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Robotron (Norway) releases their new album: Gorgonzolah's Revenge

Hello everybody!

It is with great pleasure that I present the new album from Robotron: Gorgonzolah's Revenge.

For those who don't know who Robotron is, here is a little explanation:

Robotron an intergalactic instrumental music project based in Bergen / Norway. The brain behind Robotron is known as Bjørn Hovland, half Norwegian and half Brazilian who was raised in Rio de Janeiro / Brazil and moved to Norway not long ago.

In 2016 Robotron released their first album: Robotron Vs. the invincible and indestructible Reptilicus. Two years after, Robotron comes with the second part of the trilogy: Gorgonzolah's Revenge. The album is being released by a brazilian label Morcego Records.

That's it, enough of that. The link to listen to the album is below. Grab a beer, put the headphones on and enjoy.

Facebook page: Link

First album: Link

second album: Link

Bjørn Hovland