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Permalink Instro Summit 2013, May 3rd-5th, Durham, NC

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can't wait......

Since I work best under pressure, I just booked flight and hotel - see you all there. I've been hard at work on my Astronauts rhythm parts...

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Sonichris wrote:

Since I work best under pressure, I just booked flight and hotel - see you all there. I've been hard at work on my Astronauts rhythm parts...

Yes! This Astronauts set is going to be FUN!

Well, at least I got the Necronomikids CD.

More Radio Time! Robby Poore and myself will be on WXDU's "Who's got the Cuckoo?" show this Sunday at 9pm EST, playing their annual Instro Summit Preview show. We'll also be giving away Three-Day passes on the air! Tune in (online, or otherwise) if you can. Here's a link:

Also, Monday is the final day to get your raffle tickets online. If you've been putting it off until now, give me a yodel at


chris, do we need to buy tickets for the weekend shows in advance? time has kind of gotten away from me.

chris, do we need to buy tickets for the weekend shows in advance? time has kind of gotten away from me

No, the price at the door is the same as if you bought them in advance. Do keep in mind though that the Casbah goes by the ol' North Carolina "private club" rules, so if you've never been there, you'll have to pay the usual "lifetime membership" fee. (likely one to three bucks, and you get a snazzy card in the process!).


salt lake city has the same 'private club' rules.

looking forward to this.


Astronauts set? Whose idea was THAT?


Instigator ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Private club rules. If it's the same as SLC, do you have to bring your own beer?

Either way, instro rules.

do you have to bring your own beer?

No, the Casbah has plenty o' beer to serve--PBR in particular.


So ready for this. The new album 'Corridor X' will be available for sale both Friday and Saturday night. We also have a new T Shirt design that will be available for the first time. I also believe that I have a handful of copies of some other Deep Eddy releases that will be available at our table.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Another Last-Minute Update:

Just received word from Instro Summit video guy Bill Stancil that we just might have a proper video rig again this year. I have to discuss this with the Casbah folks, but if all goes well, every band will have a DVD of their show to take home with them.


Can't wait! Gonna be some Crispy awesomeness yet again!


Apologies if this has already been covered, but will there be a back-line (drums, bass amp) available on Friday? I think last year Bryon's Evil Knievel stunt kit was available and drummers brought their own snare and brass.

El Mirage is stoked to be riding our first wave at the 2013 Instro Summit!


"I knew I was in trouble when the Coco-Loco tasted like water!" -- morphball

Yea, there is a backline. Emails were sent to whichever member is representing your band in communicating with Crispy.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

That would be me, but El Mirage was a very late addition when Moonbase canceled... so, I never received the o-fficial email from Crispy.

I figured he was going in twenty different directions this week, so thought I'd post here to get the scoop. Thanks for the info and I'll definitely drop Crispy a note for the rest of the deets.


killbabykill34 wrote:

Yea, there is a backline. Emails were sent to whichever member is representing your band in communicating with Crispy.

"I knew I was in trouble when the Coco-Loco tasted like water!" -- morphball

Here is the section of the email.

Equipment Update:

In addition to the gear we mentioned earlier as the house gear (I’ll list it below in case any of you forgot) we have several new additions to the backline:

First, Greg Bower of Killer Filler is offering his ‘67 Pro Reverb up for use. It’s a great-looking and sounding amp, and a good match for our Super Reverb.

Noel Squitieri is sending us two amps from the Quilter company: A Micro Pro and an Aviator. These are small but potent 200 watt amps with little 8-inch speakers in them, and have gotten high marks from some of our West Coast surf brethren.

9th Wave has also offered up their backline, which includes two Twin Reverbs, two Tube Reverb Units, a Farfisa Mini Compact (treat it gently ) and Negative Ed’s bass rig ( An Ampeg V4-B, and a separate one 15 cab)

Finally, Phatlynx drummer Dave Perry has decided which drum set he’s going to let everyone use for the weekend: It’s a Ludwig Mach 5 set from 1975. Drum sizes are 12, 13, 16, and 22. Dave advises that they’re not the ringiest of his drums, but are better suited for miking than his other sets are. As I said before, We ask that all drummers bring their own snare, kick pedal, drum throne, and cymbals.

And now, the previously mentioned backline:

One 1964 Twin Reverb
One 1970 Super Reverb
One 1978 Fender Studio Bass Amp (200 watts, one fifteen--VERY good sounding relic from the CBS Fender era--you'll like it, I swear!)

One reissue Fender Reverb Unit.
One Roland KC-500 keyboard amp


I'll have my Hammond XK-2 on standby, should anyone's combo organ go kaput at showtime, along with a simple X-stand to put it on. Not nearly as sexy as a Vox or Panther, but it gets the job done.


In case of dire emergencies, I'll have my Ventures model Jazzmaster--strung with 11's--on standby. Otherwise we recommend bringing your own backup axes.

Of course, you're always allowed to use your own stuff, but keep in mind you've only got 40 minutes to play, and you'll have to put the house stuff aside somewhere.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Do you think I ought to bring my Texotica Reverb, or will everyone bring their own outboard reverbs?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Apr 29, 2013 14:52:33

Noel, according to the above message from Crispy, there should be about three units available to the bands playing.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

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