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20th Anniversary of Primeiro Campeonato Mineiro de Surfe

Twenty years ago we couldn’t imagine that our little excuse to meet with our surf music friends from around the country would still be happening. We also couldn’t imagine how crazy 2020 would be. Nothing could stop us from celebrating though, so we are doing the festival anyway, but in an online format. Here is the final line-up of the 20th anniversary of Primeiro Campeonato Mineiro de Surfe, the oldest running surf music festival in the world and the most important one in South America.

There will be 60 bands from 10 different countries and 12 Brazilian states, with exclusive performances ranging from newly recorded material, video clips, quarantine-style videos, historic festival performances and much more.

Reverb Brasil Records also released an online compilation with 59 tracks from bands participating in the festival and a couple of bands important to this history.

Grab your favorite drink, get comfy on your favorite chair in the company of your favorite people and join us this November 7th, 14th and 21st on Youtube. Check our Facebook Event to figure the local times.

About the festival

Primeiro Campeonato Mineiro de Surfe is the main meeting point of the Brazilian Surf Music Scene, happening annually in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, at A Obra, one of the most important underground venues in Brazil. Throughout its 20 year history, the festival has welcomed over 120 bands and thousands of people.

The festival’s name is a joke about a surf championship in Minas Gerais, a state with no coastline. Belo Horizonte is about 500 km from the nearest beach and every year the festival is called Primeiro Campeonato (First Championship), preceded by the number of the edition. Last year’s edition was the 18th Primeiro Campeonato Mineiro de Surfe.

The festival was first organized through Reverb Brasil, which back then was an association of Brazilian Surf Bands. A Obra kept it alive over the years, with the help of Reverb Brasil, which later became a radio show, a label, a blog... Always spreading the (lack of) words of Brazilian Surf Music.
