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Stories with tag: "europe"

THE MULLET MONSTER MAFIA - I.N.F.E.R.N.O. (new album) + Euro Tour 2019

THE MULLET MONSTER MAFIA are back to Europe to promote their new album I.N.F.E.R.N.O. in the summer 2019!!!

Yes dudes, we're back to Europe to do a large tour promoting our new album called I.N.F.E.R.N.O. This record is a celebration of 10 years on the road and for us will be a big pleasure back to Europe for the 5th time to meet our friends and mates for a few beers and a to do little bit of party!!!

I.N.F.E.R.N.O. have 13 songs and was recorded in our hometown Piracicaba/Brasil, the record will be available in all digital medias next Friday, June 7th. Cd and vinyl release available in the Euro Tour.

Below I'll bring the dates of the I.N.F.E.R.N.O. Euro Tour 2019. Hope meet all our friends on the road. See you soon dudes!!!

Neri Emiliano/TMMMafia


TMMMafia . I.N.F.E.R.N.O. Euro Tour 2019

Jun 12th . Essen/DE . Don't Panic . w/ Goddamn Gallows
Jun 13th . Köln/DE . Sonic Ballroom . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 14th . Vöklabruck/AT . C'est la Vie .w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 15th . Hallstatt/AT . Almhütte . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 16th . Vienna/AT . Arena Beisl . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 19th . Čadca/Slovakia . Acafe . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 20th . Hungary . S8 Underground Club . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 21th . Padova/IT . Lighthouse Pub . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 22th . Livorno/IT . Surfer Joe Summer Festival
Jun 23th . Turim/IT Edera Squat . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 26th . Généve/CH . La Mahkno . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 27th . Lyon/FR . Le Farmer . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 28th . Berrie/FR . Cave Troglodyte . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 29th . Saumur/FR . La Belle Siétre . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jun 30th . TBA
Jul 03th . Barcelona/ES . Psychobilly Meeting Festival
Jul 05th . Bruges/BE . Barock Pub . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jul 06th . Amiens/FR . LÁccueil Froid . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jul 07th . Paris/FR . Le Cirqué Electrique . w/ Nausea Bomb
Jul 10th . Arnhem/NL . Bringant
Jul 11th . Groningen/NL . Lola
Jul 12th . Munster/DE . Helle Welt . w/ Los Gringos
Jul 13th . Berlim/DE . Cortina Bob . w/ Pornscars
Jul 16th . Nijmenjen/NL . Kollektief Kafé Bijstand . w/ Hillbilly Rawhide
Jul 17th . Kortrijk/BE . The Pit's
Jul 18th . Schiedam/NL . Graauwe Hengst . w/ Hillbilly Rawhide
Jul 19th . Loreken/BE . Exit Inside
Jul 20th . Wuppertal/DE . AZ Wuppertal
Jul 21th . Dusseldorf/De . w/ Los Gringos
Jul 24th . Amsterdam/NL . BR020 . Acoustic Session
Jul 25th . Eindhoven/NL . Café The Jack
Jul 26th . Den Helder/NL . Rockcafé De Engel
Jul 27th . Rotterdam/NL . Baroeg w/ Demented are Go + Tio Gringo
Jul 28th . Amsterdam/NL . TBA
Jul 31th . TBA
Aug 01th . Dublin/IR . Undeground Dame
Aug 02th . Belfast/IR . TBA
Aug 03th . Hamburg/DE . Keine Knete Festival

Infos & Booking :

There is more to this story, continue reading ...


To all our European friends, we're very proud to announce our return to Europe in the summer 2019. Soon we will post the first gigs confirmed.

See you soon dudes!!!

Info / booking :




Next week we arrive in Europe for our 4th tour by the continent.
Look at the dates and see you on the road.
TMMMafia / Brasil


KINGARGOOLAS Looking for dates in Europe

The KINGARGOOLAS, Surf Rock band from Brazil, go to Europe for the first time in June/2017, and we're looking for some dates in Holland, Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland.

If anyone can help, please send us a message :

Here some links :

First Album :

Second Album :

Surf's UP!!!