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Stories with tag: "agent-octopus"

March of the Dead Surfers - Halloween single (Agent Octopus)

Our newest Halloween single, March of the Dead Surfers, is out and features two versions! The straight up rockin' surf one and a special "Halloween mix" complete with creaking coffins, haunting bells and more!

March of the Dead Surfers - Bandcamp

Duke, Foo, Andy and others rush to return to the cold and darkly swell on All Hallows Eve. As the lightning crackles, the moon draws forth wicked waves from the deathly depths of the ocean. But the Dead Surfers revel and race throughout the night until daybreak... when they must return to their tombs and wait for their next unearthly stoke.

Joining their macabre clambake as the moon rises is Agent Octopus pointing there reverb soaked amps toward the ravishing sea where the dearly departed surf all night. But at daybreak all vanish. Were the agents real, or just apparitions??!!

Happy Haunting and don't forget to add "The Ghost of Tom Returns" by the agents to your Halloween song mix.

Should be available on Spotify, Apple Tunes, etc. in about a week, so add to your Halloween party playlist and make it a shrieking, shocking shindig!!!


Christmas on the Beach - new release Agent Octopus

Merry, Merry Christmas!!! Since the SG101'ers have been such good little girls and boys all year Agent Octopus has put together a special holiday release, Christmas on the Beach. Currently it is available on Bandcamp only, but will be on the usual music outlets soon!!!



From Atlantis with Love - NEW Agent Octopus EP now on Bandcamp

Now available on Bandcamp! - From Atlantis with Love



Just in time for your trip to the sunny July beaches as you catch waves and listen to surf! Our newest 4 song EP From Atlantis with Love engages a slightly heavier, but always reverb soaked melodic sound! Available on Spotify and other digital platforms soon.

Featuring Chloe Mendola on cello (Silver Surfer: Redemption our surf "anthem")

Chuck Sabo on Drums
Jim Colby (Jim & the Sea Dragons) on bass and guitars
Art Svrjcek on guitars

Agent Octopus-
The Indie Surf Band on a clandestine operation to infiltrate the surf music realm and entrap its zealots with their euro-melodic, reverb soaked sound!

Our new EP From Atlantis with Love finds the Agents battling the sinister Kraken and his tube monster minions to save the underwater village of Kitezh which had remained hidden for over two centuries! In the midst of hand to hand combat with the Kraken, Rusalka is able to fire the Octo-sign alerting the Agents of the enemy's position. The Agents surf to her aid, but will they be in time???

Art S

The Ghost of Tom Returns - Halloween Download - Agent Octopus

Our surfy, spooky take on the hauntingly beautiful "Ghost of Tom". We've added an atmospheric opening chorus followed by a tremmy Baritone for your Halloween downloading pleasure. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

Available at Bandcamp

CLICK HERE!! The Ghost of Tom Returns!!! - Agent Octopus


Blue Eyed Surf - New release from Agent Octopus!!!!

The Agents are back with their 2nd cd and they're on a secret mission!!
To infiltrate your ears and mind into believing you have been taken to Dr. No's secret island of pleasure and mystery!! Will you return???
Dive into their repertoire and lose yourself as the agents come to your rescue. (with a cool martini in hand...)

Blue Eyed Surf - CD BABY

Blue Eyed Surf - BANDCAMP


Agent Octopus:
Bass & Guitars - Jim Colby (Viktor Martini, CIA)
Guitars, Keys and Bass - Art Svrjcek (Trey 'Shadowhawk' Montgomery, MI6)
Rhythm Guitar - Bill Bates (Sir Giles Latte, MI5)
Drums - Lew Bobbit (CDT Von Cleavage, GRU)

Additional Operatives:
Drums - Jeremy Carlson (Mako Dreadlock, Hawaiian Secret Police)
Guitars - Mark Prentice (Rod Dangerfeldt, FBI)

1st SurfQuake featuring Agent Octopus at Tim's Rivershore, VA 10/7/17

Hope you can join us and our friends the Surfing Jaguars for the first ever SURFQUAKE at Tim's Rivershore in Dumfries, VA on the water on October 7th from 3pm - 8pm!
