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Stories with tag: "black-valley-moon"

Black Valley Moon video for White Wedding

Black Valley Moon just released a new ep on all major streaming platforms. It’s called ‘It Makes Magick’, and features a cover of White Wedding. The brand new video for White Wedding can be seen, here.


Black Valley Moon - Spectral Melodies ep and video

New 4 song instrumental ep from Tampa's Black Valley Moon. Available on colored vinyl and digital through Otitis Media Records at Link.

Here's a live video for one of the tunes:


Black Valley Moon ft. Ray Vega “Vampirella “


From the opening chords you know this is going to be an intricate display of surf melody. Ray’s voice is smoothe and sounds right at home with the previously instrumental trio. The songs have an underlying voice of their own

Vampirella starts it off with a strong maniacal intro which switches back and forth swimming between the beat and swelling accompanying guitar. The intense attack is aggressive and filled with grit and it’s own grammar. The Spanish lyrics fit in perfectly.

Moonlight Bath is a display to guitar frenzied accuracy. Once Again, Ray Vega croons for the music madness with a super catchy chorus and sometimes badass vibe.

But with all that said...Laisse Tomber Les filles, the only instrumental track, soars with melody. Anyone familiar with April March will have a field day with this song. The melody continues throughout the song with guitar skats over each movement.

As far as surf music goes this a three song goldmine of complex guitar strumming and structure. I see the group is heading for a huge impact both technically and emotionally. Bravo guys 5-5

This 7” release will be available December 18th from Pi records

New Release & Video: Black Valley Moon - Vampirella

New EP release from Black Valley Moon. Two vocal songs, and one instro. Digital version available now at Link Vinyl will be released 10/18 from Pi Records.


Video link:

The Baleful Sounds of Black Valley Moon Vol. 1 on Sharawaji Records now available for pre-order!

The debut full-length album from Tampa's Black Valley Moon on Sharawaji Records now available for pre-order. With a release date of 8/31/19, Halloween comes a couple of months early with this collection of instrumental guitar rock songs inspired by surf, and other sounds of the 60's. Includes members of seminal 90's punk band Down By Law. Available on CD and on Bandcamp.

Bandcamp Link
