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Stories with tag: "tiki-creeps"

The Tiki Creeps 3 song release, LAVA ROCKIN' PSYCHO-RAMA!

RELEASED JUST IN TIME FOR HALLOWEEN TO ADD TO YOR PLAYLIST; The Hideous sounds of... LAVA ROCKIN' PSYCHO-RAMA! A Hot 3 song EP, Oozing, Soothing, Monstrously Instrumental, Hot Rod Garage, Surf Sounds!
Front cover artwork by the amazing BIGTOE!
1} Horror Shore
2} Gringo Parade
3} Dr. Z’s Prophecy
Dr. Z’s Prophecy will soon be released as part of a vinyl compilation from Missing Fink Records.


FREE DOWNLOAD from The Tiki Creeps

While we are in the studio working on our 3rd studio CD and Since We can't play Live for our fans or do shows right now because of the Pandemic, We'd like to show our appreciation and help relieve some of the boredom, so we are releasing this Digital Only, MORE "LIVE" THAN DEAD! recording for all to enjoy. These Sounds that Terrorize Man & Beast are Free of charge (for a Limited time) Go to
Hit us up on Facebook, Instagram or email and let us know what you think. Cheers!

tHe TiKi CReePs Go to England!

Please help spread the word... England is about to get CReePy!
tHe TiKi CReePs Instro Invasion U.K. Tour 2017


Stay Tuned, More Dates TBA!

tHe TiKi CReePs, Monstrously Soothing Instrumental Hot Rod Garage Surf Sounds!

Savage instro-mental Rock-n-Roll

T0m0rr0w Night, in the Valley, Savage instro-mental Rock-n-Roll !!