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The Surfaris with Bob Berryhill perform at Fiesta Del Sol Solana Beach, June 2nd 3pm

Come join the 4th stop of The Surfaris 50th Anniversary of Wipe Out tour in Solana Beach CA. at the Fiesta Del Sol this Sunday June 2nd at 3pm.  This an outdoor music and beach festival thats a lot of fun with a lot of great people!  If you are from the LA/OC area, This one is worth the travel.  The band will be performing the usual hits plus some Surfaris B-sides for you hard core surf fans:) For collectors, Bob will be selling official 50th Anniversary of Wipe Out / Surfer Joe T-shirts with the Dot records album cover featured on the front along with other rare photos from the bands history. Also check out future tour dates that may be in your area including, Soiux Falls SD, Prescott AZ, Glendale CA, Las Vegas NV among others

Check out the Fiesta Del Sol web page for more info.

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The Surfaris Official Web Site

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