THE IRRADIATES; New Album and East Europe Tour April 2014
The IRRADIATES (Scientific Surf Rock from France with Dick Den's & Buanax from Hawaii Samurai and Arno De Cea from Antena Tres, Stef & Arno and The Clockwork Wizards) release their 3rd album "Revenge of the Plants" in LP/Digipack CD/Download on Les Productions de L'Impossible Records/DirtyWitch Records.The band will be on tour in April in East Europe.
Here is the TOUR SCHEDULE:
- 02.04: Besançon (Fr) @ Les Passagers du Zinc
- 03.04 : Genève (Ch) @ La Taverne de la Republique
- 04.04 : Grosseto (It) @ Spazio 72
- 05.04 : Livorno (It) @ Surfer Joe's Diner
- 06.04 : Zoppe di San Vendemiano (It) @ Bar Barbone
- 07.04 : Subotica (Rs) .TBA
- 08.04 ; Pristina (KoSsovo) @ Tetris.
- 09.04 : Kumanovo (Mk) @ Agora.
- 10.04 : Bucarest (Ro) @ Underworld Club.
- 11;04 : Thessalonik (Gr) @ Biologica.
- 12.04 ! Athens (Gr) @ Tribe Bar.
- 14.04 : Patra (Gr) @ Our Big Circux.
- 16;04 : Istanbul (Tr) @ Club Peyote.
- 18.04 : Beograd (Rs) @ TBC.
- 19.04 : Maribor (Si) @ Dvorana Gustaf

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Of course the new album will be available at the SURFER JOE MUSIC STORE starting from Sunday in any format possible...