite. I saw the Surfrajets last year and picked back up on the guitar again had havent missed a day. Ive been a long time lurker and really wanting to get out there more so here we are.

I do want to say thank you to everyone that participates. This site has been invaluable.

Last edited: Feb 16, 2025 20:05:56

Hey Fuzztone74, welcome to SG101, glad you are now a participant. What kind of equipment are you using?


Padraig wrote:

Hey Fuzztone74, welcome to SG101, glad you are now a participant. What kind of equipment are you using?

Thank you. I have a Fender AVRI 2 66 Jazzmaster I picked up for a deal and a Boss Katana. I play at home so headphones is a must. I like being able to connect the amp and my laptop so I can have my backing tracks play through the headphones. Im looking into useing a tube amp through a software currently but thats all a new realm for me. It can be a bit overwhelming. I do have a SurfyBear and I just received a Surfyman. That thing really helped my tone. The Katana is alright but I could not get a tone anywhere near what the surfyman provides.

You might also want to consider Quilter amps. Many of the guys here on SG101 use them and really like them. They give you the vintage Fender tube amp sound without the weight of your standard tube amp.


Good Morning!
My name is Jeff and I am a surf rock fan. I am also a drummer and multi-instrumentalist creating surf rock inspired music. I joined this community to share ideas and have conversations with others that share similar interests in music.

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